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Strategy & Tactics: The counter - attack / charge - breaker


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I'm really thinking that taking second turn is actually going to be a viable tactic for BA, unless you're running DC and hoping to use forlorn fury. And dependent on deployment type ofc


Let the opponent move onto midfield objectives = bring them into range of our mobile units for some turn 1 damage.

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Let the opponent move onto midfield objectives = bring them into range of our mobile units for some turn 1 damage.

It's a tough call. Some armies can charge straight from one DZ into the other. Not with enough units to cause serious damage perhaps but enough to damage something, cause a distraction and mess up our plans.


Some armies will be able to do significant damage with their T1 shooting. There won't always be enough terrain to keep everything out of LOS and some armies have a decent amount of LOS-ignoring shooting.


Other Marine armies may put a significant chunk of their forces in Drop pods to alpha-strike us. Space Wolves can get a nasty force in our face T1 or a squad of MM-toting Long Fangs.


Going second is going to be a situational advantage at best.

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Situational for sure. Since the seize initiative roll was dropped however, and the option to choose who goes first if you win roll off, I've won so many more games from going second. The new terrain rules help.


Put it this way: generally, it is better to deploy as though going second and win the roll off, than deploy hoping to go first and lose the roll


With our mobility options BA can maybe make better use of this than other SM at least

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