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Death Korps of Krieg 900th Regiment - The Cauldron-Born


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I've always wanted to play Krieg, finally have enough money to do so, so here I am.  This will serve as a plog for my journey of painting my first full Guard army and then some!









In these two pictures, the left one is contrasted, the right one is painted normally.  I'm gonna be moving forward with normal painting for the rest of the army.






Welcome to the Cauldron-Born!

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Look great! Don't often seen brightly coloured DKoK but it's an excellent scheme! Any particular inspiration for the colours?

What kind of DKoK army do you think would field? Death Riders :wub:

Did you order the new index too?



I don't know if I'm going to run them as the Krieg regiment specifically.  So far, I want to run them as one of the custom regiments from PA with my krieg models and use Rough Riders from Legends.  I ordered the new index, I'm very excited because the units I wanted to use the most dropped in price, so I'm pretty stoked.  I was never a fan of painting stuff in dark colors, bright colors for me from now until the end of time :yes: 


Something like

Gunnery Experts/Spotter Details


3 TCs

6 infantry units (Death Korpsmen)

2 Master of Ordnance (Maybe find a recast of the DKoK Quartermaster)

2 Manticores

3 Medusa Carriage Battery

2 Vulture Gunships 

Edited by BaronBanana
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Nice, reminds me of the british during the eitghteenth century.


I suggest you thin your paints even more, especially when you paint the highlights, then you will have much smoother transitions from base colour to highlight colour. Have a look at some tutorials on glazing, layering techniques on youtube.

I assume you're talking about these shiny Las withthe horrendous highlights. I speed painted that one with contrasts and i don't like the end result, gonna be painting it similar to flagmans

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Looking good!


I’m building a DKoK force too! I like that you’ve done something a bit different.


Your list of stuff looks solid enough. Have you ordered it already?

Thanks! Everything except the Medusae. Waiting on restock Edited by BaronBanana
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Your models are well-painted. I'm surprised you gave them red uniforms, like British Army servicemen, instead of the gray the German Army (the Kriegers' direct inspiration) used.

Gray on the tabletop is mega bland to me. Having a colored army, better if you and your opponent have bright armies, makes me people come over to the table more often and you maybe just picked up another player

Edited by BaronBanana
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