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Are assault intercessors any good


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I have nearly finished my intercessors. It has taken most of the year but what can I say 2020 man.


Anyway I have the day off tomorrow and I am finally going to start building some indomitus units.


My question is are the assault intercessors any good for DA or should I round up the left over bolt rifles and make the into normal intercessors.

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On the first turn of combat, a 5-man unit will hit with 21 AP-1 attacks. and is the only unit that can be chosen to fight again at the end of the Fight phase - no other squad can now do this. Given that much of 9th ed seems to be centred on securing and keeping hold of objectives, the shorter board means you'll find yourself in plenty of combat with ObSec troops - and that's the role that this unit plays. 


I've run mine in an Impulsor with character support - initially Master Lazarus, but could equally see a Primaris Master of Sanctity working well too. 

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A squad of these guys with

+ an apothecary for a 6+ FnP

+ a librarian with psychic fortress and might of heroes, to make then 5++ S5 T5 A5 (2 base + 1 for the chainsword + 1 for angels of death +1 for might of heroes)

+ a chaplain with canticle of hate for a +2 to the charge


Can be quite good.


With Honor the Chapter (a stratagem only THEY have now), you can make them fight twice. Thats a potential 102 attacks in melee.

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Might of heroes is only on a single model not the whole unit unfortunately, but the rest is all sound

My bad.


Sorry for the mistake.


You could combo in Psychic Fortress and Veil of Time, then.


You'd have 41 attacks (or 82 with a stratagem), and keep these guys charging with a +3", and also keep them fighting first in the following combat phase.

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So... You're saying that a 95 point unit can be made "quite good" if it has ~200 points of support characters and some CP?

Yeah, pretty much.

Those support characters are not really worth much on their own; just like the unit is not worth much on its own.

The game is based on synergy between units.


... do you honestly expect one unit, on its own, stand as the do-all, be-all, of your army? Without any support?

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So... You're saying that a 95 point unit can be made "quite good" if it has ~200 points of support characters and some CP?

Yeah, pretty much.

Those support characters are not really worth much on their own; just like the unit is not worth much on its own.

The game is based on synergy between units.


... do you honestly expect one unit, on its own, stand as the do-all, be-all, of your army? Without any support?

Idk seems to be working fine for the ravenwing who are wildlg too powerful for their own health and have been used to prop up the codex edition after edition.


Tbh they could make codex ravenwing, cut it out of the codex and it could win games alone

Edited by aura_enchanted
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So... You're saying that a 95 point unit can be made "quite good" if it has ~200 points of support characters and some CP?

Yeah, pretty much.

Those support characters are not really worth much on their own; just like the unit is not worth much on its own.

The game is based on synergy between units.


... do you honestly expect one unit, on its own, stand as the do-all, be-all, of your army? Without any support?

Idk seems to be working fine for the ravenwing who are wildlg too powerful for their own health and have been used to prop up the codex edition after edition.


Tbh they could make codex ravenwing, cut it out of the codex and it could win games alone


Well, yeah... I was not talking about the Ravenwing. We all know the Ravenwing pretty much IS the Codex, at this point. Has been for quite a while. To the point that I do think it is fair to agree with you, that the Ravenwing could be a Codex on its own. It is the ONE part of our army that is consistently awesome, super powerful, requires no support from any other wing, works with little to almost no synergy, and is infuriatingly the main focus of the army edition after edition.


But for the rest of the Codex? SYNERGY!

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So... You're saying that a 95 point unit can be made "quite good" if it has ~200 points of support characters and some CP?

Yeah, pretty much.

Those support characters are not really worth much on their own; just like the unit is not worth much on its own.

The game is based on synergy between units.


... do you honestly expect one unit, on its own, stand as the do-all, be-all, of your army? Without any support?

I was mainly making sure I read it correctly. Though I always question the value of character support vs just taking more squad members. Without doing exact calculations, wouldn't 15 intercessors achieve better results?

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I feel this all comes down to what you want to achieve with the squad


Are assault intercessors objectively good..Yes! They’re the cheapest primaris troop choice and they dish out loads a attacks on and off the charge! they’re also super durable for their points and now the sergeants have some good options on wargear they’re a bit more flexible, but again it comes down to what you want to do with them


10 man foot slogger taking the mid board for objectives or pressure - they’re excellent


5 man jumping out of an impulsor with character support = Eh yeh sure pretty good but you’re probably best off using Bladeguard as they’re tougher and more damage output


Back field objective holder - not so much


So again it’s really what are their use to you? cheapest primaris troop option that can hold its own on the mid field and be a legit threat on the board as a 10 man squad seems pretty great to... me if used properly

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That was kinda my point before it’s whatever your army is missing or kind of tactics you want to employ


Grim resolve kind of works just as well on both so the DA trait doesn’t swing the argument anywhere near as much as your play style or current force does

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So the question really is do I build the unit as intercessors or assault intercessors. What will I get the most use from as DA’s

the answer is: do you already have at least 10 intercessors? if yes I'd seriously consider to build them as assault, if not I'd go for the rifle version.

In a perfect world I'd stick to a 2 intercessors for each assault intercessors ratio.

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Would u guys take the flame pistol over the heavy bolt pistol, it seems like a safe enough upgrade doing more or less the same amount of work or more varying on the target u point it at, plus your boy kinda wants to hack job a heavy bolt pistol to an incinerator or flamer nozzle and run like, 5 with flame pistol and power sword for that snappy goodness you need in a melee sgt Edited by aura_enchanted
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Personally I’d always take the plasma and a PF or TH Power swords being +1 now though make them great


But a hand flamer is kinda weak and your guys always put out loads of S4 attacks but a plasma can threaten lite armour or tougher infantry

its pistol 1 which is sort of a hail Mary pop gun, the hand flamer at least is potentially more damage output with pistol d6 and doesn't care about any bs- modifiers which I expect to see with more bs3 marines, less bs2 or rerolls, and because its a flamer that tech is less useful


That and misses of 1 will murder our plasma weapons which everyone expects us to take

Edited by aura_enchanted
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