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The FW Legends is now up
While yes you can now kind of take them, they are considered legends....so yea, if i wanted to take my DG dreadnought against a friend im pretty sure they would let me regardless if i was allowed to or not.
But in a tournament or "competitve" scene...=] REDACTED [=.
Also looks like we are loosing heratic astarties for plague arstarties. I imagine this is to stop people warptiming plague marines across the board etc.

Edited by Brother Tyler
Profanity removed - your freebie
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I'm really confused. I've head people posting that the FAQ of the FAQ of the compendium has been change so we are back to NOT being able to take anything.


At this point I'm more inclined to say stuff it and just take what I want. I'm not a tourney player so what does it matter!

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Necrosis is pretty brutal now


Pestiliant Fallout also returns D3 Poxwalkers to a nearby unit


Shame that the plague hulk got no love again. I mean everything else on that chassis (defiler/ soul grinder) gets to keep the Iron claws but again this bad n boy need to choose between that or the sword

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