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Interesting keyword change


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BUBONIC ASTARTES is much better at covering generic HERETIC ASTARTES that serve Nurgle, rather than just the Death Guard [Legion] (e.g., in the Abyssal Crusade, the Iron Drakes Chapter succumbed to Nurgle's blessings, becoming the Grey Death).


Similarly, ARCANA ASTARTES is much better at covering generic HERETIC ASTARTES that serve Tzeentch, rather than just the Thousand Sons [Legion] (.e.g, the Seekers of Truth Chapter fell to Tzeentch, becoming the Scourged).


This possibly presages similar keywords for the HERETIC ASTARTES dedicated to Khorne and Slaanesh (I won't bother suggesting anything :wink: ).

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I will - how about "Angry Astartes" and "Sensual Astartes" :tongue.:


It's not clear (to me, anyway) that those new keywords will apply to any marine with a given chaos mark, rather than those that fall under a given legion/codex.  If it is the former, I feel they need some mechanism or keyword that allows non-god specific psychic powers, model abilities and stratagems to work on god specific models/units given that they may no longer share a keyword.


It will be interesting to see where they go with this - I hope that plague marines and rubric marines (as well and berzerkers and noise marines) keep the heretic astartes keyword when they are fielded in a Codex: Chaos Space Marines army list, or that there is some other new keyword that they share with the rest of the army to allow them to gain the benefits (aka function properly) in the "chaos undivided" legions.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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BUBONIC ASTARTES is much better at covering generic HERETIC ASTARTES that serve Nurgle, rather than just the Death Guard [Legion] (e.g., in the Abyssal Crusade, the Iron Drakes Chapter succumbed to Nurgle's blessings, becoming the Grey Death).


Similarly, ARCANA ASTARTES is much better at covering generic HERETIC ASTARTES that serve Tzeentch, rather than just the Thousand Sons [Legion] (.e.g, the Seekers of Truth Chapter fell to Tzeentch, becoming the Scourged).


This possibly presages similar keywords for the HERETIC ASTARTES dedicated to Khorne and Slaanesh (I won't bother suggesting anything :wink: ).

Khorny and Horny astartes 

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It's most likely just a way for GW to stop stratagems etc from one codex affecting another. I suppose we'll see when the DG codex comes out.


I presume it's this.


I don't see why HERETIC ASTARTES, TZEENTCH, THOUSAND SONS should be insufficient to clarify exactly what models an aura etc. should affect, but hey ho. 

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Because if for exaple a spell can target Heretic Astartes it could target Thousand sons. Not that big of a deal, as TS have the chaos spells themselves, but Death Guard do not. Warp Time + Mortarion is possible now, but wont be possible with these changes. I think GW clearly wants to limit cross Codex interactions, and I do fear this a little bit, as I like to play the Daemon + CSM game and all those wacky interactions. Daemons will probably also gain some new keywords. (Interestingly, they did not get new keywords in legends) Edit: necrosius still has the Heretic Astartes tag. Another Edit: Wait, I dont get it. If I want a unit from the legends to be Death Guard they gain Bubonic Astartes in addition? So they would have Heretic Astartes and Bubonic Astartes? Wouldnt that open like multiple cans of worms?

Edited by MasterDeath
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Maybe it's a way to give us Successor Chapters / Custom Warbands so they'd replace the Legion name with the relevant tag but if they're all Bubonic Astartes etc then they can control which strategems and powers work with them? Although it's Forge World minis and there's already precedent for them creating extra unnecessary keywords on units for no real discernable reason e.g. Faithless and Skulltakers in 8th
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