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Anyone using Reivers?


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As stated in the topic title.  I bought a pack of 10 when they dropped because they seemed interesting, and I painted them up for Knightfall two years ago.  I'm considering stripping the terrible job I did on them and doing then redoing them in contrast.  Before I both I'm wondering if anyone has tried them with the new rules set.  Otherwise I may convert them into Incursors or something.

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I've been using them in Crusade... They're pretty fun, but definitely a 'style pick', as they say.


With White Scars Assault Doctrine in effect they'll do some work, and the idea of shutting down some ObSec and potentially preventing enemies from completing actions with Terror Troops would seem to be their 'niche'. Why they aren't Troops themselves, I just don't know...  To my mind they are not in fact more Elite than either Incursors or Infiltrators, but them's the breaks. Probably wouldn't do to have them be both ObSec, and capable of cancelling ObSec.


I like the special pistols and other shenanigans in principle, but in practice the unit is outshone for pure efficiency by other things in Elites (namely Bladeguard, Aggressors [don't care for them personally], Dreads, and characters).


I'll keep using them though... they fit my 'heavy infantry assault' Storm Lords theme running up the table with 2x Inceptors and Outriders.




The Good Doctor.

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I think they're better than people give them credit for, with the new rules now.


BT giving re-rollable charges makes them a tad more reliable too.


They definately have some incredibly powerful abilities/ strats - turning off Obj sec or actions can easily win a game.

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I’d rather take Incursors honestly .





they are not as bad as Scouts are but and as BT they can force the enemy to stay in combat and use their pistoles and I think the best choice for them is the BT chapter tactic but there are too much other units which do the job just better.

Edited by Medjugorje
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For me they just look all kinds of stupid in their half-skull mask/helmet things.  If I liked them I would use them regardless of rules, but they are so fantastically derpy looking that it doesn't matter to me if their rules are good or bad.


Anyway, to answer the OP's question: No. I have 2 primaris armies (Black Templar and Raven Guard). And neither one is using Reivers.  But I fully support you using them if you like them!

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Yeah, despite the upgrades in the 9th codex the consensus still seems to be a pass.  That's fine, I hate how I painted them now compared to my current Templars project, so I asked my wife to pick up a bottle of simple green and I'm going to strip them and convert them into incursors.  Its too bad because honestly I like the concept but the execution is just bad.

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  • 3 months later...

I sometimes wonder if say, Reivers were troops, whether they'd see play? They're reasonably cheap and they can move pretty fast, so can grab objectives. They're just not a good Elite unit.


That would make them both Obsec and able to remove Obsec. I'd say they'd become the premier troops choice!

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I sometimes wonder if say, Reivers were troops, whether they'd see play? They're reasonably cheap and they can move pretty fast, so can grab objectives. They're just not a good Elite unit.


That would make them both Obsec and able to remove Obsec. I'd say they'd become the premier troops choice!


While troops would be nice, I feel that the biggest draw back for Reivers is that you have to choose knives or Rifles.  All of their special rules kick in during assault, so knives is the option of choice, but they have to be effective in both shooting and assault in order to make them worth while.  Had they come with Rifles, Pistols and Knives I think they would be almost perfect for their role as a disruption unit.  They might have still required a little tweaking of their weapon stats.


I also think because they came out with the first wave and they were the only primaris unit with their deployment options people wrote them off because there wasn't anyway to support them in a primaris force.  And hardly any way to support them in a mixed or non-primaris force. 


Had Reivers come out with incursors, infiltrators, eliminators and suppressors, players might have given them a fair shake using an infiltration themed marine list.  But had Reivers come out with the other phobos kits, their Datasheet would have followed the same pattern that the incursors and infiltrators have, and they would have the Rifle, pistol and knife standard.

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I sometimes wonder if say, Reivers were troops, whether they'd see play? They're reasonably cheap and they can move pretty fast, so can grab objectives. They're just not a good Elite unit.


That would make them both Obsec and able to remove Obsec. I'd say they'd become the premier troops choice!


While troops would be nice, I feel that the biggest draw back for Reivers is that you have to choose knives or Rifles.  All of their special rules kick in during assault, so knives is the option of choice, but they have to be effective in both shooting and assault in order to make them worth while.  Had they come with Rifles, Pistols and Knives I think they would be almost perfect for their role as a disruption unit.  They might have still required a little tweaking of their weapon stats.


I also think because they came out with the first wave and they were the only primaris unit with their deployment options people wrote them off because there wasn't anyway to support them in a primaris force.  And hardly any way to support them in a mixed or non-primaris force. 


Had Reivers come out with incursors, infiltrators, eliminators and suppressors, players might have given them a fair shake using an infiltration themed marine list.  But had Reivers come out with the other phobos kits, their Datasheet would have followed the same pattern that the incursors and infiltrators have, and they would have the Rifle, pistol and knife standard.



I totally take your point that they would benefit from having both weapon options. But I think if they had to choose between being Troops as they are or Elites with all the weapon options, the former would be much more useful!

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