Plague _Lord Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 So hear me out... I have this problem, an addiction of sorts you could say. There are days I think "damn night lords are cool, I must buy 5 boxes of raptors and build a thematic new army!" luckily I then start looking at the costs of my wedding to be and push these malefic thoughts away... The next day however I start thinking "that master of possession would look sexy in word bearer colours!"... Tell me brothers how do I keep the voices at bay? It is as if a milion voices cried out in pain. It is a good pain... P. S. I own over 4k of deathguard + a small word bearers patrol and a lot of nurgle daemons, however I just want more chaos legions. I don't have this with loyalists. Llagos_Tyrant, Relentless, Gumo9 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 Well you're talking to the king of plastic addiction here. I've played nearly every army in the game over the last decades, and when I hit Space Marines originally (waaaay back) DIY was the thing and I seemed to have a different great idea every week. Chaos Legions: I never had the real back and forth issue. Instead I would finish an army, move to another. I've built and fully painted/played: Deathguard (3 times in total), Thousand Sons (2x), Black Legion (1 time seriously), World Eaters (1x), -Daemonkin- (1x, miss these guys a lot), Khorne Daemons (1x), a gargantuan Iron Warriors army (north of 20,000 pts x1), Crimson Slaughter (1x), Red Corsairs (1x).... and there's more that I'm not going to list because I never got over 2K fully painted. Here's how you do it: Pick the legion. Make a 2K list. Then here's your option depending on your finances: Buy the army and assemble it all, and play ONLY that army. Paint ONE unit at a time, and take every single reference to every other army you have at arm's reach (I mean EVERYTHING.. models, white dwarf, codexes, etc). Each week/month, move on to the next unit. The option I refer to is sometimes we can't afford it all, so we proxy where we have to until we can afford the army as a whole, but otherwise the above process is incredibly simple, but sometimes hard to pull off, but I guarantee if you follow that recipe you will get a lot further. SanguinaryGuardsman and Llagos_Tyrant 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 (edited) Know the feeling all too well At times I seriously consider collecting Legions or Warbands I don't even like. It's a serious problem! There's no cure, but I find the best way is just to avoid impulse purchases. Wait a week or two or force yourself to complete a unit from an existing force and suddenly the desire to do (x) project has been replaced by a new one. And the hobby butterfly cycle continues... Edited November 15, 2020 by Marshal Loss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterDeath Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 Tell me brothers how do I keep the voices at bay? You dont. You pull them out, paint them up and send them to war. firestorm40k and Prot 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 (edited) You have already gotten some great tips. Another solution is to reduce the costs of both the chaos miniatures and the wedding. Cutting the Cost of Chaos Over the 20 years I have been in the hobby I have been able to keep costs lower through four methods: -Swap miniatures with friends or strangers. This is a great deal as no money changes hands. You can find out about possible swaps through word of mouth, local gaming stores, or through local gaming websites. Here in the Pacific Northwest of the US, two sites I particularly like are Northwest Gamers on Facebook and the venerable Ordo Fanaticus group. Hopefully your area is blessed with similar groups. -Buy used models. Like most hobbies, ours is an expensive hobby. So buying EBay or Craigslist salvage projects on the cheap can save you tons. But be sure to still spend some of your hard-earned money at your local gaming store since they do provide gaming space after all. My local gaming store, Mugu Games in Everrett, WA has even started selling used minis in the store. Now I have the best of both worlds. I can support my friendly local gaming store and save money. Larger tournaments such as the NOVA Open are also increasingly offering used minis for sale (although you will have to wait til these events restart after the pandemic of course). Also, local historical gamers' groups often have swap meets and 40K vendor tables with used minis can sometimes be found at these events. So once the Coronavirus thing is resolved, start asking local historical wargamers about upcoming swap meets. I have also bought used models directly from fellow gamers, often learning about them via the local gaming websites mentioned above. To this date, my best deal is 2 Blood Slaughterers for $80. At the time those 2 minis would have cost me $150 from Forgeworld. -Ask for models. In addition to getting registered at typical stores for your wedding, also consider asking friends and family to buy your spouse and you miniatures for your wedding. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, then you can still put minis on your birthday and Christmas wish lists. Many of my minis over the years have been birthday or Christmas gifts. -Go to local tournaments. While you will still be at a net negative because of the cost of the tournament entry gee, over the years I've acquired a decent number of models through sportsmanship, best painted, or random door prizes. Cutting the Cost of the Wedding This is arguably harder to do. But the median cost of a wedding in the US is just under $15,000. This means half of all couples are spending less than that. I know couples who have spent considerably less than that. The internet is full of ways to reduce costs (invite fewer guests, ask friends or family to fill certain roles such as photographer or DJ pro bono, do buffets instead of served meals, book places well in advance and during the off season, buy your alcohol from a discount store like Total Wine and return any unused alcohol, etc). All of these methods require a bit of extra work on your part. But being frugal is worth it. Good luck! Edited November 15, 2020 by Tallarn Commander Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 Booking in the off season for the venue and outside of the regular wedding season can also cut costs - for example, when I got married it was in January at a golf club that would otherwise have been shut down (no golfing in January in Canada), which helped us get a good deal. Prot and Tallarn Commander 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Irate Khornate Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 Saved money on the wedding by eloping, but also spent a good chunk on the honeymoon instead. As for denying the voices, I make a deal with myself. I mark the day 2 months down the road on my calendar. If I still want to do that project and haven't forgotten about it after 2 months then I do the project. This was also after several other chaos projects that I decided to drop, strip, and join them into my World Eaters. The last straw being when I had 3 other warbands going at once and had to strip everything in 2 five-gallon buckets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted November 15, 2020 Share Posted November 15, 2020 Well, I recycled majority of my old BL into my IW's by stripping the paint, fixing any past modeling mistakes, adjusting conversions that cut quite a bit of the cost instead of building from nothing. Problem is, I feel the call of Cthonia once again, a mixed SoH/BL force that could be used in 30k and 40k. My wallet wakes in terror at another sprawling project my IW's became.... If I paint my custodes and do either a self contained 2k SM or necrons list we shall see. Loyalist SM's in 9th feel like a hot mess right now, I feel one CA is all it will take to ruin the list I would like to run, so probably necrons. I mean, I don't think you can go mad painting that much metal right? *deranged iron laughter* Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonoftherubric21 Posted November 16, 2020 Share Posted November 16, 2020 (edited) YOU HEAR THE VOICES TOO!?!? How do I keep them at bay? HAH! Embracing the insanity. Though I am not saving for a wedding so I suppose my 3 separate vanilla Chaos armies (WB, BL, IW) and my massive Thousand Sons army are..... perhaps going overboard.... On a serious note: I stopped a while ago collecting models until the book is out for vanilla chaos and am going to recommit (I.E: pick one and stick hard with it and down-size just a smidge) when the book drops and we finally know what our 9th armies are going to look and feel like. Though I will say that I have found collecting "several" 2000 point armies, at least for myself, is far more enlivening for the hobby then (1) 4000-6000 point army. As above "Self-contained" armies are a really good idea and limit overspending, hence the idea of getting a single army and setting a hard point/unit limit and *sticking to it* stops some of the overspending and deep-dives we all do in our minds from becoming an expensive reality. If you have a major financial goal: limit yourself to 1 kit a month. Helps sate the hobby need and the prices become reasonable when you buy 1 of a kit per month. Edited November 16, 2020 by Sonoftherubric21 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted November 16, 2020 Share Posted November 16, 2020 Yeah I'm not that invested into loyalists or xenos, so have far more self control there in what I spend. Its easy to fall into the rabbit hole of sunk costs for CSM because you tell yourself things like "hey these CSM are great for scouring era, but I should buy another 30 in mk III to be period appropriate in 30k and I can use them in my CSM's so this is fine." Ditto for anything that has 30k and 40k rules from FW. I just buy things I like and want to paint in CSM, I don't want to get caught in the spending arms race of loyalist SM, so don't want to spend as much on them to keep my list valid. I actually feel sorry for SM players, many units in their codex are honey pots and one CA away from points increases because they are quite undercosted for what they do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emicus Posted November 17, 2020 Share Posted November 17, 2020 DO YOU HEAR THE VOICES TOO?! KILL, MAIM, BURN! (OOC: are you the kind of person who can take on a big project, or do you get sidetracked? If you're the former just get that shiny. If you are the latter get ONE unit. One singular box. When that one single box of only one unit and nothing else is PAINTED and BASED and DECALED - you can buy another box. This is the only way to avoid financial ruin / cupboard(shipping container) of shame and keep the voices at bay. Good luck.) Sanity... is for the weak! Aaaah, the chaos gods speak clearly now! Plague _Lord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted November 17, 2020 Share Posted November 17, 2020 I've been talking/writing for many years about my own affliction of the voices from the warp constantly chattering in the back of my mind. Their constant taunting and offering of endless ideas is the truest cursed blessing. I cherish and adore all of the inspiration but it would be helpful sometimes if they would shut up so I can get some of the damn ideas finished, before offering up three more. The inspiration that fills the cup and sustains me has long since overflown and the abundance is sure to drown me now.... but I relent to accepting my fate, now knowing that I have little choice but be absorbed into the greater whole. But yes, if you have the discipline, start that larger project knowing you can keep it going as other ideas come to you and get tucked away for later. Otherwise, pick a project, make some reasonable purchases and actually complete most of that stuff before moving on. Once you have something to act as an anchor you can add-on the other ideas to the core collection. Otherwise you build the aforementioned pile-o-shame and projects remain scattered with no core cohesive force that you can put on the table to play. ChazSexington 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChazSexington Posted November 18, 2020 Share Posted November 18, 2020 What Subtle and Prot say.I have the same issue as you and the rest here (we are many for we are Legion). I love all Legions (bar the DG), in addition to the Red Corsairs and the Black Legion (I will die on this hill. They are not a Legion). Pick ONE project and complete it. There's nothing more demotivating then a huge pile of unbuilt models. Consistently doing a little bit every day. 15-30 minutes a day of painting gets a lot of minis finished in a month. Painting Kill Teams is also a way to scratch that particular itch. That's what I'm considering to ease the pulsing of the Nails, with some Thrice-Cursed Traitors first in line. I also make Trello boards with my ideas so I can pick them up at later point. Take your time with painting and assembling. Convert, base properly etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted November 18, 2020 Author Share Posted November 18, 2020 After reading all of your comments I think I'm just going to give in a do all the chaos legions. I just don't care any more. Word Bearers first on the list! MegaVolt87, Emicus, Sonoftherubric21 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterDeath Posted November 18, 2020 Share Posted November 18, 2020 Good choice, yes. Join the sons of aurellian. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted December 7, 2020 Share Posted December 7, 2020 I stopped caring about legions and stuff a while ago, and paint the models in whatever scheme they want. For me, a small squad of word bearers that have been fighting with my Iron Warriors for centuries might have picked up a thing or two... My goal, way back when, was to have a small force (1000pts) of each of the Legions, they're just the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tangoalphatwo Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 So, I will try and be the voice of reason. While I too have an addiction to collecting. Pace yourself. By that I mean set a monthly budget. Stick to that and go from there. If your budget is $50. Get one box a month. If it’s $200 go for it. If it’s $500 or even a G. Awesome! But stick to the budget. I can say I give into the call too often, and have a lot unpainted boxes that I am trying to work through. But I always try to stick to my budget. I will admit some months I spend too much, I just try and real it in the following month. I cannot stress sticking to your budget, what ever that budget is. That’s more than just a Warhammer lesson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tikhunt Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 So, I will try and be the voice of reason. While I too have an addiction to collecting. Pace yourself. By that I mean set a monthly budget. Stick to that and go from there. If your budget is $50. Get one box a month. If it’s $200 go for it. If it’s $500 or even a G. Awesome! But stick to the budget. I can say I give into the call too often, and have a lot unpainted boxes that I am trying to work through. But I always try to stick to my budget. I will admit some months I spend too much, I just try and real it in the following month. I cannot stress sticking to your budget, what ever that budget is. That’s more than just a Warhammer lesson This advice is really useful, not one I’ve managed to master myself though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SanguinaryGuardsman Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 So hear me out... I have this problem, an addiction of sorts you could say. There are days I think "damn night lords are cool, I must buy 5 boxes of raptors and build a thematic new army!" luckily I then start looking at the costs of my wedding to be and push these malefic thoughts away... The next day however I start thinking "that master of possession would look sexy in word bearer colours!"... Tell me brothers how do I keep the voices at bay? It is as if a milion voices cried out in pain. It is a good pain... P. S. I own over 4k of deathguard + a small word bearers patrol and a lot of nurgle daemons, however I just want more chaos legions. I don't have this with loyalists. I can feel the warp overtaking you. I've had this issue for years now but am unhindered by IRL considerations. This has caused me to have a uneven approach to chaos. I buy models, paint them then go back to Raven Guard or White Scars. So I have a bunch of chaos marines of various legions all painted differently with no single purpose. I have 1000 points of slaanesh daemons, 1500 points of khorne daemons, 1500 points of world eaters, 28 plague marines without a 9th edition codex, a bunch of random sigmar khorne bloodbound models, and about 1500 points(wild guess) of ebay rescues with no discernible legion/allegiance. I blame GW for this. The CSM codex is uninspired awful trash and just doesn't excite me. However, I am very hopeful for the 9th edition CSM codex which I think will be something of a revelation based off what we have seen so far for chaos in 9th. If only there was a singular legion with a charismatic and powerful leader that could unite the forces of chaos under a single banner? My advice to you is to have another wedding. That should be the best way to prevent yourself from buying chaos models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SanguinaryGuardsman Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 I feel your pain; I’m one of those thousand mouths crying out in pain lol. Just wait til WHC drops the article saying World Eaters or Emperors Children codices are coming in a month along with 8 new kits for each and limited edition dice and gaming aids... the cycle of panicked searching of couch cushions for loose change continues. The World Eaters codex should come with limited edition fake blood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 So when I got back into 40k in 8th I went with Death Guard. I love the lore and models, Typhus was always my favorite. I have 2 Daemon Prince's, a Plaguecaster, lord of contagion, Typhus, 40 pox walkers, 30+ plague marines, some rhino's, multiple drones, haulers and PBC's, at least one of each elite character, 10 Blightlord and 6 Deathshroud, a helbrute, Mortarion and currently doing two custom defilers. I guess I'll need to make some custom possessed soon too. But my DG collection is coming to an end. This Christmas I was running out of present ideas, because as an adult when I want something I just go buy it. So to answer my family members constant questions of what I want for Christmas I know I'm getting 2 start collecting CSM and the decimation battleforce. That should be well over 2k points and a good start on a second faction, and it's another chaos legion. My name is Putrid Choir and I have a chaos crack addiction. Tallarn Commander and RolandTHTG 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPS Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 I've set up a bank account that automatically gets a share of my monthly salary for the hobby - I check it once in a while, am pleasantly surprised at how well stocked it is and treat myself to some cool models. I also traded a lot of stuff with friends (or bought a part of their collection for a good price), as nobody in my area feels like playing Chaos Marines at the moment. There's plenty of MkIII/IV plate going around, so the ranks of my HH Iron Warriors are currently swelling at a rate Perturabo himself would be proud of. MegaVolt87, Jings, Zebulon and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jings Posted December 18, 2020 Share Posted December 18, 2020 (edited) I've set up a bank account that automatically gets a share of my monthly salary for the hobby - I check it once in a while, am pleasantly surprised at how well stocked it is and treat myself to some cool models. That is absolutely genius. You've confirmed my theory that we DA/IW players are geniuses. Edited December 18, 2020 by Jings Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted December 18, 2020 Author Share Posted December 18, 2020 I think TPS deserves a cookie. I actually came up with something better - since I quit smoking 2 months ago I think I'll just redirect whatever whatever funds I used to invest into buying ciggies, into buying chaos.... It'll get me a box a month more or less. Zebulon and MegaVolt87 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Syrakul Posted December 19, 2020 Share Posted December 19, 2020 Yea for a while I was doing approx 100us a month for all hobby related, anything I traded or money I got from selling old kits was bonus cash. I'd like to imagine some more complex self-plan like "the difference to 100 I dont spend is for continued savings to a larger purchase" but really just being aware of my limit meant keeping in check. I often broke because of fb oldhammer trade groups; if some hard-to find stuff popped up I'd dive in, budget be damned... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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