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Jump Captain or Bike Captain for 9th?


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My trusty Jump Captain has served me well in 8th but is not longer the self-guiding missile he once was. So far in 9th his best use seems to be accompanying my Plasmaceptors and MM attack bikes to boost their shooting and only pitching into melee when necessary. I am hanging up my trusty Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield combo for a sword (either MC or Relic depending on the points) and a fusion pistol. For either 110 points base he is not too shabby.


But I notice that a Bike Captain costs 10 points less, is faster and tougher (+2" and guaranteed 6" Advance, +1T and +1W). So is the Jump Pack still the best option? Fly is handy for getting over terrain but if going with the bikes, he would need to stay close to them anyway. The Plasmaceptors can Fly but with a 10" move, he could probably still keep up with them, even with the odd detour. Plus bikes open up options for fun combos like Chapter Master, Angel Artifice, SS and Iron Resolve WLT for a truly tanky T6 8W 1+/4++/6+++ character.


So what do you think? Stick with my trusty jump pack like a true Son of Sanguinius or rev up the harley?

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Only reason I'm using jump captain is to accompany the San guard. Otherwise biker seems like the more effective and efficient choice.

I am generally running the Sanguinary Priest with my SG so far.
You've given me some thought there. It would mean swapping my apocethary out and replacing the captain with a sang priest. I would lose the reroll hits and lose support on my backfield but there's already a chaplain there. Gain 85 points to play with.


Have you tried the Teeth of Terra relic on the priest?

Edited by Shaezus
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Have you tried the Teeth of Terra relic on the priest?

Not yet. The idea did cross my mind since a regular chainsword doesn't really seem to cut the mustard. :tongue.:


However on balance I would rather go defensive on the Priest with relic armour I think. The Sanguinary Guard are there to do the heavy lifting and the Priest's buffs move them from "good" to "great". I think on balance I will get more killing power out of the package as a whole by ensuring the priest stays alive rather than by boosting his killing power.


Although you could argue that the best form of defense is a good offense.... :wink:

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I ran both bike Cap and a Teeth Priest. While the bike captain got mauled by an armiger then killed in the explosion, I was still impressed. I ran:


Captain on bike, Chapter master, thunder hammer, shield eternal, storm bolter (think they can take that?) He was tough but I think you need a way to get that 1+ save, or make him T6, or enhance wounds somehow. Angel artifice, indomitus and Shield eternal all work, but I'm not sure whats best.


The teeth priest was great. The +3 attacks is crazy, he put out 8 WS2+ attacks onto an armiger that charged him, wounding on 4+ at -2 AP, he caused a ot of damage and I'll be using him again!

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I think that the T6 from Angel Artifice is pretty valuable given that Power Swords are S5. All those Bladeguard are suddenly wound on a 5+. Add the Iron Resolve WLT to bump him up to 8W and add a 6+++ and you are into pretty tanky territory. Taking the save to 1+ with a Storm Shield will help prevent massed chainsword attacks from bringing him down.
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