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What is the consensus on how our new morkai bolts work?


If we give a long fang pack leader morkai bolts using thane of the retinue can he activate the buff by rolling his dice first so the long fangs firing with him benefit?


Or does it not work yet because all shots from the LF are simultaneous?

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What is the consensus on how our new morkai bolts work?


If we give a long fang pack leader morkai bolts using thane of the retinue can he activate the buff by rolling his dice first so the long fangs firing with him benefit?


Or does it not work yet because all shots from the LF are simultaneous?

You still shoot by weapon type, so having the LFPL shoot first should work just fine.

Old morkai bolts always took up an HQ relic spot for me...


But if it is legal to shift it to the pack leader then I can use another relic for one of my wolf lords


Plan B is use thane to give frost claw upgrades to a jump wolf guard pack leader with double lightning claws (6 attacks S5 D2 hit on 2s rerolling wounds)

I mean it loses the mortal wound now I think, but if you are just losing a pistol or bolter shot its still worth it. Never thought of putting it on a LF leader, but that could be amazingly effective

I mean it loses the mortal wound now I think, but if you are just losing a pistol or bolter shot its still worth it. Never thought of putting it on a LF leader, but that could be amazingly effective

2 reasons I want to put it on LF pack leader


-he has a bolter and is a core unit so he has 24" (same as LF multi melta) and rerolls a miss of 1 (plan is have a wolf lord nearby for reroll hits/wounds of 1).


-free up a relic slot on the nearby wolf lord


I am currently giving the morkai bolts to the wolf lord in the drop pod...he has a 12" Bolt pistol. I could give it to the chaplain holding a bolter but then I have bs3

Edited by TiguriusX
I don't see the value of using a CP to add a relic to a unit that will die faster than the HQ. I get the range can be better but you aren't likely to leave the Pack Leader as the last model in that unit. Of course, maybe I'm thinking of it the wrong way.

I don't see the value of using a CP to add a relic to a unit that will die faster than the HQ. I get the range can be better but you aren't likely to leave the Pack Leader as the last model in that unit. Of course, maybe I'm thinking of it the wrong way.


It is basically 1 CP to reroll wounds of 1 for my most dangerous shooting unit


Pretend I'm spending 1 CP on a stratagem instead of a relic



The rest of the heavy hitters in my army don't need the reroll wounds to function.  The wulfen dreads and great claws have natural rerolls 

But then it takes up one of the relic slots for the army, right?

Yes...but in 2k games you get 3 relics so it doesn't cause my lists any harm


I usually give a relic to my chapter master and another to my wolf lord


I have freedom to give the morkai bolts as a 3rd relic



I don't see the value of using a CP to add a relic to a unit that will die faster than the HQ. I get the range can be better but you aren't likely to leave the Pack Leader as the last model in that unit. Of course, maybe I'm thinking of it the wrong way.

It is basically 1 CP to reroll wounds of 1 for my most dangerous shooting unit


Pretend I'm spending 1 CP on a stratagem instead of a relic



The rest of the heavy hitters in my army don't need the reroll wounds to function. The wulfen dreads and great claws have natural rerolls

2 CPs. 1 CP to unlock another relic slot with Relic of the Chapter, and 1 CP for Thane of the Retinue to give it to a Pack Leader


(TotR only says you can give a relic to a pack leader. You still need to have a relic available for the Pack leader, either by using your one freebie, or using RotC. At least, that's my best guess as to how it works. Would it have killed GW to add another sentence to TotR?)

Edited by Squark

I don't see the value of using a CP to add a relic to a unit that will die faster than the HQ. I get the range can be better but you aren't likely to leave the Pack Leader as the last model in that unit. Of course, maybe I'm thinking of it the wrong way.

I tend to agree that it should be on be on a more durable unit. I've been thinking about this topic for awhile, and I think the best non character unit to put this relic on are wolfguard with jump packs. The pack leader has a bolt gun base, 12" move with fly, Ability to deep strike, and every model in the squad can take a storm shield.

I think there are plenty of interesting platforms for it. I do like the idea of giving it to heavy support simply because my units that could buff the long fangs are going to be far more useful way up front pressing combat. It makes the backfield more independent and for me I feel it's worth the cp. Games are closer these days anyway, the boltgun range limit hasn't seemed to be bad this edition for me. Plenty of things will be moving closer to your artillery anyway after your hqs have pressed forward.

It's another opportunity cost sort of thing. Is it better for the enemy to take out that long fangs unit with a relic, or deal more to the melee units bearing down on their lines (where we are more dangerous anyway)

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