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Greetings. I suppose an introduction is in order. I am a long time Blood Angels painter of over 20 years, with very little to show for it. I find it hard to motivate myself to begin and finish projects, procrastinate a lot, I am rarely satisfied with my work and tend to strip and repaint things on a whim. A couple of years ago I started a similar blog for my Blood Angels to motivate myself to paint more, paint better and stay satisfied with the results, and it worked quite well. Unfortunately, having children detracts from hobby time a lot, so things slowed down quite a bit in the last few years.

With my daughter turning four, I believe it is now time for me to start a project I have been delaying for quite a while now; my Primaris marine force. I had long ago firmly decided on keeping my Blood Angels as oldmarines only, and my Primaris marines would be a new army. I'm a sucker for punishment, so I decided to go with the only color that I know is more frustrating to paint than red - it was Imperial Fists then. So in this thread/blog I will share with you my progress in modeling and painting my Imperial Fists (which I have lovingly nicknamed Mustardial Fists) and I hope you enjoy seeing them enough to give me feedback and help me get better.

Without further ado, here are the fruits of a whole week of on and off painting - my two first completed models:


I will base them together when I finally have the first batch of five completed (the others are at various stages of painting from basecoated to shaded). In the meantime, I am open to ideas about what kind of bases work best for Imperial Fists. My Blood Angels have rather cookie cutter woodland style rock/flock/grass/moss bases and I was considering going with rock/sand/paint/grass/snow (with baking soda) this time around..

Edited by appiah4
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They look great, excited to see more. Regarding basing style, I suggest coming up with a theme for your force first then using that to plan model selection and basing -- is your 3rd Co. dug in on a muddy trench line defending against the forces of heretical traitors? Pursuing a depraved Xenos-infiltrated cult through the depths of a hive city? Stuck in a house-clearing meatgrinder in the ruins of an Imperial city? Sieging a Necron Tombworld?


Once you figure that out, basing, etc. gets a lot easier IME.

Edited by andes

Thanks to everyone for the kind words and suggestions, I should have enough time to finish up at least one and hopefully two more marines this weekend - let's hope they end up looking coherent enough together as I gradually improve.  I never did this kind of one by one painting before, I am usually a batch painter - but that kind of painting gets tedious and boring really fast and I find myself more productive with piecemeal completions..

With limited time, the sector imperialis/mechanicus bases might work well. If you paint them dark metal, the light fists will really stand out. They're also super super fast to paint and look good, then you can spend as long as you like adding rust effects and stuff if you have more time. 

With limited time, the sector imperialis/mechanicus bases might work well. If you paint them dark metal, the light fists will really stand out. They're also super super fast to paint and look good, then you can spend as long as you like adding rust effects and stuff if you have more time. 

That's actually not a bad idea.  I only refrain because they are kind of expensive to invest in quantity and GW has a habit of discontinuing products on a whim and it would put me in a bind if I can't find them in a few years when I want to add to this project :D


Maybe I should look into bulk purchasing some less expensive third party resin base options.

Managed to knock out another Intercessor this weekend. At this pace I will have the first squad done in two weeks. You may find it slow, but it's actually rather fast by my standards.. :rolleyes:


Welcome to the Imperial Fists, appiah! Solid job so far with the yellow; I'm keen to see more from you. :smile.: What are your plans post-Intercessor squad?

Thank you.  I have the Helblaster Squad and second Intercessor Squad from Dark Imperium, so I think I will probably do those.  Next, I'll probably do a character or two.  I haven't decided which yet..

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Really strong yellow, I like this more muted mustard tone. What's your recipe? Looking forward to seeing more :thumbsup:

Apologies for being late with the reply, but to be honest I still haven't painted the fourth marine - real life got in the way.  The recipe is:


1. Prime a neutral grey

2. Basecoat VGC Heavy Goldbrown (Many conversion charts will tell you this is a GW Averland Sunset equivalent but it is not, it is mustardy whereas Averland is orange-ish.  If anything it is Averland Sunset with some Zandri Dust mixed into it, they are not perfect substitutes for each other.)

3. (Optional) This step is difficult to explain but basically, I shade the model using VMC Goldbrown.  I do a mix of glazing, and recess shading and in some places straight layering.  VMC Goldbrown is an ever so slightly darker but less opaque version of VGC Heavy Goldbrown so doing this results in a much less flat model.  In the photo above, the Sergeant does not have this step applied, but the other two do.  I can see the difference, but I don't know if you would notice

4. Recess shade with Army Painter Soft Tone (GW Seraphim Sepia is a bit too yellow for this though, so you may want to mix it with a bit of Agrax Earthshade)

5. Layer highlight with VMC Flat Yellow (GW Yriel Yellow)

6. Edge highlight with VMC Deep Yellow (This color does not exist in GW cartela, there is Flash Gitz yellow but it is too saturated for this look.  50:50 mix of Yriel Yellow and Dorn Yellow could work.)

7. Extreme edge highlight with VMC Ice Yellow (GW Dorn Yellow)


As you can see the color I used in the VMC line are mostly less saturated and cooler shades whereas GW equivalents are more saturated and warmer tones, so if you go with GW paint equivalents you may end up with a more orange-ish result.  I hope this helps.  Cheers.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

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