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Successor schemes for Death Company and Sanguinary Guard?


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Hi Team, I was just wondering what are the colour schemes of blood angels successor chapters sanguinary guard and death company? I'm painting and making my space marine army to be a successor. but am just wondering what I do with these units.


Also just curious, for a Primaris chapter that was founded during and after the Ultima founding, is it possible for them to even have Sanguinary guard?


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Death Company and Sanguinary Guard are generally the same across successor chapters. The 5th ed book had alabaster white colour schemes for Angels Encarmine DC and SG but that never came up again. Some people have done white DC for more popular successor chapters like Flesh Tearers but that's non-canon.

Some people also do Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Guard in regular Flesh Tearers red with black helmets or in Black with Red Wings which looks cool but is personal choice.

Here are my Angels Encarmine Death Company


Sanguinary Guard


Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Closet Skeleton is right as to the colours. However, in the end these are your dudes and you can paint them whatever colour you want and no one can object. As for Primaris, currently they cannot have SG, because its a minimarines thing. GW fluff follows the figs - this is why initially there was no Primaris Black Rage.

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DC armour is traditionally black, because that is a colour that was applied in the Legion to a marine lost to the Red Thirst and executed. Apparently this marked such marine as being in the company of death, as remarked by Captain Raldoron in the Fear to Tread novel: "You are in the company of death. I hope you will find peace there".


That's the origin of the black colour.

Sanguinary Guard wore golden armour when Sanguinius was still around so again, it's tradition.

That being said,  Ayatollah is right - these are your duded, the galaxy is big, many traditions were lost, many new were established :)

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My army is a homebrew chapter called the Hands of Sacrifice. Regular troop color scheme is all bone white armor with the right arm and weapon trim being dark red. Sanguinary guard are all brassy gold color with the all red right arm with blades and wings being red as well. Death Company are painted red body with a blackened right arm and weapon.


Regular Army


Death Company


Sanguinary Guard WIP

Edited by Bonzi
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I personally think it's cooler to have them in armour that ties in with the core of your army. Gold SG and Black DC work for Blood Angels specifically because those are accent colours to their main armour scheme, but if your scheme is completely different, black or gold might not work as well in the context of the larger army.

For my own successors, black was a part of my scheme so keeping the DC in black armour still worked, but I did the weapon casings and saltires in bone to tie them in to the rest of the army a little more.


Main scheme for reference:


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