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  • 3 months later...

After a brief hiatus I am returning to Titan and will be continuing working on Terminators....16 are done but I still have of the 33 terminators and 4 Dreadknights I vowed to finish for my warhammer 2022 New Years Resolution.....:wallbash:

on the Work bench


  On 7/6/2022 at 7:38 PM, Brother Lunkhead said:

Very fine work Brother:thumbsup: Keep up the good work.


Thank you @Brother Lunkhead

So this weekend I was able to finish the variant Heavy Weapon Terminators for my previous squads I painted

And I resumed working my Ordo Malleus Inquisition models 


And I was finally to meet up with my buddy to pick my Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus


  • 1 month later...

Back on August 1st, I set my August Vow as  5 Paladins and Librarian #3


Work went sideways and well I was not able to work on a model until this weekend. 

I didn't take pictures of the progress of Paladins but did start and finish Librarian #3

Librarian Sartak Hoyal


  • 4 weeks later...

1st, impressive work. 

2nd do the servitors with bolters count as such or did you not convert them. I always see lists with 4 servitors (no weapons, just whatever they have).

3rd. Your paint holding shelf, is that for nail polish stuff. been looking for some sort of rack instead of the inside of a drawer. My desk is a mess so that is an issue but I think that would work. -- edit just went and picked a 3 tier off amazon, wish me luck. hope it works as I would like.

Edit 4th - What paints and colors are you using?

Edited by INKS
  On 9/18/2022 at 12:04 AM, INKS said:

1st, impressive work. 

2nd do the servitors with bolters count as such or did you not convert them. I always see lists with 4 servitors (no weapons, just whatever they have).

3rd. Your paint holding shelf, is that for nail polish stuff. been looking for some sort of rack instead of the inside of a drawer. My desk is a mess so that is an issue but I think that would work. -- edit just went and picked a 3 tier off amazon, wish me luck. hope it works as I would like.

Edit 4th - What paints and colors are you using?


1- Thank you so much!

2- They count as Heavy Bolters. I can run 1 4 man squad of servo arms, leaving heavy bolters behind, or  run 2 squads with 2 servo arms and 2 heavy bolters. My ideas is use them to protect the techmarine that is fixings the Ven Dreads. 

3-  yup Nail Polish Rack off amazon.

4- Mainly GW 

  • Leadbelcher spray
  • Leadbelcher (pot)
  • Corvus Black
  • Celestra Grey
  • Retributor Armor
  • Mephiston Red
  • Abadddon black
  • Typhon Ash 
  •  mournfang brown
  •  agrax earthshade
  •  nuln oil
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White scar
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Wild Rider Red
  • Auric Armor
  • Stormhost silver
  • Skrag brown

White robes- Andrea Paints White cloth set


My method is Prime Leadbelcher spray

Joints- Corvus Black

White- Celestra Grey

Gold- Retributor Armor

Red- Mephiston Red

black- Abadddon black

Scrolls- Typhon Ash 

Browns- mournfang brown

Gold, red, browns, scrolls washed agrax

armor, joints, black, and white nuln oil


White- Ulthuan Grey, White scar

Red- Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red

Gold,-Auric Armor, Stormhost silver

scrolls- white scar

browns- Skrag brown


White robes- Andrea Paints White cloth

  • 3 months later...

So long time no update. House has been a construction zone since September due to another water leak from Refrigerator line (again) no time line on completion due to lack of materials, work backed up etc. While working on the 5 Paladins I had an incident that pretty much ended me working on them.  I was painting in master bedroom with poor lighting, because my hobby area is a storage area for all the furniture in my house and one day during house keeping I was not paying attention and pushed the paint pots into the 5 paladins and even though they were magnetized, 3 of them popped of the metal tray and fell off the shelf and tray. Fortunately I was able to recover all the pieces and put them on the tray. Needless to say I was :cuss: mad at myself and shelved the project,  in time to Work on my HH Ravenguard too....


In November I took a much need 2 week vacation from work and during that time I found 40 + Mk 4 plastic marines. I contacted a friends and made a deals to acquire some other models for them.


 A few days ago I was cleaning and looked at the Paladins and finally decided to fix them.....Boarding actions and Arks of Omen may have have something to do with this.  I then ordered 2 more boxes of GK Terminators with a 3rd being picked up as part of the trade for MK4 marines plus other stuff I received.  The plan is to build the 2 boxes as Squad 5 and Squad 6 of terminators (halberds and Incinerator, Swords and Incinerator).  3rd box is to build the non special Weapon model for Squad Armand De Pergord, Squad 5, and Squad 6


I ordered 3 more bare heads as all my Terminator Justiciars have bare heads and Nemesis Daemonhammers and Squad Armand De Pergord has hooded heads




First 2 Heads are for the Terminator Squads 5 and 6 Justicars 


3rd Head is for 6th member of Squad Armand De Pergord 



So with Arks of Omen and Boarding actions coming out this weekend Ill be trying to get those models ready for so Space hulk style shenanigans against my friends.  


As a side note I finished painting 69 models in 2022, 31 of those were Grey Knight Terminator armor (out of the 52 I need to paint). Not bad for me. 

Well between working OT....again and dealing with other issues I was able to sit down and build the 2 boxes of terminators


 Justicar Daemon Hammer, Incinerator and Swords



and Halbreds

  • 2 weeks later...

While I was at a LGS this weekend picked up another 5 Gk Terminators. 



Indomintus Standard Ancient conversion, Apothecary,  3 individual Brotherhood Terminators as variant to not taking heavy Weapons.  

Well its Official I have NO FULLY BUILT AND UNPRIMED GREY KNIGHTS! I still have 2 Razorbacks, 5 Land Raiders, and Storm Raven to build but all built models are primed at least. 


The models!




Terminators, Terminator Characters Inquisition




Power Armor



To be painted: 


Terminators Paladins Characters



Purifers, Interceptor, Purgation Squad NDK, Storm Talon



  • 1 month later...

Awesome work. I've been toying with the idea for a long time of starting GKs. My fear, (and I wonder if you have this fear) is that they will get a much needed remodel (to make them a little larger then they are now, they are a bit stunted.) and then I'll have models that just don't fit together. 


I've thought about mixing parts with BT bodies and GK arms but not sure how that will look, and then of course you do miss out on some of the details that GKs have on their bodies. the inlays and such.

Honestly most of my force is built and primed  (at least) so I probably won’t buy into the upscaled models for GKs if there are any as I would have to rebuy all the terminators and power armor so it’s hard pass. I also don’t play enough to want to build more stuff for my GK’s.



  • 2 months later...

Update 06/13/2023


My GF is taking off for her cruise tomorrow and will be gone for 16 days.....:cry:


But while she is gone my goal (besides pulling weeds and house repairs) is to finish 5 Paladins I started a while back, Build, magnetize, and prime 5 Land Raiders (still don't know where I will display them as cases are full) and all my potential Call to Arms vows will be prepped.



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