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  • 4 weeks later...

Game # 2 for 10th edition. Loss.....but moral Victory. 


Very thematic lists Iron Warrior lists vs Grey Knights


His force consisted of 

Warp Smith

Master of Possession

2 Hell Brutes

2 Cultist squads

2 Chaos marine squad

Accursed Cultist

Traitor guars

Noctilith Crown





5 terminators

2x 5 man Strike squad

5 Interceptors

5 Purgation 

2 Razorbacks

Venerable Dreadnought 


6 Inquisitorial Henchmen 


First turn saw my Grey Knights fail to inflict damage to the Crown hurting one dread, and killing most of the traitor guard and some cultist. The highlight of turn 1 Venerable dreadnought rolling 2's for both his Lascannon and Missile launchers, to hit.  My Friend's turn saw the strike squad jumped by the accursed cultist and dying, Razorback taking damage.  The other razorback pummeled by the other hell brute,  Purgation squad were shot by the surviving traitor guard. 


2nd turn saw Librarian and terminators deep strike along with the Interceptors and Ven Dread teleporting and relocating. Ven Dread once again rolled 2's to hit :wallbash:. Libby did his thing and vortex of doomed the Noctlilth Crown for 10 damage. his termie squad opened and killed a bunch of cultist. End of turn 2 saw almost all cultist dead, strike squads both dead, both razorbacks dead, 


Turn 3 saw my forces dewindling badly. Vortex on crown added another 2 wounds and the terminator Psycannon finished it off. resulting explosion took out 4 chaos marines, traitor guard, reamining cultist, and my Terminators lost of member. At the end of turn 3 I had Libby and Interceptor Justicar left. Game called. 



Still Plodding along on my Call to Arms Vow. Still alot to do on Terminators plus so many more to paint


2x5 man Grey Knights Paladin squads (10pts),

2x6 man Terminator squads (12pts),

1 Terminator for previous squad (1 pt) -In Progress

2 Apothecaries (10 pts),

Librarian (5 pts),- In Progress

2 Ancients (10 pts)- 1 In Progress

1 Mystic (5pts)- Completed

1 Acolyte (5pts)- In Progress



  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

First update for 2024!


My group is hitting 30k pretty hard ...so nothing on the model front for my Grey Knights. I did get my 4 Grey Knight Strike Cruisers for Battlefleet Gothic and Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex from my friend. My group has not been playing 10th edition partially due to rules creep, none of the marine players have bought the cards or codex. I plan on buying the Agents of the Imperium, Grey Knight and Adepta Sororitas Codexes and cards but I have no plans to really buy anything else for those 2 armies, just build and paint what I have. The other part of the delay on any hobby updates is I "officially" moved in with my GF now Fiancé and her kids. and had to redo my hobby area.  That is finally up and running sorta...it is set up for now.

Wow. That is a lot of Grey Knights. Considering how many points they are that must be a silly amount of points. Kudos. They look awesome too.

@INKSIn terms of sizing, Archie’s Forge do some legs that upscale the grey knights. They look pretty good:




  • 3 weeks later...

So I keep thinking about the 40k hobby and I keep going back my Grey Knights. I have many projects to deal with on my Grey Knights:

  • revisit my Kill Team and possibly redo them
  • Increase terminator squad size and add Ancients and Apothecary
  • Add Ancients to Paladin squads
  • Add another Strike team or 3
  • Finish Techmarine Razorback
  • Build 3rd strike squad Razorback
  • Build Land Raiders
  • Paint all primed models

Once my house sells and I look at the funds, I think I am gonna buy a kit I have been wanting for a while. 



  • 1 month later...

I don't have anything constructive to add but wanted to let you know that I've browsed through your thread and am impressed by your commitment. You have an absolutely lovely army and I'll make sure to visit this part of the forum more often.

Thank you for the kind words @Brother Christopher. I really need to update all the photos. 


While on vacation I was able to start reading the Grey Knight Omnibus by Ben Counter. I am in Chapter Nine of Book 2 Dark Adepts. Even though the books are not accurate (usually the case with BL stories) it has given me more desire to work on my Grey Knights. So purchased a few more items....






More banners.....




I want a Terminator carrying a censor so...




x2 I seem to going thru a ton of hooded heads so I figured grab some more. 




Sons of Titan Hardback. 




Another Banner or 2 if I can pull it off and parts I need for a planned Diorama - Grey Knight Terminator preparing to suit up


I also picked up a Chimera for  an "Engineseer" as part of the 909th Hell Rain and my Inquisitorial Force along with some other things....


  • 4 months later...

It’s been a while….the warp makes time drag by.


well I’ve been focused on Raven Guard, custodes, and sisters of silence for HH and my groups upcoming Tanksgiving game for our campaign. Then of course Adepta Sororitas codex comes out so that has been my distraction from HH. Then to bond with my future kids, I took them to the lgs individually, 2 of the 4 old enough to play, to pick their armies.


The oldest picked GSC cause he liked the Dirtbikes and come on a dirt bike sniper is kinda cool. So in my mind Sisters can deal with this. 

So I take the next son with me and he eventually decides on Death Guard….my sisters can not deal with this… 

So they have 2 character models to build each and they will get their Combat Patrols afterwards.


So sisters being overwhelmed by the lack of their fire power and low toughness is gonna suck. So… I return to Titan and don’t even have to buy a combat patrol cause I have all the models I need…so in the end I’ll have a dreadknight to paint and my combat patrol is done.  Soon I’ll begin my painting of said dreadknight 



So as I put more thought into it, I do need 3 squads of Henchmen: Ordo Xeno, Ordo Hereticus, and of course Ordo Malleus Inquisitors will have their own units. What does this mean for My Grey Knights. Well the plan is to increase the Terminator squads to max 10 models with Banner Bearers, Apothecaries, and a second heavy weapon. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Had a little time last night and did some touch ups and hit it with washes




highlights and basing to go.  11 more days to go until Game day.

Edited by WAR

Thank you for basically keeping the GK thread alive. Other than browsing this site occasionally, I've lost most interest in warhammer. But is still nice to see these updates and people's progress and paint jobs. 

Great work :thumbsup:

@Captain Coolpants I know what you mean about Warhammer burnout and losing interest. I have gone through it many times in my 27 years of Warhammer.  It is hard fact that as much as we spend on this hobby when are interest wains, it is hard to get back in to it. You will always have a place in the Halls of Titan.


I really appreciate you saying that, The Hallowed Halls of Titan had some great Moderati such as @Brother Lunkhead, @WarriorFish, @Valerian and the rest, over the years and I hope I am making them proud. 


I hope with the Codex coming out next year that we have new Frateris join the halls but I fear it won't be until we get a range refresh.  I still have @20 Grey Knights terminators to build plus my Vehicles I keep putting off. Plus my Battlefleet Gothic Strike Cruisers that I need to build.  


And I would love to get a Plastic Thunderhawk in 40k Scale not Imperialis scale....So the fiancée wont kill me for spending $900+ on a "toy". I think a lot of us fall in that category.

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