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Company Veterans with Boarding Shields


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I have a unit of 5 armed with combi-plasmas. 

3 with shields

1 with power sword (Sgt)

1 with thunder hammer.


That said, I have a second unit I'm building using the Deathwatch Veterans kit, & I'm leaning towards Storm Bolters as the default choice there. Then again...I bought 100 magnets :teehee:


They're a really flexible unit - I like the survivability bump from the shields, and you can set them to deal with any threat you like in almost any phase. Plasma probably isn't the best option since supercharging could make your shields irrelevant, but melta in pods, storm bolters for MOAR DAKKA, any mix of CCW's you want, paired with characters (Like apothecaries, for annoyance factor...)

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I've been toying with the idea of 2 with combi-meltas and shields, 2 with combi-meltas and lightning claws, sergeant with either a thunder-hammer or powerfist and combi-melta, and one with a grav-cannon and either a shield or melee weapon. Idea is lots of close-range shooting firepower, use the two models with shields to take the first few saves and have the unit put out a decent amount of melee output.  

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