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So I entered a digital GT with lots of competitive players

*When I play online I only use models I own unless I am experimenting what to buy...so this digital army matches my real life army

First time playing on the WTC mission packs as well...interesting they have maps with high/medium/low terrain

I kind of like that...random battle maps where flexibility in your army is a factor

My personal goal is don't embarrass myself...leave with at least 1 victory

Round 1

SW v Orks

Map/Mission-Table 3 Battle lines (lots of terrain)

My army-Sons of Fenris
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment CP
+ HQ [21 PL, 440pts] +
Captain on Bike [8 PL, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master [2 PL, 40pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun, Warlord
Captain on Bike [6 PL, 130pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun
Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 5. Recitation of Focus, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Absolver Bolt Pistol, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [1 PL, 25pts], Crozius arcanum, Frag & Krak grenades, Litany of Hate, Twin Bolt rifle
+ Troops [18 PL, 270pts] +
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
+ Elites [39 PL, 682pts] +
Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 140pts]
. 3x Bladeguard Veteran [105pts]: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted Power Sword, 3x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt [35pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield
Company Veterans [3 PL, 48pts]
. Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
. Veteran Sergeant [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]: Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade, Frag & Krak grenades
Wolf Guard [7 PL, 139pts]: Jump Pack [1 PL, 10pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader [25pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Lightning Claw [3pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 85pts] +
Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 55pts]
. Attack Bike [2 PL, 55pts]: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [10pts], Twin boltgun
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 453pts] +
Eradicator Squad [12 PL, 240pts]: Melta rifle
. 5x Eradicator [200pts]: 5x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol
Long Fangs [11 PL, 213pts]: Armorium Cherub [5pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades
. . Boltgun and Bolt Pistol: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
+ Dedicated Transport [4 PL, 70pts] +
Drop Pod [4 PL, 70pts]: Storm bolter
++ Total: [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Biker HQs along with my favorite units after experimenting
-Wulfen dread with WC/Shield 2xflamer
-LF Pod of melta death
-Cyberwolves and attack bike for speed/utility
-Judiciar for a hard counter to melee armies
His army
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Orks) [100 PL, 9CP, 1,998pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Clan Kultur / Specialist Mobs: Deathskulls
Detachment CP
+ Stratagems +
Extra Gubbins (1/3 CP) [-1CP]: 1 Extra Shiny Gubbins
+ HQ +
Big Mek W/ Kustom Force Field [4 PL, 80pts]: Grot Oiler
Deffkilla Wartrike [7 PL, 125pts]: Da Fixer Upperz, Kunnin but Brutal, Warlord
Warboss [4 PL, -1CP, 83pts]: Attack Squig, Da Biggest Boss, Da Killa Klaw, Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw
+ Troops +
Boyz [4 PL, 95pts]: Tankbusta Bombs
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Boyz [4 PL, 95pts]: Tankbusta Bombs
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Boyz [4 PL, 95pts]: Tankbusta Bombs
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
+ Elites +
Kommandos [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw
. 4x Kommando: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Kommandos [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw
. 4x Kommando: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Meganobz [10 PL, 200pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
Meganobz [10 PL, 200pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
Meganobz [8 PL, 160pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
Painboy [3 PL, 65pts]: Power Klaw
+ Fast Attack +
Stormboyz [3 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Stormboyz [3 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Stormboyz [3 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob: Killsaw, Killsaw
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
+ Heavy Support +
Battlewagon [9 PL, -1CP, 155pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla
. Kustom Job: Forktress
Battlewagon [9 PL, 155pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla
Battlewagon [9 PL, 155pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Pregame & Deployment
Haven't played many orks in 9th
After reading up on him he has obsec infantry and salamander rerolls
He also has a ton of advance/charge abilities
What he does NOT have is ranged firepower
This is the exact type of opponent my list is designed to punish
This map with heavy terrain will slow down his giant BWs as well
I can block alleys with dreads and fight first with my tricks
I need to cut down his mobility and remove those BWs ASAP...that will be my goal going in
I choose my WL/relics/secondary accordingly
Chapter Master gets Hunter + Imperium's Sword + MC Thunder hammer (he is on wagon/wartrike duty as a kamikaze missile with S9 and savage strike combo resulting in wounding on 2s for 4 damage THs a pop against all his T8)
Chaplain gets Recitation of focus (need to shoot BWs) and Canticle of hate (for my outflanked units) + Wise Orator
Captain gets Rites of War + Armor of Russ
LFPL gets morkai bolts
I choose
Bring it down (i will be killing his vehicles anyway...assassinate is more points but he can keep away from me)
Deploy scramblers
Warrior pride
He chooses
Deploy Scramblers
Vital ground
I completely zone out my backfield using 2 cyberwolves and a BC unit
Everything else is up on the line with no fear of being shot
Company vets behind a wall using ninja bodyguard skills to protect my characters on the left
He loads up everything he can in battlewagons
2xKommando and 2xstormboys in reserve
He is far back to avoid my LF DP
I win the roll and go 1st
He redeploys his units to avoid turn 1 LF DP shots and is waaaay out of position to fight over objectives now
He puts a unit of stormboys out front to push the LF DP back even further while hiding all his BWs
The psychological effect of the LF DP is having a major impact right now
Grab and hold EVERYTHING while he is far away is my current plan
Turn 1 I just move forward and advance most of the units...I roll 4+ on almost everything and we joke my dice are hot
I am actually freaking out hoping I don't burn all the good luck with advance rolls
Left flank is Judiciar flank
Chapter Master
Right flank is Captain flank
Wolf Guard (jumped on 3rd story building to avoid incoming charges)
Attack Bike
Chapter master buffs eradicators at the start of the turn
Between bike bolters and eradicators I kill 4/5 stormboys
BCs in the rear deploy scramblers
His turn
Not much he can do with traffic jam and BWs
He moves his lone survivor stormboy forward to block out DPs again...I forgot to get a SS but he was basically in the shadow of the L terrain his current blue bubble ends near
Turn 2
I spread out to prevent his DS in my backlines and block the alleys with my melee beatsticks
I also line up 2 auto charges to score warrior pride against his single stormboy (we don't even roll when combat happens)
After killing him the chapter master moves back towards the wulfen dread to hold the alley
BC on the left deploy scramblers midfield
Chaplain zooms to right side for LF DP (I have 24" range on his middle BW because the rear is sticking out)
I pop recitation of focus using commanding oratory and keen senses
Morkai bolts land
LFs hit on 2s wound on 4s and reroll all 1s
*Pre game the decision was this combo or catechism of fire for wound roll +1...I figured I would take the 2s rerolling because it also helps morkai bolts land and I would let the dice decide the 4+ wounds)
I manage 9/12 wounds
He makes 5 5++ saves for his BW
With 4 damage dice I roll 4-4-2-1
CP the 1...get another 1
BW has 5/16 wounds now
That was not what I expected...
His turn
He moves damaged BW and heals it so it is top bracket
Disembarks far right BW to charge LFs and chaplain
BWs charge on left and middle alleys directly into my wulfen dreads
The passengers inside the right flank BW disembark and advance directly in front of the LFs
He makes all his charges
On the right flank the MANz kill my chaplain...I failed 4 saves and debated trying to save him but decided the chaplain had done his job and I need the wulfen dreads to stay alive.
The MANz consolidate into my wulfen dread
The boyz kill 5/6 LF then use fight again to finish the job and flood my objective to steal it with their superior numbers of OBSEC
WG in the right alley HI into his BW...I want to make him choose b/w killing wulfen or WG
The BW has put 2 MW on the wulfen from charging
6 wounds remain and the BW has 6 total attacks
He decides to attack the WG instead
He kills 4/5 WG
Surviving WGPL puts 4 wounds on BW (go LC rerolling 5s to wound!!!)
I think long and hard about whether the wulfen should swing into the BW or MANz
I decide I need to kill the BW to pop out troops and giving me shooting targets
I will also free up the jump WG to deploy scramblers if he doesn't need to fall back
Wulfen finishes the BW off when he swings
He disembarks his MANz along the alley wall
On the left flank I HI the judiciar and chapter master on left and shut down his BW so we swing first
Chapter Master kills BW with 4 MC TH wounds and consolidates towards enemy DZ
*Can't see him in the screen shot b/c he is hugging the wall
Turn 3
Chapter master goes on a kamikaze mission to kill the wartrike in his back lines
Left flank the BCs push up to kill his boys and kill 8/10 and block the alley to keep him from the objective
Judiciar and Wulfen fall back AWAY from his MANz to hold the objective as long as they can...if he comes near I will destroy him in melee and fight first
Right flank I line up both eradicators for shots
I bring in BC and bladeguard with 9" charges to help as well
My last surviving WG jumps into his DZ and drops my final scrambler
Shooting is excellent
Eradicators kill 4/5 and 3/4 MANz
I thought they had a decent invulnerable and was not expecting to kill this many
Right flank eradicators then charge into boys using savage strike decimating the squad...in fact they kill TOO many and he pulls my bike captain out of combat preventing me from killing them off
When turn is over I contest the right objective and deny him points
I have also decimated his army and main combat forces
On his turn he goes over his options and then concedes after seeing he can't charge into me
We talk it over and he says he just can't get into melee without me attacking first
He has no options available
Final score and recap
*ignore the deploy scrambler point in the screen shot...it was a placeholder
SW victory!!!
I was surprised by the maneuverability once his ork army committed to the attack
He basically started deep in his DZ and reached midfield with charges...even with the MANz
I also agree with my opponent...a pure melee force has too much trouble overcoming the judiciar + armor of russ combo with wulfen dread beatsticks.
It is exactly why I have them in my army...I have just enough tools to hold off melee armies and just enough guns to pour on damage safely from the back lines
My water style list that adapts to each opponent
Round 2 awaits...please no harlies!!!
Edited by TiguriusX

Thanks for the content. I appreciate the time you take to write these up for us.


Do you find bikes for the wolf lords to be the better option than mounted on thunder wolves? What have you found to be the pros vs cons? Have you found yourself wanting the mounts instead of the bikes?


Have the double heavy flamers been worth the points for you on the Wulfen dreads?


It’s seems like in your iterations of lists that the different things you’ve tried all have use. Makes me happy about internal balance of our book.

Thanks for the content. I appreciate the time you take to write these up for us.


Do you find bikes for the wolf lords to be the better option than mounted on thunder wolves? What have you found to be the pros vs cons? Have you found yourself wanting the mounts instead of the bikes?


Have the double heavy flamers been worth the points for you on the Wulfen dreads?


It’s seems like in your iterations of lists that the different things you’ve tried all have use. Makes me happy about internal balance of our book.


I ended up with biker HQs for a couple of reasons


The primary reason is mobility...guaranteed mobility in a dice game is a huge deal

The way I run my HQs I never felt the need for TWC


14" then charge or 20" turbo boost to get me to a specific location are major tools I use

When I add hunter I get 21" advance with a charge to follow...that is a massive threat range


A TWC can't match that mobility...all it can do is advance and charge without the hunter trait

But technically 10+d6 TWC isn't much better than a basic 14" move and charge that a bike has.  Once again I prefer the known quantity so I can plan around it


If I were to change I would use a jump pack instead of a TWC.  The ability to breach through walls and hop over models would be worth the loss in total movement for a different type of flexibility


But I like having T5 so I prefer bikes over all other versions currently...and my discovery of the company veteran and bodyguard slingshot has given me even more range on my bikes.  I no longer have to hide and drive around terrain on turn 1.  I can line up turn 1 charges with bike HQs and drop a pod filled with BCs and a canticle of hate aura from a chaplain if I want to and there isn't much my opponent can do to stop me unless they have a ton of psykers.




Never considered dropping the double flamers on my wulfen dreads for points.  I like having the option to auto hit and get a guaranteed outcome.  It may vary in number of shots but I know it will hit.  It has a psychological impact on my opponent and prevents him from easily slowing me down me with chaff.  If I start my turn in combat I can fire them and try to get free for a charge as well



Our codex has many options and you can make anything work if you build your list around it...my current list has a high demand for reliability.  It is why I prefer the great wolf claw on the wulfen dreads.  Rerolling those wounds are HUUUUGE for me.


I have started coming up against stuff with transhuman type defense (dark angels and sisters of battle relic) etc.

Claws that reroll wounds are my best weapons against that type of unit.

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally went back and fleshed out the batrep a bit. I had to try and remember details a week later based on my screen shots only. Gotta be honest...still cranky I lost the entire post and all the notes I had.

Round 2
SW v Custodes
Map/Mission-Table 3 Sweep & Clear
My army
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment CP
+ HQ [21 PL, 440pts] +
Captain on Bike [8 PL, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master [2 PL, 40pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun, Warlord
Captain on Bike [6 PL, 130pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun
Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 5. Recitation of Focus, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Absolver Bolt Pistol, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [1 PL, 25pts], Crozius arcanum, Frag & Krak grenades, Litany of Hate, Twin Bolt rifle
+ Troops [18 PL, 270pts] +
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
+ Elites [39 PL, 682pts] +
Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 140pts]
. 3x Bladeguard Veteran [105pts]: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted Power Sword, 3x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt [35pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield
Company Veterans [3 PL, 48pts]
. Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
. Veteran Sergeant [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]: Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade, Frag & Krak grenades
Wolf Guard [7 PL, 139pts]: Jump Pack [1 PL, 10pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader [25pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Lightning Claw [3pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 85pts] +
Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 55pts]
. Attack Bike [2 PL, 55pts]: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [10pts], Twin boltgun
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 453pts] +
Eradicator Squad [12 PL, 240pts]: Melta rifle
. 5x Eradicator [200pts]: 5x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol
Long Fangs [11 PL, 213pts]: Armorium Cherub [5pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades
. . Boltgun and Bolt Pistol: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
+ Dedicated Transport [4 PL, 70pts] +
Drop Pod [4 PL, 70pts]: Storm bolter
++ Total: [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
His army
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [125 PL, 2,000pts, 10CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment CP
Shield Host: Shadowkeepers
+ Agents of the Imperium +
Callidus Assassin [5 PL, 100pts]
+ HQ +
Captain-General Trajann Valoris [10 PL, 190pts]: Champion of the Imperium, Warlord
+ Troops +
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 168pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 159pts]
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
Sagittarum Custodians [10 PL, 265pts]
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
. Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia
+ Elites +
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts, -1CP]: Eternal Penitent, 2x Twin Adrathic Destructor
Vexilus Praetor [6 PL, 128pts]: Misericordia, Raiment of Sorrows, Storm Shield, Vexilla Magnifica
+ Fast Attack +
Venatari Custodians [28 PL, 275pts]
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler
. Venatari Custodian
. . Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler
Venatari Custodians [28 PL, 275pts]
. Venatari Custodian: Venatari Lance
. Venatari Custodian: Venatari Lance
. Venatari Custodian: Venatari Lance
. Venatari Custodian: Venatari Lance
. Venatari Custodian: Venatari Lance
+ Heavy Support +
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought [14 PL, 260pts, -1CP]: Eternal Penitent, Iliastus Accelerator Culverin
. Telemon Caestus
++ Total: [125 PL, 10CP, 2,000pts] ++
Pre-game and deployment
Different style of Custodes list I haven't faced before
My goal is to avoid a big fight...want to spread him out and pounce while he is separated then play keep away while scoring primary
He can chase me or spread out and hold objectives...he can't do both
With my drop pod and other reinforcements I can focus my offense on him where he is weakest
Engage on all fronts
Deploy Scramblers
While we stand
-Chapter Master
-Wulfen Dread
He takes
Grind them down
Direct assault
Chapter Master (Imperium's sword + Hunter)
Captain on Bike (Rites of War + Armor of Russ)
Chaplain (Recitation of focus + Catechism of fire) (Pelt of Balewolf)
LFPL (Morkai Bolts)
Company vets
Wulfen Dread
Cyber wolf
I hug cover as best I can and deploy out of sight. I can go left or right depending on the flow of the game.
He appears to heavily favor the left flank.
He wins the roll to go first but makes me go
Turn 1
I move my expendable units but keep the bulk of my army for a counter attack
BCs deploy scramblers
Jump WG go left but south of the objective to keep cover and prepare to strike next round
Attack bike turbo boosts and I touch the objective on the right side...it is a slightly risky move but he needs to roll very well with advances to threaten me
His turn
He comes out of the gate rolling nothing but 5s and 6s for all his advances.
I joke this is either a bad omen for me about how your day will go or a bad omen for you and you are wasting all your good rolls early (yes I have that kind of superstitious belief when I play 40k).
Both his units on the right flank are able to do what he needs. The sagitarum just barely get LOS on my bike and he blasts me off the objective.
The 3 man custodes just barely gets a toe in and claims the objective
He also shifts the bulk of his forces and starts moving to the right side
He leaves his combat dread and venatari on the left and they push forward aggressively to threaten the objective but they don't reach it
Turn 2
I need to plan this turn around my LF DP arriving.
Based on his maneuvering I decide I will strike with almost everyone on the LEFT flank
However...I do need to remove that 3 man custodes unit from the objective on the right or he will start getting hold more and his entire army can move on and leave it behind.
I bring in a BC unit in a tiny pocket he left me in his DZ and they deploy scramblers in the back left
I turbo boost the bike captain and chaplain to give auras on the left flank
Wulfen dread and judiciar advance and try to get in position as well
I see I am exposed if he decides to deploy his reserve venatari or if he survives and charges into my lines so I decide to use my jump WG as a screening unit and line up defensively. I have the captain with armor of russ on the left and the judiciar on the right so I feel confident I can intervene and stop at least 1 unit in melee.
The LF DP doesn't have much room but I am able to squeeze them into area terrain and get LOS
I need to choose whether the dread or the infantry should die. I view his venatari as the bigger threat due to mobility. If I ignore them they can escape this flank and I can't chase them down.
I pop the full LF combo of keen senses + recitation of focus + captain rerolls + morkai bolts
He pops transhuman...I slap myself in the forehead because i completely forgot custodes haven't been updated to limit that to primaris only
Based on my other games I hate firing at what I call 4/4 units. Needing a 4 to wound and then needing to bypass an invulnerable save can absolutely neuter the damage output of my LF
And wouldn't you know...I hit with all 12 meltas...I wound with 6 meltas...and he makes 5/6 4++ invulnerable saves
I can't send the wolf guard in to fight and try to mop up at this point b/c he is too far away and I chose to set up defensively
This is not looking good...
On the right flank I have pushed my eradicators forward and my BGV advance onto the objective
His movement has removed many of his on board threats so my BGV may be able to survive and hold onto this objective. At the very least they can help draw fire from the eradicators
I also bring in my WE STAND wulfen dread to shore up the right flank
I can't let him plow through my lines so I hide and form a DS denial and serve as a melee roadblock
My eradicators have the full chapter master reroll buff and prepare to shoot his custodes because I need to remove him from the objective
He uses a stratagem to turn off rerolls
I still make 8/12 shots so I am ok
I make 6/8 wounds...I rolled a ton of 1s and 2s
He makes 4/6 saves and only loses 2 models
Son of a B!!!! The streakiness of the invulnerable saves is kicking my ass and he will survive to get hold more
Now I need my own storm shields to hold up or this game is toast
*I grabbed the screen shot as he was moving for his turn
His turn
He hammers me with his counter attack and brings his venatari midfield then uses the stratagem to double fire his pistols
I pop transhuman on my BGV then proceed to fail every single invulnerable save...
He kills 4/6 eradicators with gunfire as well
He walks his rear DZ unit forward to deal with my blood claws and finishes them off with a melee charge
The BIG combat is on the left flank
He fires everything into the WG and kills 1/5 models
He charges the WG and LFs
He has done a good job with positioning so I can only get my captain and the armor of russ involved...I choose to spend a CP and bring the wulfen dread in on the right flank as well
I shut down his venatari and his dread kills 2 more WG leaving 2/5 remaining
The captain tries to save the LF and hits with everything into the venatari
He pops transhuman again but has to use moment shackle because he is running out of CP
The THs from the captain manage 3 wounds but he saves 2 and only loses a single model
The wulfen dread and WG put a few wounds on his dread (can't remember how many...just know it lived)
In his return attack he splits attacks and puts them on my bike captain and the LFs
I fail every single save and my bike captain dies
I also lose 3/5 LFs
Turn 3
What should have been me absolutely demolishing a flank and moving on has turned into a tar pit and I am starting to stress and panic
I have to get my chapter master involved and he turbo boosts across the map
In my focus on that I hastily move my BCs out of his way without thinking too much (this will be important in a second)
I bring in my last BC unit deep in his DZ because he left to chase the other squad. I am out of his LOS and safe to score engage points for a while. I also threaten his backfield
The veterans from the DP deploy scramblers and I complete the secondary
The chaplain and judiciar and chapter master are able to charge in and I shut down his dread with the judiciar
The wulfen dread is the one to finally drop his dread in combat and I consolidate into his venatari
He chooses to attack the wulfen dread with his venatari but I tank it all and survive
Midfield I run away with my eradicator survivors...if I can get another turn of buffs I may be lucky with shots in a future round
His turn
My haste with the BCs bites me in the ass
His callidus drops and takes my rear DZ objective away. That is going to cause SERIOUS problems with the primary scoring
He moves back towards my BC in his rear lines but doesn't roll high enough with advance to get LOS
His venatari choose to stay and keep tarpitting me bottom left
The other venatari unit chases down the eradicators and kills them with pistols
The rest of his forces push middle and consolidate while blasting the BCs to bits
When combat and charges are done I have a single BC and he gets tagged by the venatari
My wulfen dread rips the last few models apart and I finally clear the bottom left sector...transhuman doesn't like claws that reroll wounds
Turn 4
I am running out of time and chances to score
I need to start denying him points now
In my DZ I turboboost the chapter master to take on his venatari with a charge
I have the BC fall back into the objective and use his OBSEC to flip it back
My surviving LFs blast his venatari with melta and the chapter master finishes the job with a charge...without transhuman or streaky invulnerables on his side this time the chapter master kills every single model
In his rear I go for a risky move...I charge into his 3 man terminators and use savage strike with the BCs. I am hoping the buckets of dice will succeed
I get the exploding 6s I need and push enough damage wounds through to kill the 3 man squad
I spend a CP to consolidate 6" and hop behind the wall out of LOS
I have OBSEC and his banner model does not...so I have taken his rear objective and am safe for now
Successful series of moves have denied him the hold more bonus points
His turn
Things move quickly at this point...he kills my BC
His gets his lucky 9" charge with the telemon and kills my bike (this hurt...I needed to live for WE STAND points but it was a move I had to make last turn or his venatari would run wild on me with double firing pistols followed by a charge into my handful of survivors)
His banner runs away from the BCs
The rest consolidate in the middle
*I rotated the camera to give a better view of the battlefield
Turn 5
My objective scoring is complete so I focus 100% on point denial
Chaplain and wulfen dread that will score me WE STAND points go and hide out of danger
I identify the midfield objective as the only thing I can impact
I send my wulfen dread and the BCs on a hail mary maneuver
If I can slingshot past his banner and use the 6" consolidate then I can get my OBSEC BCs to touch the middle objective.
I tell him my plan in advance and we measure and he says yes it is possible
Part B of the hail mary requires the wulfen to make a long charge and kill enough of his sagitarum custodes that I outnumber him
The wulfen dread makes his long into the middle custodes
He tosses a tanglefoot at my BCs but they make their charge...I have 2 CP only...I need them for savage strike and consolidate. If I needed to reroll the charge things were looking grim
The BCs get EXACTLY enough wounds to kill his vexilla banner model in combat and they consolidate and get a few bodies into the middle
My wulfen kills 3 or so of his large sagitarum unit and I successfully deny him the middle objective
His turn the only thing he can do is try and take the middle to score his secondary...my wulfen dread stands firm and he is denied
SW loss
The LF DP combo and eradicators failed miserably turn 2...killed 3 models total with 22 shots
I said I would never fire into a 4/4 unit but I totally forgot about transhuman
In hindsight I should have killed his dread and just said YOLO with the WG and relied on the wolf claws to reroll and punch through
Major brain fart with my DZ BCs gave up a TON of points...not only did he flip the objective and deny me points...it also scored him SUPER points for the direct assault secondary
Happy with my BC performance at the end of the game...I was still competing and able to come up with moves to benefit me. This is why I try to play my games to the bitter end...it is making me more and more comfortable with end game states
My opponent a few days letter still couldn't stop talking about the legendary BC squad and how impressed he was with what they did
I really under valued my opponents list. I came into this cocky thinking I had a major advantage.
The sagitarum and callidus changes made a HUGE difference
Custodes in my mind are slow...but he can advance those sagitarum and still fire buckets of dice
We talked post game and the callidus does that maneuver against EVERYONE he said...people just lose track of her and she pops up as a surprise when pressure is on. He says she is perfect against marines with her D2 sword and he always goes after a weakly defended objective with her
Time to suck it up and see what I can do in the losers bracket now. I can't win this GT but I can sure as hell keep fighting for a top finish
Edited by TiguriusX

Round 3

SW v Dark Angels

Map/Mission-Table 2 Vital intel

My army

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment CP
+ HQ [21 PL, 440pts] +
Captain on Bike [8 PL, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master [2 PL, 40pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun, Warlord
Captain on Bike [6 PL, 130pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun
Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 5. Recitation of Focus, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Absolver Bolt Pistol, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [1 PL, 25pts], Crozius arcanum, Frag & Krak grenades, Litany of Hate, Twin Bolt rifle
+ Troops [18 PL, 270pts] +
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades
+ Elites [39 PL, 682pts] +
Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 140pts]
. 3x Bladeguard Veteran [105pts]: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted Power Sword, 3x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt [35pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield
Company Veterans [3 PL, 48pts]
. Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
. Veteran Sergeant [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]
Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]: Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade, Frag & Krak grenades
Wolf Guard [7 PL, 139pts]: Jump Pack [1 PL, 10pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader [25pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Lightning Claw [3pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]
. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]
. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]
. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]
+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 85pts] +
Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 55pts]
. Attack Bike [2 PL, 55pts]: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [10pts], Twin boltgun
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]
. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws
+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 453pts] +
Eradicator Squad [12 PL, 240pts]: Melta rifle
. 5x Eradicator [200pts]: 5x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol
Long Fangs [11 PL, 213pts]: Armorium Cherub [5pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]
. Long Fang Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades
. . Boltgun and Bolt Pistol: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
+ Dedicated Transport [4 PL, 70pts] +
Drop Pod [4 PL, 70pts]: Storm bolter
++ Total: [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

His army

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels) [100 PL, 10CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Chapter Selection: Dark Angels
Detachment CP
+ HQ +
Captain on Bike [6 PL, 120pts]: Power fist, Rites of War, Storm shield, Warlord
Lieutenant(s) [8 PL, -1CP, 160pts]
. Ravenwing Talonmaster: 2. Tactically Flexible, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter
+ Troops +
Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]
. 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 120pts]
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant
Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 120pts]
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant
+ Elites +
Deathwing Knights [11 PL, 235pts]: Knight Master
. 4x Deathwing Knight: 4x Mace of Absolution, 4x Storm shield
Ravenwing Apothecary [6 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter
. Black Knight Bike: Plasma Talon
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance [6 PL, 120pts]: Heavy bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance [6 PL, 120pts]: Heavy bolter
Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance [6 PL, 120pts]: Heavy bolter
+ Fast Attack +
Invader ATV Squad [12 PL, 255pts]
. Invader ATV: Multi-melta
. Invader ATV: Multi-melta
. Invader ATV: Multi-melta
+ Flyer +
Ravenwing Dark Talon [11 PL, 210pts]
Ravenwing Dark Talon [11 PL, 210pts]
++ Total: [100 PL, 10CP, 2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

Pre-game and deployment

No pre-game...I simply didn't have time to come up with an elaborate plan or study his list

I have a quick look and see tons of shooting and a map with barebones cover

I expect to be massacred to be quite honest

I make a plan to focus on objectives and getting into melee

Chapter master gets Imperium's sword + hunter

Chaplain on bike gets recitation of focus + canticle of hate + wulfen stone

Captain on bike gets Rites of war + armor of russ

WGPL gets frost claws

I put 2 units of BCs in the DP

LF and BGV outflank

WG deep strike using jump packs

I try to hide everything as best I can but I am resigned to my fate

He has flyers that do d3 shots of 3 mortal wounds a turn

He has landspeeders with super plasma

He has ATVs with melta

I keep telling myself don't bother trying to hide...just YOLO

The plan is battle group left go hard and hope the chapter master can clear the right by himself then figure out the rest with reinforcements

Eradicators combat squad and I put 3 hiding in each building



I win first roll off and take first turn

I push out aggressively

BCs in my DZ deploy scramblers

Captain and wolf on the left have easy charges but I send the chaplain to assist them with canticle of hate auto chanted for 1CP anyways

Chapter master zooms 21" and needs an 8" charge to reach the troops

I keep eradicators and the melta attack bike hidden to counter attack but the dreads go running out into the open to get closer

I prepare to drop my pod full of claws within 9" of his troops and he says no...you can't do that

I go huh? He says they are infiltrators. I say SON OF A B...I thought they were incursors.

Should have put the LF in the pod since I can't melee out of reserve...well crap

Plan B is just flood the objective and body block to keep the chaplain alive

Wolf and bike captain make the charge on the left (yay Warrior Pride points!!!)

I kill 0 infiltrators after he uses transhuman and I roll 2-2-2-2-4 for my wounds

He then rolls a 6 and takes 0 damage and kills my wolf in return

On the right flank the chapter master rolls 7...and 7

Holy freaking crap...this game is basically over.

His turn

He obliterates the chapter master...right flank is dead

He tries to melta my right side dread with his invader ATVs but I save all 4 meltas with the blizzard shield...sweet...middle flank still alive

His infiltrators fall back from my bike captain and he fires to kill me

His dark talon gets 2 hits on my bike captain but he rolls 1-1 for the wound rolls with no CP reroll available. I just dodged 6 mortal wounds that only needed 2s to wound

Elsewhere he kills a BC squad shielding the chaplain but can't hurt the other squad in cover who make all their hurricane bolter and regular bolter saves.

When all his firepower stops I am surprised

Still alive!!!

I heroically intervene my super lucky bike captain into his infiltrators and kill 4/5 despite transhuman (got 4-4-4-4-5 to wound and he rolled a single armor save)

I am super focused on how to pull off a comeback so I do NOT do my normal screen shots for the rest of the game...please accept these low budget recreations I made instead


Turn 2

Bad news is I only get 5 primary points

Good news is I am still in the game and have options

I need my anti vehicle units ASAP...problem is my LF have absolutely no options. He has pushed forward with his units along the map edge and infiltrator bubbles are all over the damn place

I totally forget about my BGV and leave them in reserve too

The good news is I have the WG who can land anywhere and he has left an opening in the middle of the board

Chaplain chants and gives recitation bonus to nearby eradicators and drives his canticle of hate + wulfen stone combo near the invader ATVs

Wulfen dread walks towards the invader ATVs for a 6" charge and the WG drop in for a 7" rerollable charge

Bike captain leaves combat with his single infiltrator and drives his reroll bubble to the eradicators. I pop keen senses and blow his mortal wound flyer out of the sky

The other eradicators blow up one of his landspeeder vengeance units on the far right flank

Melta attack bike puts 4 wounds on the ATVs and we go charging in...he super buffs his ATV with transhuman and an invulnerable save

WG and wulfen dread all make it...I use savage strike to buff the WG so they hit on 2s and need 4s to wound with rerolls

They kill 1 ATV and put 7/8 wounds on another

My wulfen dread needs to get lucky but fails...he kills 1 more ATV but the last survivor has 2/8 wounds remaining...CRAP...his apothecary brings one to life and heals the injured one to full on his turn...I was SOOOOOO close

On the left flank the judiciar and wulfen have remained behind to charge into his single model...I saved this as insurance so I could score warrior pride.

He pulls the model and I consolidate to defend the objective with both models

Company veterans have no job anymore since HQs all left so I push forward

The BCs near the DP holding an objective deploy my midfield scramblers


His turn

He spends CP to fall back with his ATVs and still fire. He pours all his firepower into the wulfen dread and WG unit

Wulfen dread tanks a ton but eventually dies. The WG join him

The good news is he has nothing left to finish off my other units

His bike captain pushes forward and kills off my company vets with shooting and ties up the eradicators with a charge

He uses his teleport trick to bring his knights in near his bike captain and within 6" of my units but fails his 6" charge into my BCs behind a wall despite rerolling (phew!!!)

Turn 3

Against all odds I have clawed my way back into this game. I realize I need to play the objectives and slow down how many units he can kill per turn if I want to win

My biggest problem is I need an infantry unit to reach his DZ so I can score scramblers.

I look at the map and accept the fact nobody is likely to make it that far

However...with the death of his infiltrators I have finally cleared enough space on the left flank for my LFs to come in so I decide I will use them and charge into his backfield after shooting

As I go to grab the LFs and plan out where to put them I realize I still have BGVs!!! This is perfect...THEY can clear his backfield and have a chance to live

My chaplain does not chant b/c I 100% need canticle of hate to activate for this move to work

I turboboost over to the left of the map to give my arriving units the hate and wulfen stone buffs

My wulfen dread needs to rejoin the fight and deal with those black knights. He rolls a 1 for his advance and I start moving him across the board

Judiciar and BCs stay put holding the objectives

My eradicators leave combat and go hide back behind the wall where they came from

My bike captain and BCs move out to attack his bike captain

I get 1 TH wound on him and the savage strike BCs finish him off with the help of a bunch of exploding 6

On the left flank my LFs pop keen senses and fire into his ATVs. He fully buffs them and I only manage 4 damage total. I had no LOS to his other vehicles at this time

My attack bike however is still alive and he manages to kill a 2nd landspeeder vengeance and then charge into his ATVs to annoy them. It forces my opponent to burn CP if he wants them to fire.

The BGVs nail their charge and obliterate the 5 man assault intercessor unit to steal the objective from my opponent...MAJOR game swing here as I have now pushed him down to 5 points on the primary

If I survive next turn I can also deploy my scramblers


His turn

He has to choose whether to deploy scramblers with his knights or chase the eradicators and attack me. I am happy with either options to be honest.

He chooses to attack and charges into the Eradicators killing all of them and also killing 4/5 BCs. He then piles into my bike captain. I did NOT HI because I couldn't risk dying. However I don't mind taking free swings and I kill 3/5 of his knights with TH blows

His dark talon fires at my dread but he once again whiffs his wound rolls with 1-1 and no CP rerolls

His ATVs fall back from the attack bike and kill my LFs

His remaining units kill the attack bike but he doesn't move anything to challenge my BGV

His apothecary brings a freaking knight back to life...crap

Turn 4

I get max primary and see a path to victory

I need to focus on denying him points while earning my secondaries

My BGV deploy scramblers to finish those points off

My bike captain falls back from combat with his knights and goes to the very edge of my DZ objective to try and hide and finish out the game

I position the wulfen dread for a 8" charge into his knights and my chaplain goes yolo to charge either his talonmaster (need an 8) or ATVs (need a 5)...it depends on whether I need warrior pride points or am going kill mode

My wulfen dread makes his long charge into the knights. This means my chaplain takes the short easy charge into the ATVs to score the warrior pride

Wulfen dread kills 2 knights leaving 1 alive

Chaplain doesn't do much. Opponent tells me I made a small mistake and uses combat to slingshot his ATVs closer to my BGV (basically moved to the other side of my chaplain model)

His turn

Because I had to deploy scramblers and hold the objective I have a slightly exposed BGV and he gets a shot off with his ATVs. I transhuman and reroll a storm shield save and only lose 1.

His last landspeeder vengeance drives onto the objective and blasts away at me too. I lose 1 more model but the good news is I get pulled out of LOS and his dark talon can't fire at me...he realizes he made his own error and my BGV will now survive. He says at least he is contesting the objective to deny me points.

I break the bad news to him...my BGV will be heroic intervening when he is done declaring charges

On the other side of the map his apothecary kill my last surviving BC (ya he stuck around a long time doing nothing) but his knights only put 2 wounds on my wulfen dread

The tarpit action is working!!! If I make it 1 more turn he can't deploy scramblers b/c his knights refuse to fall back

The last heart attack moment is his talonmaster chasing down my bike lord to contest an objective and blaze away with 12 HB and assault cannon shots at point blank

The armor of russ/storm shield combo are a life saver

He charges in...I drop him to 3 wounds and he drops me to 1 wound

I have BARELY held on but it is enough

Turn 5

We talk about the score at this point and only do actions that will impact the final score

The wulfen dread must live and he does just enough to end the game with 2 wounds remaining

My captain kills the talon master and I get more bring it down points

Final and recap



SW victory!!!

This was one intense and insane combat experience. I was confident I would easily lose this...the same way I was confident as I would easily win round 2 v Custodes

That is why we play the game right?

I had to keep saying YOLO YOLO to myself during the game and I may have learned a valuable lesson as part of it. I am VERY conservative and struggle with primary points because I don't like putting my units in harms way.

However...I was forced to play that style today and once I got over that painful feeling of taking it in the face I learned a valuable lesson. No pain no gain. I can't compete and score if I am not out there risking my neck.

I will see if this YOLO style helps me break out of the hide and hit pop goes the weasel style I have fallen into.

Wulfen dreads MVP again. Despite lacking the core keyword they are just the perfect blend of reliability on the battlefield

The BGV hail mary was awesome as well. I totally forgot about them because of the stress in the heat of the moment but they came into play at just the perfect time to swing the game

I know him rolling multiple 1s with his MW flyer was insane luck...but I will not complain after the custodes tanked the hell out of 22 melta hits and wounds in the last game

I am 2-1 at this point in the GT and feel I have done a good job bringing honor and glory to our brotherhood. Players are being allowed to change their lists since we are at the halfway mark. I will ride this to the end. There are a few other SW lists in this tournament so I need to keep performing or they will catch me.

Did I ever mention I signed up as a member of the B&C Space Wolves team?

Until the next round!!!

Edited by TiguriusX
I'm not sure how much it would change but you can't heal the same unit with the double heal from the apothecary I'm pretty sure. You can only use that ability once on a unit and it looked like he used it twice. Good job pulling through, calculated aggression is the name of the game for us now which feels weird

Love these batreps, thanks for putting in the effort to bring them to us.


I know you have an attachment to your LF DP combo, but it seems like they fail more often than they succeed. Much of that seems to be dice being dice, but it may be something to objectively consider for future lists.


That being said, you are a much better player than I and I take much inspiration from your lists and play style. Keep it up!

Love these batreps, thanks for putting in the effort to bring them to us.


I know you have an attachment to your LF DP combo, but it seems like they fail more often than they succeed. Much of that seems to be dice being dice, but it may be something to objectively consider for future lists.


That being said, you are a much better player than I and I take much inspiration from your lists and play style. Keep it up!

The LF DP combo is a tool like any other. I am still learning what it is good for and what it is bad for.


I have had games where I blast 2 flyers out of the sky with no sweat...or an ork kill tank goes boom...or I kill a 5 man squad of TWC



Almost forgot...the biggest benefit is the psychological impact. The possibility of dropping that pod of melta death has a massive impact on their choices.


Many opponents tell me that planning around that combo takes most of their pre game attention



The custodes and invader atvs are the things I need to avoid because they are what I call 4/4 units. Things that have transhuman type tricks and only get wounded on a 4 and then have a good invulnerable save absolutely counter the high damage high reliability but low number of dice.


Many of my failures in these games are user error



Edited by TiguriusX
  • 2 weeks later...
GT Round 4

SW v Chaos / Death Guard

Map/Mission-Table 3 Retrieval Mission

My army

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration [12CP] +

**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]

Detachment CP

+ HQ [21 PL, 440pts] +

Captain on Bike [8 PL, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master [2 PL, 40pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun, Warlord

Captain on Bike [6 PL, 130pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 5. Recitation of Focus, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Absolver Bolt Pistol, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [1 PL, 25pts], Crozius arcanum, Frag & Krak grenades, Litany of Hate, Twin Bolt rifle

+ Troops [18 PL, 270pts] +

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

+ Elites [39 PL, 682pts] +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 140pts]

. 3x Bladeguard Veteran [105pts]: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted Power Sword, 3x Storm Shield

. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt [35pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield

Company Veterans [3 PL, 48pts]

. Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]

. Veteran Sergeant [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]

Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]: Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade, Frag & Krak grenades

Wolf Guard [7 PL, 139pts]: Jump Pack [1 PL, 10pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard Pack Leader [25pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Lightning Claw [3pts]

Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]

. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]

. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]

. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]

Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]

. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]

. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]

. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]

+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 85pts] +

Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 55pts]

. Attack Bike [2 PL, 55pts]: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [10pts], Twin boltgun

Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]

. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws

Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]

. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws

+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 453pts] +

Eradicator Squad [12 PL, 240pts]: Melta rifle

. 5x Eradicator [200pts]: 5x Bolt pistol

. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol

Long Fangs [11 PL, 213pts]: Armorium Cherub [5pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades

. . Boltgun and Bolt Pistol: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

+ Dedicated Transport [4 PL, 70pts] +

Drop Pod [4 PL, 70pts]: Storm bolter

++ Total: [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

His army

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Daemons) [26 PL, -1CP, 540pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Chaos Allegiance: Chaos Undivided

Detachment CP

+ HQ +

Lord of Change [14 PL, -1CP, 270pts]: Gaze of Fate, Incorporeal Form, Infernal Gateway, The Impossible Robe, Treason of Tzeentch, Warlord

. Exalted Lord of Change: 5. Aura of Mutability

+ Troops +

Nurglings [4 PL, 90pts]

. 5x Nurgling Swarms: 5x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings [4 PL, 90pts]

. 5x Nurgling Swarms: 5x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings [4 PL, 90pts]

. 5x Nurgling Swarms: 5x Diseased claws and teeth

++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [74 PL, 1CP, 1,458pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP [-3CP]

Plague Company: Mortarion's Anvil

+ Stratagems +

Gifts of Decay (2 Relics) [-3CP]

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Nurgle [10 PL, 200pts]: 4. Blades of Putrefaction, Malefic talon, Wings

+ Troops +

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 98pts]

. 14x Poxwalker: 14x Improvised weapon

+ Elites +

Noxious Blightbringer [3 PL, 60pts]: Plasma pistol, The Daemon's Toll

Tallyman [3 PL, 60pts]: Plasma pistol, Tollkeeper

+ Fast Attack +

Chaos Spawn [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Contaminated Monstrosity

Chaos Spawn [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Contaminated Monstrosity

Chaos Spawn [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Spawn, Contaminated Monstrosity

Death Guard Greater Blight Drone [7 PL, 125pts]

Death Guard Greater Blight Drone [7 PL, 125pts]

Death Guard Greater Blight Drone [7 PL, 125pts]

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, -1CP, 160pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Accelerated Entropy, Heavy slugger

Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, -1CP, 160pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Accelerated Entropy, Heavy slugger

++ Total: [100 PL, 1,998pts] ++

Pre-game and deployment

This game was after Xmas and before New Years

Not much time spent planning to be honest

I basically decided the Lord of Change and impossible robe is a trap (3++ save with 2 rerolls possible)

I will focus fire on his OTHER units and try to win on primary

My anti tank will obliterate his Chaos Spawn and Blight Drones if they have the shot

I will simply have to eat his mortal wounds and artillery until I can silence them in melee

Cyber wolves and Blood claws will be sacrificed in the front lines to keep my heavy hitters safe from mortal wounds as long as possible

His secondary


While we stand





My secondary


Raise banners

Warrior Pride

Chapter master-Imperium's sword + Hunter

Captain on bike-Rites of war + Armor of Russ

Chaplain-Recitation of focus + Canticle of hate + Wise Orator + Wulfen stone

LFPL-Morkai bolts





I combat squad the eradicators as well

Start game with 6 CP


I deploy aggressively with wulfen dreads on the line. I make sure I have 3" spread from the wolf to avoid his AOE smite from doing too much damage

I want him to come forward so I can get into melee that much faster...the counter attack style is good for SW and it gets me warrior pride points on turn 1



I win the roll and make him deploy first

He wins the roll and goes first

Turn 1

He pushes forward hard against me with lots of high advance rolls

Smite kills my cyberwolf in the front of the army but that was his job so I don't mind

Blizzard shield stops 2 blight reaper cannons

PBC kill 4/5 Blood claws but I pass morale thanks to the nearby chaplain

My turn

I ignore his big chicken demon and stick to my plan

His triple spawn attack on the left has my attention and I decide to bring the DP down there...LFs disembark with great LOS and the benefit of cover

I move eradicators to line up shots and help as well

1 Wulfen dread pushes down the alley to take on spawn unit

WG and Captain move onto the objective and focus on nurglings to prevent a hold more score. I don't kill them but I do have more OBSEC thanks to the WG and rites of war captain

LF super combo has trouble with good FNP rolls but kills 3/5 spawn

Dread gets 11 flamers to kill another spawn and leave last guy on 2 wounds

Chaplain and bike captain finish the job with bolters to wipe the squad

Other shooting is real bad...don't kill any other models and barely damage his other 2 spawn units

He was hitting many of his 5++ saves and FNPs

BGV and judiciar kill nurglings in melee on the right flank

Wulfen1 does 3 to blight drone in melee only

He does 3 damage back (rolled 4 6's to wound)

Wulfen2 kills 1 spawn only and takes 3 damage back


Turn 2

He pushes in hard on the left flank

PBC1 fails his 1 shot at wolf

PBC2 does 1 damage to bodyguard veterans

Absolutely horrible round of firing from his artillery

This is the RNG of artillery...as a former scorpius user I know it happens all the time

Spawn kill 4/5 Jump WG

DP does 5/6 damage on Bike captain despite ending up with 11+ attacks from exploding 6s

He only had AP2 so the armor of russ + SS means I only needed 3s to save...it was HUGE

Big bird kills eradicators easily with smite and melee and pushes deep towards my DZ objective

Wulfen1 does 1 damage to blight drone and takes 0 damage in return

Wulfen2 kills 1 spawn and takes 0 damage in return

BGV HI 6" but only put 3 damage on the blight drone using savage strike


My turn

LFs get recitation of focus buff from chaplain

Chapter master gives himself reroll all

I counter attack HARD on the left flank but also bring a single BC unit out of reserve to threaten his nurglings

WG falls out of combat with blue spawn and jumps to get me engage while contesting his objective

LFs and eradicators kill blue spawn with shooting

Chapter master + chaplain + eradicators charge in and kill DP just barely

Judiciar charges a blight drone and is able to finish it off

This frees up the wulfen dread to finish off the OTHER blight drone as I start to secure my right flank

After my turn the opponent concedes

I have taken out most of his offensive firepower away and will be in mop up mode the remainder of the game.

We talk through the turns and finish up the score


Final and recap



*forgot to add his primary when SS taken

SW victory!!!

The wulfen dreads were MVP (this is a recurring theme)

The left flank wulfen tanked chaos spawn all by himself...his duty eternal and blizzard shield were just enough to keep them at bay. I was expecting him to die and had sacrificed him to keep the enemy melee units away from my LFs.

I liked dropping my LFs close to my lines instead of extending them to a risky position. The supporting fire power made a HUGE difference and there was great synergy with the ground attack forces on the same flank

Nurgle and his damn FNPs are a big deal. You don't see the true impact at first but all those FNP rolls force you to use double the firepower to kill a unit

I am currently in 4th place with a record of 3-1 heading into the final round

Hoping to finish this GT strong!!!

Thanks for another great Batrep, I am really enjoying these. I was planning to splash out on a new Dread for my Wolves at some point and I was mulling between a Wulfen Dread or a MM Contemptor. Your experiences with the Wulfen Dreads are certainly making my lean in that direction. Between Long Fangs and Eradicators,I probably have enough melta to cover my anti-tank needs.

Thanks for another great Batrep, I am really enjoying these. I was planning to splash out on a new Dread for my Wolves at some point and I was mulling between a Wulfen Dread or a MM Contemptor. Your experiences with the Wulfen Dreads are certainly making my lean in that direction. Between Long Fangs and Eradicators,I probably have enough melta to cover my anti-tank needs.


I just started experimenting with a venerable dread with claw/plasma....same exact points as the wulfen dreads in this list.


It has more offense and is better against admech and harlie matchups but it also has less defense because it lacks the blizzard shield.


I wish I could take both to be honest...the wulfen dreads just keep putting in work in this GT for me and I am extremely hesitant to remove them now.

My thinking with the Contemptor is that it combines the firepower of a regular Dread with a passable Invuln and the 8" move. Plus the FW version looks particularly good.


If I were going for plasma, the extra firepower of the Redemptor would probably swing it for me. The fact it can take an OGC as a secondary weapon despite it nearly equalling the firepower of an assault cannon is pretty tasty too.

Edited by Karhedron

Here is the preview before final results


Table 1...championship match is Aeldari (harlies + shining spears detachment) v Sisters of battle


Table 2 is AdMech v Space Wolves


Table 3 is Harlies v Space Wolves


Table 4 is Space Wolves v Harlies


Table 5 is Adeptus Astartes v Chaos Daemons



Our codex is representing well in this GT

Edited by TiguriusX

YOU are representing well in this GT. lol. Keep up the good work man.


We are going to have to put all the links to all the other Saga’s you’re writing so we don’t lose track of it all. A lot of great information you’re finding for us all.

Our codex is representing well in this GT

A good showing on your behalf helping a fair bit. :smile.:


How much commonality is there between the SW lists? Are they similar or have you each found different ways to leverage our capabilities?


Our codex is representing well in this GT

A good showing on your behalf helping a fair bit. :smile.:


How much commonality is there between the SW lists? Are they similar or have you each found different ways to leverage our capabilities?




This is the next SW after me (see the redemptor spam?)


Round 1 he defeated necrons

Round 2 he lost to tyranids

Round 3 he got a forfeit against sisters of battle

Round 4 he defeated a harlie foot army


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [97 PL, 9CP, 1,996pts] ++
+ Configuration +
**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Deeds and Sagas [Reference]
Detachment CP
+ Stratagems +
Relics of the Chapter [-1CP]: Number of Extra Relics
+ HQ +
Captain [6 PL, -1CP, 140pts]: Beastslayer, Hunter, Jump Pack, Storm shield, Stratagem: Warrior of Legend, The Armour of Russ, Thunder hammer, Warlord
Logan Grimnar on Stormrider [9 PL, 180pts]
Primaris Librarian [5 PL, 95pts]: 2. Murderous Hurricane, 5. Storm Caller, 6) Psychic Fortress (Aura), Tome of Malcador
+ Troops +
Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]
. 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]
. 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]
. 4x Incursor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Occulus bolt carbine, 4x Paired combat blades
. Incursor Sergeant
+ Elites +
Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Wolf Guard [7 PL, 158pts]: Jump Pack
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
Wolf Guard [7 PL, 158pts]: Jump Pack
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Wolf Guard: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
+ Heavy Support +
Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: Las Fusil
. Eliminator Sergeant: Las Fusil
. 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
Eradicator Squad [6 PL, 120pts]: Melta rifle
. 2x Eradicator: 2x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt
Whirlwind Scorpius [10 PL, -1CP, 175pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Scorpius multi-launcher
++ Total: [97 PL, 9CP, 1,996pts] ++


This is the SW immediately after him


Round 1 he lost to the same harlie foot army discussed above

Round 2 he defeated ultramarines

Round 3 he got a forfeit against space wolves I think (score is 75-0 instead of 82-0 others have for a forfeit)

Round 4 he defeated necrons



++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [105 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment CP
+ HQ +
Captain [6 PL, 125pts]: Combi-melta, Jump Pack, Power fist, Warlord
Librarian [6 PL, 120pts]: 5. Storm Caller, Force sword, Grav-pistol, Jump Pack
+ Troops +
Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts] . 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol . Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts] . 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol . Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle . 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades . Intercessor Sergeant
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle . 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades . Intercessor Sergeant
+ Elites +
Wulfen [16 PL, 235pts] . Wulfen Pack Leader: Wulfen Frost claws . 5x Wulfen w/ thunder hammer & storm shield: 5x Storm Shield, 5x Thunder Hammer
Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts] . Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield . . Blizzard Shield: Blizzard shield, Heavy flamer . . Great Wolf Claw: Heavy flamer
+ Fast Attack +
Inceptor Squad [12 PL, 250pts]: 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant, Plasma Exterminator x2
Outrider Squad [6 PL, 135pts]: Outrider Sgt . 2x Outrider: 2x Astartes Chainsword, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Twin Bolt rifle
+ Heavy Support +
Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 90pts]: Bolt sniper rifle . Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle . 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 90pts]: Bolt sniper rifle . Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle . 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 90pts]: Bolt sniper rifle . Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle . 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
+ Flyer +
Stormraven Gunship [17 PL, 340pts]: Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters
++ Total: [105 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)



I would say 3 completely different styles


I can't take #1 overall but I am trying my hardest to finish as the top SW

Really enjoying the batreps, thanks for sharing them. Please could I ask how you are creating the pink radius lines around your models? I’m trying to get into using TTS and haven’t been able to figure out creating radius’

If the army model was creating using the BattleScribe tools then it has scripts built in.


Keypad numbers 4 and 5 should make the auras grow/shrink

Round 5

SW v Admech

Map/Mission-Table 2 Surround & Destroy

My army

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration [12CP] +

**Chapter Selection**: Space Wolves

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]

Detachment CP

+ HQ [21 PL, 440pts] +

Captain on Bike [8 PL, 170pts]: Chapter Command: Chapter Master [2 PL, 40pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun, Warlord

Captain on Bike [6 PL, 130pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 5. Recitation of Focus, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Absolver Bolt Pistol, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [1 PL, 25pts], Crozius arcanum, Frag & Krak grenades, Litany of Hate, Twin Bolt rifle

+ Troops [18 PL, 270pts] +

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

Blood Claws [6 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Blood Claw [72pts]: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Blood Claw Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades

+ Elites [39 PL, 682pts] +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 140pts]

. 3x Bladeguard Veteran [105pts]: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted Power Sword, 3x Storm Shield

. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt [35pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Power Sword, Storm Shield

Company Veterans [3 PL, 48pts]

. Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]

. Veteran Sergeant [24pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Storm shield [4pts]

Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]: Absolver Bolt Pistol, Executioner Relic Blade, Frag & Krak grenades

Wolf Guard [7 PL, 139pts]: Jump Pack [1 PL, 10pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard [26pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Storm shield [4pts]

. Wolf Guard Pack Leader [25pts]: Frag & Krak grenades, Lightning Claw [3pts], Lightning Claw [3pts]

Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]

. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]

. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]

. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]

Wulfen Dreadnought [7 PL, 135pts]

. Great Wolf Claw and Blizzard Shield [15pts]

. . Blizzard Shield [10pts]: Blizzard shield [5pts], Heavy flamer [5pts]

. . Great Wolf Claw [5pts]: Great Wolf Claw, Heavy flamer [5pts]

+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 85pts] +

Attack Bike Squad [2 PL, 55pts]

. Attack Bike [2 PL, 55pts]: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [10pts], Twin boltgun

Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]

. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws

Cyberwolves [1 PL, 15pts]

. Cyberwolf [15pts]: Teeth and claws

+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 453pts] +

Eradicator Squad [12 PL, 240pts]: Melta rifle

. 5x Eradicator [200pts]: 5x Bolt pistol

. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol

Long Fangs [11 PL, 213pts]: Armorium Cherub [5pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang [38pts]: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Multi-melta [20pts]

. Long Fang Pack Leader [18pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades

. . Boltgun and Bolt Pistol: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

+ Dedicated Transport [4 PL, 70pts] +

Drop Pod [4 PL, 70pts]: Storm bolter

++ Total: [109 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

His army

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [102 PL, 1,998pts, 11CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP

Forge World Choice

. Custom: Data-Hoard Forge World: Trans-node Power Cores

+ HQ +

Daedalosus [3 PL, 55pts]

Tech-Priest Dominus [5 PL, 80pts]: Macrostubber, Relic: Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land, Volkite Blaster, Warlord, Warlord Trait (Engine War): Learnings of the Genetor

Tech-Priest Manipulus [4 PL, 70pts, -1CP]: Mechanicus Locum, Transonic cannon, Warlord Trait (Codex 6): Prime Hermeticon

+ Troops +

Kataphron Breachers [20 PL, 350pts]

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

Kataphron Breachers [15 PL, 315pts]

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

Kataphron Breachers [20 PL, 350pts]

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

. Kataphron Breacher: Arc Claw, Heavy Arc Rifle

+ Elites +

Corpuscarii Electro-Priests [9 PL, 210pts]

. 15x Corpuscarii Electro-Priest: 15x Electrostatic Gauntlets

+ Fast Attack +

Serberys Raiders [6 PL, 144pts]: Serberys Raider Alpha

. 8x Serberys Raider: 8x Cavalry Sabre, 8x Clawed Limbs, 8x Galvanic Carbine

Serberys Raiders [6 PL, 144pts]: Serberys Raider Alpha

. 8x Serberys Raider: 8x Cavalry Sabre, 8x Clawed Limbs, 8x Galvanic Carbine

+ Flyer +

Archaeopter Fusilave [7 PL, 130pts]: 4x Cognis Heavy Stubber, Command Uplink

Archaeopter Fusilave [7 PL, 150pts]: Chaff Launcher, 4x Cognis Heavy Stubber

++ Total: [102 PL, 1,998pts, 11CP] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

Pregame & Deployment

That is a TON of kataphron breachers...

They have a 5+ FNP from the warlord and exploding 5+ when shooting

To top that off they are also OBSEC

I predict he will field them as a massive death star

I need to be patient and remove his other units then out maneuver and outlast his breacher spam

I am hoping to repeat a move I pulled last time I faced an Admech army

If things break correctly I can kill his flyers turn 1 while keeping out of his LOS and then I can attack his raiders turn 2

If I can pull that off then I can start trading units for points over the rest of the game

I am confident I can use the terrain to beat him if all he has are his breacher units remaining

He chooses




I choose

Engage on all fronts

Raise the banners

While we stand

-Chapter master


-Wulfen Dread

Chapter Master-(Rites of War + Master of Codex) (Angel Artifice)

Captain on Bike-(Hunter) (Armor of Russ)

Chaplain-(Recitation of focus + Canticle of hate) (Wise Orator) (Wulfen Stone)

LFPL-Morkai bolts



Strategic reserve




Start with 4 CP

I plan to play cagey and start my push on the left flank turn 3

2 of my While We Stand units never have to leave my DZ (Wulfen dread and chapter master)

I don't think he has the proper units to attack aggressively and push me off my DZ so I can get 40 primary without attacking

He will want to fight over midboard and I should be able to keep my rear line ultra secure

CM on right with BGV (need rites of war to keep objective safe)

I combat squad eradicators and put 3 on each side

Other stuff piled on the left objective

WE STAND dread hiding bottom left and never plan to move him


Raiders on the line

Breachers shifted right

Electropriests on the left



He won roll and chose defender

I won roll and went first

He pre game moves his raiders into mid field


Turn 1

I can't get to his flyers so I decide to drop on the left flank and try to hide from return fire

Captain and Chaplain both zoom over for buffs

Cyberwolf doesn't roll high enough so my attack bike turbo boosts to get engage points

Jump WG push forward and hug the wall as well

I kill 6/9 raiders with the LF super combo (my cherub extra shot was 1-1 followed by 1-1)

He fails morale and loses 2 more (1 remaining)


His turn

His flyers MW bomb the WG and stasis bomb the wulfen dread

He advances his electro priests and fires into WG survivors and LFs

He also has a long range shot into my attack bike with his breachers across the table looking through ruins

Kill 4/5 WG (auto pass morale...roll would have failed)

Kills 5/6 LF (passes morale...save Morkai bolts model)

Kills attack bike

His raiders are able to grab mid objectives and he starts scoring domination...crap...didn't prepare for that in my pre game


Turn 2

I buff the eradicators with recitation of focus and pop canticle of hate

CM gives reroll all to my other eradicators

LF survivor hits the raiders with morkai bolts

Left eradicators step forward into the danger zone and line up a shot at his raiders

With rerolls from captain and morkai bolts I manage to kill 5/9 raiders (morale kills 1 more...3 left)

On the right side I pop his chaff launcher flyer with eradicators without having to leave safety

I move my captain and chaplain to charge his electro priests

2 BCs have to come in from reserve

He uses auspex scan on BC1 and kills 2 models (33 shots S5 AP0)

BC2 pops keen senses and fires pistols at the priests killing 1

BC1 + BC2 + Captain all charge into his priests

BC1 goes first and eats overwatch. He kills 1 more (2 left)

BC2 has to go through difficult terrain but I used keen senses earlier so now get to ignore the difficult ground modifier

Not enough room for my chaplain so he stays out

Kill 14/15 Electro priests (he auto passes morale)

After seeing all my lucky charges I also send my Jump WG after his lone survivor raider on the objective

I kill him and contest the objective to deny hold more


His turn

Flyer bombs my wulfen dread and uses seismic again (he is down to 1 CP)

He kills all the BCs on the left flank and blows up my DP

It explodes and kills his electro priest and injures all my survivors

He kills the eradicators on the left

He steps on all 4 objectives again for another domination

His breachers continue their slow move towards me


Turn 3

Chapter master buffs eradicators and makes his first CP regen roll of the game

Morkai bolts hit the raiders

Eradicators move to get LOS and fire...I kill 2 raiders and leave the last with 1 wound (used a CP for damage and rolled a 2 into a 2)

I have nothing else that can fire at the raider so the freaking model will live

I see his breachers coming and realize I am out of screening units and my bike HQs can be picked off

Company veterans and judiciar both advance past the danger zone and join the units hiding out of LOS on the left

Chaplain turbo boosts back to safety to keep his WE STAND points safe

Bike captain relies on company veterans and turboboosts to touch objective and threaten a HI (he also gives rerolls to eradicators this turn)

I also bring in my last BC and wolf

I can't bring BCs in with a charge because the damn flyer is in the way...I dump them on the far right hoping they will live

I get full engage points


His turn

He moves around and fails to get domination for the first time

Kills cyberwolf but only 4/5 BCs die and I pass morale

He starts advancing his breacher robots my direction


Turn 4

My wulfen dread flames his raider

Last surviving BC earns another turn of full engage

My judiciar needs to run but I don't roll high enough with the advance....I am trapped and he is going to run me down

I fall back as much as I can while keeping 3" safety to company veterans

The veterans have to be over the line to earn me engage...I have no other units capable of scoring that for me

The bike captain zooms out of LOS because the company vets will die this turn and no longer protect him


His turn

He charges in and kills the company vets then piles into my judiciar...I kill 1

He also gets into combat with middle wulfen and drops me to 1 wound...I kill 1 model in return


Turn 5

We look at the score and it looks like it is going to be a draw. I decide to play for the win instead.

I charge my bike captain and chaplain in to save the judiciar...kill all but 2 of his breachers

He finishes off my wulfen dread and uses the consolidation to get close...this will give him enough guns to fire at my chaplain next turn...CRAP


His turn

He kills the primaris chaplain (I used last CP for transhuman but it didn't matter)

He manages to get the charge and buckets of dice against my CM but the 1+ save stops 14/17 wounds

Although he doesn't kill Chapter master he does steal the objective b/c more OBSEC and I lose the banner

He drops a single OBSEC robot on the left objective and knocks that banner down as well...that means 2 less points at end game

He kills judiciar in melee and that is the end

Final score and recap



SW loss

I needed a few more points...biggest issue was I failed to run my judiciar out of the danger zone in time...1 turn too late and he got caught by rampaging robots

I sent in a rescue team but they ended up dying and costing me a ton of points in the process

In hindsight I probably should have gone SECOND instead of first...

Knowing one of his secondaries was DOMINATION I could have countered his moves and denied points as the 2nd player. That is my biggest mistake I think.

Doh...came so close but failed to pull it off

This puts me in approx. 10th place overall and I am the 2nd place SW

Congrats to the top SW...he earned it. He took down 2 harlie lists and I played 0 all GT.

I finish the GT with a 3-2 record

I feel failure right now because I had a chance at victory...but overall I am happy with how I did

My opponent is apparently a very good RL player and wins GTs frequently. He just won the warzone atlanta GT last month with this same list

He said I did very good and it was one of his most difficult matches with the list

I will take the compliment and strive to do better next time

A tough fight for sure, where does he get exploding 5s? I know AdMech have the warlord trait for exploding 6s but I was pretty sure that couldn't be modified.


Edit: I looked it up and the forgeworld trait gives it for only the Arc weapons. So that is a rough combo for sure added in with the 5+ on top of just a general 6+ if not near the warlord

Edited by The Saint Ragnar

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