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Warhammer app and the coming supplement


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I thought I would share some interesting discoveries in the dark angels units with the new army builder tool I thought I would share. I'm are that its in beta still so the app shouldn't be taken as gospel but there's some changes I thought I'd share that could be something that happens with the new codex supplement:


- currently ravenwing champion and ravenwing ancient cant take their character upgrades to chapter champ/ancient, apothecary still can though become a chief.


Deathwing terminators at least in the app dont lose their storm bolters with th/ss probably just an error though so i mention but dismiss


Regardless of character upgrades, our special ancients, champion, apothecaries cant take relics or special issue wargear. Probably a error too. This being said HQ choices can take our special relics and wargear so maybe its just them idk. Normal champions and so on again have no problems.


Darkshroud is a fast choice again from elite


Black knights are fast from elite


Talonmasters got a massive points jacking though thats probably an error 235 is a bit hrrmmm


Nephilim jet fighter now comes standard with the twin lascanon as opposed to the punisher.

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The 235 points for the Talonmaster is a bug. On the unit selection screen it shows 235 points, but when you click through to the unit details, it shows the correct 160 points instead.


Regarding relics, you don't select them on the unit themselves, but you select them on a separate screen...click the points/CP total box at the bottom, go to "Options" and this allows you to select your warlord, psychic powers, pre-game stratagems and any additional relics. Agreed, this is not intuitive in that it's not how Battlescribe works, but it might make more sense in the context of how the rules suggest you build a Battle-forged list.


Regarding the other Fast Attack / Elite changes...I guess that they've been building the list based on the 8th edition books, and haven't picked up those changes from the Index Astartes. 


In any case, this app will only get better if we provide feedback. Here's the link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FPBZ89Y - let them know of all the bugs you find!  

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