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Next for becoming Primaris?


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We don't have assault Gravis yet, and those could be made to look more TDA-ish with Indomitus-like helmets and whatnot. Hammers and shields, lightning claws, chainfists, power weapons... plastic Arjac would make sense alongside such a release. Wouldn't say no to a sprue that could wolf these guys up a bit; wolf claws, frost weapons, helfrost guns, that sort of thing.


I guess it would make sense for Primaris Lukas to wear Phobos armour, with the Pelt of the Doppelgangrel as a beefed-up Cameleoline Cloak.

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I wonder what happens to Wulfen and Thunderwolves if they cross the rubicon or should we just be waitng to see the first primaris to go wulfen? 

because they re-equip Wulfen armour wargear, a first born Wulfen is indistinguishable from a Primaris Wulfen.

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I wonder what happens to Wulfen and Thunderwolves if they cross the rubicon or should we just be waitng to see the first primaris to go wulfen?

Wulfen are unstable mutants. I can't see any being selected to cross the Rubicon and if any are mortally wounded, I suspect the Wolf Priests just quietly grant them the Emperor's mercy.


Model-wise the Wulfen are already Primaris scaled so I can see them redoing the models.

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They don't have to cross the rubicon, original primaris are not immune to the curse. There was some blurp ( last codex IIRC) that a unit of helblasters went berserk and used their guns for bludgeoning instead of shooting. They recovered and didn't transform, but not all trueborn do as well.

So we could have a direct transformation from primaris to wulfen.


But I guess that won't happen. Same models/rules for all Wulfen no matter if they have been firstborn or primaris before us more likely

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Guest Triszin


I wonder what happens to Wulfen and Thunderwolves if they cross the rubicon or should we just be waitng to see the first primaris to go wulfen?

Wulfen are unstable mutants. I can't see any being selected to cross the Rubicon and if any are mortally wounded, I suspect the Wolf Priests just quietly grant them the Emperor's mercy.


Model-wise the Wulfen are already Primaris scaled so I can see them redoing the models.

I would like a wulfen character though. A reiver lord turned wulfen

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I would like a wulfen character though. A reiver lord turned wulfen

Great idea! The model will likely have the option of using a fully enclosed helmet, or a Wulfen head, to demonstrate the necessity of concealing the Space Wolves' "beastmen" from Inquisitors and others who'll use the Wulfen's presence as an excuse to purge the Chapter. In-game, let's give him a Special Rule that lets him roll a D6 after each kill; on a natural 6, the character "gives into the beast within," gaining +1 Strength, Toughness, and Attack, until the next turn; the bonuses don't stack with each other.

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