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Who is our "Chapter Champion"


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I was wondering, by our lore, who is our chapter champion?


Belial? Our most skilled company champion? Or is it a separate position within the chapter as it is for other marine chapters?


I'm looking to make a chapter champion as per the new marine codex, and I'm thinking of how to properly do it?


Advice and feedback welcomed and needed :)





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None of the 6th, 7th or 8th Ed Codexes make reference to a Chapter Champion, and don't give you the option to take them as a unit. Thus in the current lore, there is no Chapter Champion. I've been trying to think of all those occasions where Azrael has been on the field (such as Pandorax), and who has accompanied him - again, no named champions come to mind, but I seem to think Deathwing Knights do the job of bodyguard. Gederas's suggestion is therefore on the money.


9th Ed has changed things a bit, so it will be interesting to see how this is reflected in our Codex. 


In terms of modelling it, the codexes have been clear that Dark Angels veterans tend to have a very understated appearance, compared with their cousins from other chapters. If it were me, I'd probably use the existing Company Veterans box, maybe try and take a more decorative power sword from somewhere else (Ravenwing sprue perhaps?) and then put a banner pole on the top of his power pack, painted with the Chapter colours instead of the company colours.

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I’ve been trying to think of the chapter command upgrades as in-game mechanics rather than lore. The Ravenwing Ancient, for example, simply isn’t the Chapter Ancient, despite having the keyword that should allow him to be.


There was a discussion about champions on Reddit not long ago. I don’t know when they were added into the game but there oddly seems to be no convention for how they’re supposed to be modeled. GW’s product shots often put an Imperial Laurel on his right shoulder, despite that traditionally being used for Ancients.

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I would use the Forge World transfer sheet and take some of the fancy icons, like the golden lion decal and add paint the inside of the shoulderpad a different color, maybe split white/black or something.


A lot of room to get a bit more creative with the knight aspect there I think.


But there's nothing saying the Deathwing Champion has to be the Chapter Champion, at least as of now. There's a lot to see I think once we get our book.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I don’t know when they were added into the game but there oddly seems to be no convention for how they’re supposed to be modeled. GW’s product shots often put an Imperial Laurel on his right shoulder, despite that traditionally being used for Ancients.

The only official depiction of a chapter champion is the one from Marneus Calgar's 4th ed bodyguard.




None of his laurels are the Ancient one, but there are plenty of models with laurels on the knees, shin or head.


The Ravenwing champion has a laurel while the Ravenwing ancient doesn't which to be honest makes me think the guy who built the 'eavy metal' version made a mistake with the kit but its a different emblem to the one Brother Bethor (aka Dark Angels Chapter Ancient) has. The Deathwing ancient doesn't get a laurel and neither does the Blood Angels Terminator one, though there is a laurel shoulder pad in that kit that I used for my Ancient.


The regular Space Marine Company Command boxset also forgot to give the ancient a laurel shoulder pad despite one being in the kit. The company champion has a skull free laurel but its a transfer and the shoulder pad isn't designed to need a symbol there.



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I wouldn’t call the lack of laurels a mistake more an evolution of the rank “Ancient” it’s a new rank as of 8th edition and as the company command box came out in 4th, Ravenwing / Deathwing in 6th and BA in 7th when they were still just “Standard bearers”


So there’s no real “traditional” way of modelling one really so I’d say do what you wanna or whatever looks best to you. laurels are awarded for heroism, valour or loyalty so it’s likely they could be on any veteran within the chapter :)

Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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There’s a small photo of a champion in the codex next to its datasheet. There might be a few more elsewhere in the book. As I’ve said there’s no standard heraldry for them that I can find.


I played in 2nd and thought then that the laurel was the standard bearer’s insignia. I’ve noticed, too. How the Blood Angels and Ravenwing photos from GW don’t use it. Could well be a mistake on their part. None of the rule books I still have in the house specifically show it as the symbol of that office.


in general I’d like more in the books than what they give on this sort of stuff. 

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Thats what I came up with last night for an official Chapter Champion. Pointing at his challenge with his combat shield arm, while holding what is clearly a masterwork blade of lost Caliban in his left. Used the robed body from the company vet box, FW MkIII shoulder pad on his left displaying chapter icon, the angel shouldered from the Darkshroud/Vengeance kit on his left. The sword is from the Ravenwing command squad kit. Helm from the upgrade sprue. In my Dark Angels the ONLY ones wearing a winged helm are the company masters, Azrael, AND the chapter champion ;)

The graphic on his personal livery/flag will be a large laurel and skull.

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I’ve been trying to think of the chapter command upgrades as in-game mechanics rather than lore. The Ravenwing Ancient, for example, simply isn’t the Chapter Ancient, despite having the keyword that should allow him to be.


There was a discussion about champions on Reddit not long ago. I don’t know when they were added into the game but there oddly seems to be no convention for how they’re supposed to be modeled. GW’s product shots often put an Imperial Laurel on his right shoulder, despite that traditionally being used for Ancients.

The Imperial Laurel is the badge of office of the Ancients
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