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Tyberos the Red Wake as a BA Successor....


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I’m not sure about the main hook, Tyberios. Since he’s a named character, I’d be hesitant to just go “Inheritors!” and give him Blood Angels rules...

Fluff-wise it’s quite clear that they’re not of The Blood. While the rules might fit for your run-of-the-mill marine, I could see a problem extending those to existing named characters.

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Just make up a chapter of your own, say you like the tyberos model/rules and want to combine it with BA and BAM problem solved. On the other hand ignore the backround and if anyone says anything tell them its your legal army and they should mind their own business. Either way as long as OP is having fun its all good. 


But if you do want to make up a backround for them and share it the acceptance that Space Sharks are NOT BA related has to be met head on. 

Edited by nagashnee
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If someone's going to quibble over the fluff of your army prior to a game it might be best to avoid playing them.

After all you will struggle to even hear what they are saying considering their head will be so far up their own backside as to muffle their speech considerably.


If it really matters call them the blood sharks, but its more important to have fun with your hobby, play fair and be a good sport.

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If someone's going to quibble over the fluff of your army prior to a game it might be best to avoid playing them.

After all you will struggle to even hear what they are saying considering their head will be so far up their own backside as to muffle their speech considerably.


If it really matters call them the blood sharks, but its more important to have fun with your hobby, play fair and be a good sport.

Well, if you call them Blood Sharks you can't use Tyberos at all then. Because he's Carcharodons not Blood Sharks, and we now have official rules with Characters and successors ;)

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If someone's going to quibble over the fluff of your army prior to a game it might be best to avoid playing them.

After all you will struggle to even hear what they are saying considering their head will be so far up their own backside as to muffle their speech considerably.


If it really matters call them the blood sharks, but its more important to have fun with your hobby, play fair and be a good sport.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't about the fluff of the Carcharodons, which has been established to say that they're not a Blood Angels successor, but about the rules interaction with Blood Angels rules because the Space sharks like close combat and to tear their enemies limb from limb. So do the Black Templars incidentally, and nobody wants to use them as Blood Angels (even though they basically only have devout push going for them right now, so it makes a bit of sense rules-wise).


And I agree with the second point. Play fair, don't try to shoehorn Tyberos into a BA army unless you do homegrown codizes and just hand out +1 to wound to everyone.

If you really love the model, and it is a cool one, maybe just use it as the aforementioned flesh tearers captain in terminator armour. They get close enough in regards of brutality.

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The same question could be raised for any Forgeworld Marine character whose "Progenitor Chapter" is officially unknown (even if tie-in media drops hints)


Is it unsportsmanlike to use Red Scorpions characters as Space Wolves, or Blood Angels, or whatever?

How about Minotaurs characters?

How about Astral Claws characters?


IMO it's not - because their progenitors are officially unknown, any progenitor is permissible without "Unsportsmanlike" complaints being valid.

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If someone's going to quibble over the fluff of your army prior to a game it might be best to avoid playing them.

After all you will struggle to even hear what they are saying considering their head will be so far up their own backside as to muffle their speech considerably.


If it really matters call them the blood sharks, but its more important to have fun with your hobby, play fair and be a good sport.

A couple of things:


First, this is a forum for an exchange of ideas, not a pregame setting. So if someone brings up fluff stuff this is the place to quibble about it.


Second, as said right above, they can pick the successor chapter trait progenitors. There are no rules on who can actually select that or what chapter they have to select when they pick it.


Technically, I could paint all my guys blue and put giant U’s on them and still pick the Blood Angel rules, all it means is that I cannot select Ultramarine rules. You just have to be consistent.


Anyways, time for vespers. Good day, sir!

Edited by Arkangilos
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I think I've been misunderstood and probably my fault in the way I worded that. My comment about playing fair was generalised about playing with an opponent, I'm VERY much in favour of using the BA rules for Carcharodons. Theres no reason not too and you are not doing anything wrong by doing so and its certainly not unsportsmanlike.



My quibble comment was in regards to someone doing that at the game table most probably during the opening chitchat as players are pulling out their armies. The internet is 60% quibble and 40% memes, as you say Arkangilos, the perfect place is here.

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I'm not so sure about that. Forgeworld seem to have moved away from 40k and focused on the horus heresy and what used to be called the specialist games. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see another update until the next edition drops.

possibly, but right now the forgeworld characters like this are in a weird place with 8th ed rules that don't really handle 9th ed marine changes very well.

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