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Countering Death Guard


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So, our new codex is out and GW has been dropping reveals on what to expect from Death Guard when their codex is finally out. My best friend and primary opponent plays DG and we are wanting to do the Charcadon/Book of Rust Crusade campaign when it comes out (might have to mod it so I can use my BAs instead of AdMech and Knights). With the new Disgustingly Resilient dropped, my old strategies involving lots of overloaded plasma is kinda shot. For some background, he has a nasty habit of wiping the floor with me and tabling me. I fine tuned my stuff for a small crusade game a few months ago, but now everything is changed. I wanted to see what you all thought would be a good strategy and/or list specific to defeating Death Guard. My idea is to run out and buy a Gladiator Reaper for its many, many D1 shots, but that doesn't feel very Sanguinius-y and it's $80. So, what are your thoughts on coming out on top with our boys in red vs. Mortarions Unwashed Children?

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If he runs a bunch of Plague Marines Thunderhammers will still work just as well as they would have with the 5+++. Lightning claws should be solid into his infantry as well. Plasma won't kill quite as efficiently, but at least there won't be much need to risk killing your own guys since normal shots will kill Plague Marines exactly the same as overcharged.
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Multimeltas and/or Eradicators will do work. 2 shots each at 24" range is not shabby at all. At long range a 3+ on the damage roll will kill a PM and a 4+ will kill a Termie. At close range they will auto-kill PMs and will kill termies on a 2+.


Having said that, throwing lots of S6 1D shots at him will certainly not be a bad idea, particularly in the Devastator Doctrine where they will be AP-2. They will also wound Pox Walkers on a 2+ so will greatly aid your chaff clearing.


Dreadnoughts are also useful as anything with a flat 3D will also be good. We have plenty to choose from now but a Ven Dread with MM and HF should do good work. Or an Ironclad if you want to show those pox-ridden heretics what real durability looks like. ;)


Speaking of Dreads, the Redemptor is pretty tasty these days. HOGC gives you another dakka bot while the Macro Plasma Cannon can be overcharged to 3D so is another decent PM killing weapon.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Thinking I will have to forego the Sang Guard for the sake of points and their D2 weapons when fighting against DG for the time being. Just read the article Warhammer Community just published on the Contagions of Nurgle. Overall, I'm thinking the strategy will be "Shoot them lots and try to secure objectives in turns 1 and 2. Don't bother charging in until Assault Doctrine and make sure you have lots of defensive buffs because you're going to take a big hit to toughness in combat. Also, don't get your friend that Miasmic Malignifier as a late Christmas gift like you were intending....."


What's everyone's thoughts on the importance of taking a Whirlwind to use the Suppression Fire stratagem to counter the Foul Blightspawn's Revolting Stench ability? Would the Castellan launcher's damage output be enough to be worth the points in addition to the stratagem? As I'm typing this, the idea of plopping a whirlwind onto of a backfield objective and sitting on it also comes to mind...

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On the theme of lots of S6+ shots, a squad of 10 Helblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators puts out 30 x S6 AP-4 Dmg1 shots at 24" without overcharging (which wouldn't help against Plague Marines anyway, now that DG gives -1 to incoming damage).


With +1 to hit and rerolls of 1s to hit from a nearby Chaplain and Captain, respectively, that's an average of 29-30 hits, 19-20 wounds, no armor saves (AP-4 vs power armor), and 9-10 dead Plague Marines in a single volley, with no danger of the Hellblasters killing themselves via overheating Plasma.

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Vanguard Veterans with lightning claw and Storm Shield are another great unit. They are pretty durable and Lighting Claws will be wounding PMs on a rerollable 4+ in the first round of combat. Also Disgustingly Resilient does not kick in as it is a 1D weapon but the extra attacks will come in handy.


A 10-man squad will get 41 attacks on the charge (51 if Savage Echoes is in effect) which hit on a 3+, wound on a 4+ with rerolls and have Ap-2. That will kill roughly 7 Plague Marines (apt for followers of Nurgle). This goes up to 8-9 fatalities with SE in effect.


They are also reasonably durable with 20 flying wounds behind a 2+/4++ save.

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Anything with Thunderhammers should do well enough, especially on a chassis like Death Company which can strike pretty much wherever they want. Unless DG receive some -1 to wound stratagems, 4-5 TH in a JP DC unit can eradicate all but the biggest units of Plague Marines with the right buffs (+1 to hit, Blood Chalice, Chapter Master re-rolls, +2 to move).

Curious to see if they keep their 20 marine blob units, seeing as we lost 15 strong death company.

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Plasma Inceptors are also a great option. With DR, there is no need to overcharge so you can simply fire normally and not worry about overheats. If your opponent sticks to MSU, a 3 man squad of Plasma Inceptors can comfortably kill a couple of plague Marines per turn whilst jumping around at the edges of 18" range. If your opponent tries to run blobs larger than 5, the Blast rule on their Plasma Incinerators gives them a 50% boost to their firepower. Not too shabby.

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