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Advice on painting

Brother Ramael

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I would like to ask my fellow caliba Green Aficionados if 1) they know any good online video about painting DA of all kinds, both contrast and normal      2) if I, say, plan to paint my troops with contrast and my char with the standard technique, will the result be similar or there will be glaring differences?



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I don't think the standard technique is all that difficult for Dark Angels, Caliban green, nuln oil recess and even just a warpstone glow highlight is fairly easy to do and ends up looking pretty good. So at least for the armor, I think the standard is probably the best to go for all around.


I think they'll look pretty different if you do one standard, one contrast.


It also isn't a binary decision, all one or all the other. For example, I do the joints between armor on light power armor as leadbelcher with black templar contrast over it. So you can always do the large stuff as standard and use contrast on some of the smaller details.

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I would like to ask my fellow caliba Green Aficionados if 1) they know any good online video about painting DA of all kinds, both contrast and normal      2) if I, say, plan to paint my troops with contrast and my char with the standard technique, will the result be similar or there will be glaring differences?




Contrast alone can look very blotchy and stained on flat panels and often has a 'bubble gum' finish to it. What you can do however is slap Dark Angels Green over them and then layer Caliban Green over the flat panels/larger surfaces - sure it's not as quick as straight Contrast, but the result is better and still saves you time over traditional layers of Caliban Green, shade, Caliban, etc. 

Edited by Lord Marshal
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