The Woodsman Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 So I got to play first game of 40K in ages (4-5 months) yesterday, against my mate and his Ultramarines. The lists were as follows: Grey Knights (Batallion) Draigo (Vortex, Purge Soul) Chaplain (Warp Shaping, Fury, Focus) GMDK (Psilencer, Psycannon, Lore Master, Sanctuary, Vortex, Sanctic Shard, Greatsword) 3x 5 Strikes (Halberds, Gate) 5 Paladins (Halberds, Hammerhand) Apothecary (Hammer, Edict, Scrolls) Paladin Ancient (Armored Resilience) Venerable Dreadnought (Lascannon, Gate) 10 Interceptors (Falchions, Astral Aim) Land Raider Crusader (Storm Bolter) Ultramarines (Batallion & Lord of War) Guilliman (Warlord) Tiguirus (Null Zone, Psychic Fortress, thrd power similar to Purge Soul) Primaris Chaplain (+1 to hit Litany, relic that causes all casting attempt fails to cause d3 Mortals to the caster... and causes -1 to casting, ouch, in 12") 3x 5 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles) 10 Intercessors (Bolt Rifles) Primaris Ancient (Extra WL Trait, Adept of the Codex? CP farming one anyways) 2x 3 Outriders 3 Eradicators 2x 5 Heavy Hellblasters Vindicaire Assassin *** Right off the bat our lists weren't really evenly matched, mine was definitely a "fun" list, and basically just me taking what I had painted/stuff I'd just finished. His list could have been better (more Eradicators lol) but to be honest he had most of his bases covered, was resilient, mobile, had all the re-rolls and a good variety of guns and melee capacity. We played Sweep & Clear, and he got first turn. I took Psychic Ritual, Engage and Direct Assault (mission specific) as secondaries. He took Assassinate, Engage and an Ultramarines one who's name I forget, basically he got points for either killing a vehicle, not falling back/failing morale, and another thing I forget... cheeky. Turn One He basically zipped onto the corner objectives with the Outriders, and pretty much advanced with all his Intercessors. His squad of Hellblasters to my right and the Eradictors edged forward - unfortunately I didn't hide my GMDK well enough and he could draw a bead with all three Melta Rifles and a couple of Hellblasters. Same goes for the Dreadnought who was a prime target for the Hellblasters in the small ruin with the Vindicaire. He cast Null Zone with Tiguirius, was a pretty quick Psychic Phase. In his shooting, he removed the Ven Dread (sad) and took the GMDK to 2 wounds... Not a good start for me He also managed to knock off a couple of Interceptors with his Outriders on my left, 30" goes a long way. He scored on Engage and his cheeky Ultramarines objective. Already I was cursing my rust and my allowing valuable units to be shot at with little way of retaliating. I definitely could have deployed in a way that he couldn't get to me, or at least not as much. Live and learn, I say. I disembarked the Paladins & Friends into the large ruin, out of LoS due to how the first floor was built, and controlling the center objective, both for Primary points and Direct Assault. I move forwards with the GMDK, and shunted the Interceptors into the small ruin by the Outriders to the left. My Psychic Phase was a little lackluster, I failed to cast Warp Shaping (or rather he denied it) so got stranded in Shadows. The GMDK did Sanctuary on himself and cast a super Vortex, killing an Eradicator, 2 Hellblasters and 2 Intercessors. The Apothecary did the first of the three actions for Psychic Ritual. I didn't cast anything else, knowing I couldn't be shot at next turn and not wanting to risk the mortals from the Chaplain's relic. Shooting was pretty dull, without the bonuses from Convergence my Interceptors shot at the Intercessors in the corner rather than the bikes, and he countered Psybolt with Transhuman. Suffice to say it wasn't the shooting from them I needed, they killed 2 Intercessors where I was kind of banking on them removing the bikes and securing that flank. The GMDK only killed an Eradicator... I decided against Psychic Onslaught to save some CP and because he was already hitting on 4s and Eradicators are T5 anyways, in hindsight I should probably have popped it and gone for the Outriders on that flank. I failed to charge with the Interceptors, and that was pretty much it for them... All in all, Turn One went his way and I was already going to have to work hard to get back in it. Turn Two This is where things really went south.... He moved in towards the center, got in close with the Outriders on both flanks and consolidated onto his objectives, spreading out to deny my Deep Strikes. He cast Null Zone again, denying my Paladins' invul. Shooting-wise he took down the GMDK, which was a given. He took out a couple of Interceptors, but their doom was yet to come. He knocked a couple wounds off of the Crusader, but nothing significant. In his Charge Phase, he got in with the Outriders against the Paladins and characters, which I knew would happen. What I wasn't expecting, however, was him charging in with Guilliman. The Outriders to the left charged the Interceptors. Without an invul, those Paladins were looking at a very dire situation indeed. In the Fight Phase he started with G-Man, and despite my using Transhuman, he beheaded all five Paladins in one fell sweep of his (well, the Emperor's) sword. His Outriders did a couple wounds to my Ancient. I Intervened with the Apothecary and only managed to kill a bike. The Interceptors were pretty much wiped out, only the Justicar survived, only to fail morale and flee. In my turn, I moved my Chaplain forwards onto the central objective (and for some reason did the Litany of Fury on the Ancient rather than Hate), hoping to get Draigo into the mix and hopefully remove Guilliman, forcing him to focus on the middle and let my Strikes take the corners. I moved forwards with the Crusader, hoping to add its firepower into taking out Guilliman and charge the Outriders, stealing the objective and denying Primary points. Draigo came down 9" away from Guilliman and Tiguirius, one Strike Squad did a Dynamic Insertion to land on the right corner objective, supported by the other two units landing 9" away from the Hellblasters and Eradicators. Ideally I would have managed to apply pressure on his deployment objective to get me more points on Direct Assault, but there was no way to do it and survive the next turn of shooting, and with so little left on the board already, I had to try and survive as best I could. I again failed to switch Tides, so no 2D Smites for me, which would have been kind of big. Draigo failed to cast Vortex (even with a re-roll, on 3 dice...) and Purge Soul did nothing against his Ultramarines Leadership. The Strikes got their Smites off, only to take down a single Hellblaster, lol. The Apothecary did his Psychic Ritual #2, the Ancient tried to cast Resilience on Draigo, only to be Denied. In the shooting phase, I got lucky-ish (though forced the saves to be fair) and dropped Guilliman down to two wounds with combined Storm Bolter, Hurricane Bolter and Assault Cannon fire. I was like, okay, maybe I can swing this... My main man High Reclusiarch Gerior charged into Guilliman, the Strikes in the little ruin failed to charge the bikes. The Crusader got into the Outriders in the left corner. Sadly, Draigo rolled a three on his charge and just sat there. I'd used my last re-roll on Vortex, hoping to do a bunch of mortals to his three Characters and have a shot at clearing them out in melee, in hindsight I probably should have kept it (and had Empyrean Domination somewhere too). Against all odds, Gerior smashed his Crozius, Sanctifier, into the Primarch's face and down came the big bastard! Needless to say, I was ecstatic. The Crusader did 3 Mortals to the bikes, killing one who had taken a wound from the Interceptor Justicar (before he ran away), getting them out of 3" from that objective and 1" away from himself. Yay frag launchers. The Outriders in the middle were killed by the combined efforts of the Apothecary and the Ancient. Sadly, at the end of the phase, Guilliman came back on 3 Wounds. Sad. High Reclusiarch Anatone Gerior faces the Primarch of the Ultramarines in single combat! How epic! (And probably heretical...) Turn 3 Pretty much a clean up turn for him, I'll summarize quickly. Guilliman and Tiguirius (who again casted Null Zone, which I was unable to Deny) moved towards Draigo, who survived the Vindicaire's attentions thanks to my being stuck in Shadows. Gerior somehow soaked up all the Bolter fire my mate could throw at him, even when his large unit of Intercessors fired twice at him. Some Strikes also met their doom. He charged Draigo with Guilliman and Tiguirius, and his Chaplain charged my own. Needless to say, without an Invul, Draigo got butchered by Big Daddy Blue. Gerior also met his fate at the hands of the Primaris Chaplain, although just on a single failed save. My turn three was basically moving to get the center objective back with my two characters, while staying in the ruin, and trying to Gate a unit of Strikes into his corner (which failed) - hoping to somehow make the charge into the 5-man Intercessor unit holding it, kill them in combat and steal his objective, a long shot if ever there was one. It was not to be. At this point we called it. While I was sitting on 40 points to his 33 (thank you Psychic Ritual and Direct Assault), he was a) going to most probably table me in his turn 4 and b) going to score 15 points for the Primary for three consecutive turns. Despite kind of getting smashed, it was heaps of fun, we laughed a lot and there were some pretty epic, make or break moments. A few things I learned were that 1) Guilliman is still hot stuff, and his re-rolls are huge. 2) Using LoS terrain to protect ourselves, as Grey Knights, is still our best means of defense and needs to be done properly to protect our key assets. 3) Check your opponent's charge ranges properly, and move back if you need to to avoid being charged by a Primarch. As for the list itself, I definitely didn't have enough/the right firepower to deal with his force, all that multi-wound T55 is tough. Outriders are scary as hell in combat and move really fast, be on your guards lads. I hope you enjoyed this little batrep, I don't usually take the time for pictures and then writing up a summary, but since it was the first game in a while, and we both had mostly painted armies, I figured why not. Next time, I will lay the Sons of Ultramar low! Corvus Fortis, Brother Lunkhead, Reskin and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reskin Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 Did he tailor to your army? That hardly seems sportsmanlike or gentlemanly. Taking things like mortals on failed casts. No all comers list takes that. Tsk tsk, I'd slap him. Tigurius with null zone is super powerful. It such a game changing spell. Sanctic Shard or Nullifier matrix is a must take for a relic, but Shadows isn't that bad to be stuck in :P What units in your list do you think performed well and what didn't? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted December 13, 2020 Author Share Posted December 13, 2020 Yeah, he's a good friend, but has always played a little on the strong side of things. The days when he played the Ulthwé/Alaitoc combo against my Guard in 8th still give me nightmares. I guess taking named characters makes it harder to choose relics, I don't know lol. I had the Shard on the GMDK, to make sure to get Sanctuary and Vortex off, but once again the dice have confirmed that its a must on a character with Warp Shaping/Empyrian Domination. To be fair, none of my units really shone, but then I didn't really get to use them to their full potential. I mean my characters were pretty boss, I'm always impressed by GK's top boys' survivability, versatility and ability to lay down the hurt in combat. The Interceptors really need to delete their target to be worth it, could I have played more defensively and used Astral Aim/Steady Advance to help them last longer? Probably. I got a little "greedy", hoping to destroy the bikes with shooting and get a lucky charge off on the Intercessors, alas, no Convergence and no charge kind of did them in though. In truth, its probably always better to play safer than not. A special mention to the GMDK, who despite being knocked down to his bottom profile managed to whittle down some units. Had I hidden him better in deployment, I feel like he could have held that flank for an extra turn, and probably take down those Outriders. We'll see next time! I'll also bring something a little more optimized, now that I've seen what this new SM Codex can do. librisrouge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gnomeo Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 Nice bat rep! And glad to hear you had fun thats the most important thing. Definitely hit the nail on the head we have to use terrain. A trick I like to use is have a unit to astral behind obscured terrain and an interceptor unit behind obscuring that you edict to pop out shoot and jump back behind. He definitely picked a strong list and looks like a little tailoring with that relic. We all new guilliman was evil anyway The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reskin Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 (edited) I'm not sure I've mentioned this before, perhaps I'll make a thread linking it, its a video from Tabletop titans, an American channel, they do a great video on how to set up boards and use terrain. When making a fair and great game. Terrain goes a long way, I think you could of used this in your battle. But none the less, don't feel bad, as much as I hate the state of GK's now, it's just because everyone else has power creeped.. or in this case, power leaped light years ahead. Most of the marine armies are Tier 1, Tier 2 so a turn 3 tabling is to be expected. Not to mention you only had a 26% chancing of winning considering he went first, and that probably went down lower due to opponent. Nevertheless, I loved hearing about you thoughts and experiences on how your actual units performed. As opposed to how they "should" perform in theory. Edited December 13, 2020 by Reskin The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 Great batrep dude. It was fun to read and sounded fun to play. Slight shame he seemed tailored to fight you. GKs struggle to overcome list tailoring more than most factions since the anti-psy relics/abilities/etc. are so powerful but are typically not taken because they're worthless against the wrong enemy. It also seems that dice weren't on your side. He denied you quite a bit but you couldn't seem to stop him from getting null zone off. That has to hurt. Still, ya toughed it out and made him work for it. The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 Excellent batrep, Brother As a fan of both the Ultramarines and Grey Knights I'm torn as to who to root for in this But, you both had fun and that's what's most important here. If you had to face the same list again, how would you adjust your list to give Big Bobby G and his Blue Marines a run for their money? Skywrath and The Woodsman 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted December 13, 2020 Author Share Posted December 13, 2020 (edited) Great batrep dude. It was fun to read and sounded fun to play. Slight shame he seemed tailored to fight you. GKs struggle to overcome list tailoring more than most factions since the anti-psy relics/abilities/etc. are so powerful but are typically not taken because they're worthless against the wrong enemy. It also seems that dice weren't on your side. He denied you quite a bit but you couldn't seem to stop him from getting null zone off. That has to hurt. Still, ya toughed it out and made him work for it. Thanks man! It was indeed a lot of fun... I will have my vengeance though! Excellent batrep, Brother As a fan of both the Ultramarines and Grey Knights I'm torn as to who to root for in this But, you both had fun and that's what's most important here. If you had to face the same list again, how would you adjust your list to give Big Bobby G and his Blue Marines a run for their money? Thank you sir! I do actually quite like the Ultramarines myself, as far as fluff is concerned anyways, you kind of have too if you've read the Uriel Ventris books and some of the Ultramarines Heresy books (Unremembered Empire, Battle for the Abyss, etc.). Yeah it was a lot of fun, and to be honest in casual games I often get more "fun" out of a loss, in the sense that I get to think about my mistakes afterwards and improve on them. In any case, I enjoy the challenge of a "bad matchup", that victory is so much sweeter, and you're constantly on your toes. As far as changes go, I'd definitely cut out the Crusader. He's cool, but at 285 points, and considering all those T4, 3+, 2W marines (not to mention the Outriders and Eradicators) are just to tough for his guns to handle. I'd probably swap in another 5 Paladins... they would have survived Bobby G's charge and hit back pretty hard, maybe even hard enough to kill him. One thing I did forget though, was the stratagem that allows Paladins to fight after being slain in the Fight Phase, if they weren't hitting first. Could have helped keep the game closer for longer. Otherwise, the Ven Dread doesn't do much, granted he can barney in combat and he got killed before he got to do anything, but I think I'd also take him out, in favor of a Purgation Squad, with psycannons. I simply didn't have the weight of quality ranged attacks that I need to remove his own scary guns quick enough. I'd probably change the Chaplain for a Librarian, to get Empyrian Domination, and give him the Shard. Otherwise I think the Interceptors can do well if they're in Convergence and I use them more defensively, and the GMDK can do some work if I can protect him until he gets into charge range. I'd probably consider leaving Draigo at home and adding a second GMDK, I do like them in pairs, plus, he doesn't have that much anti-tank, they could have a good shot at making it in if they're both rocking a 3++. There are other types of lists I could consider, but that's pretty much it if I was just to tweak the one I took. Edited December 13, 2020 by The Woodsman librisrouge and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skywrath Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 Excellent Battle-Report, Justicar! In case you are wondering, Oaths of Moment is that secondary that SM, except us get access too. Reason I know that, is because in the tournament I played the day before, the judge rulled I can't use that, despite us being astartes. So yeah.. Other than that, I don't have much to offer, other than condolences, and the experience that Gulliman with a squad of intercessors next to him is an absolutely brutal business to anyone who's fighting them. Perhaps this might incentivise the over-talked psilencer purgation squads in the subsequent rematch? ;p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted December 15, 2020 Author Share Posted December 15, 2020 Excellent Battle-Report, Justicar! In case you are wondering, Oaths of Moment is that secondary that SM, except us get access too. Reason I know that, is because in the tournament I played the day before, the judge rulled I can't use that, despite us being astartes. So yeah.. Other than that, I don't have much to offer, other than condolences, and the experience that Gulliman with a squad of intercessors next to him is an absolutely brutal business to anyone who's fighting them. Perhaps this might incentivise the over-talked psilencer purgation squads in the subsequent rematch? ;p Yeah I was definitely lacking in psiweaponry. I think that if I'd covered my assets better I still could have won it though, but Guilliman kind of breaks the chapter master nerf. Seems like a pretty thematic Secondary, but its a little too easy to achieve, in my opinion. Like if I don't force any morale tests, that's free points? As far as secondaries go, I was pretty happy with mine, and scoring consistently. I just got shot off the board real quick. I'll definitely try that MSU list I sent you against him next time, lots of D2 weapons in there, and better ways to control the board. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skywrath Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 Excellent Battle-Report, Justicar! In case you are wondering, Oaths of Moment is that secondary that SM, except us get access too. Reason I know that, is because in the tournament I played the day before, the judge rulled I can't use that, despite us being astartes. So yeah.. Other than that, I don't have much to offer, other than condolences, and the experience that Gulliman with a squad of intercessors next to him is an absolutely brutal business to anyone who's fighting them. Perhaps this might incentivise the over-talked psilencer purgation squads in the subsequent rematch? ;p Yeah I was definitely lacking in psiweaponry. I think that if I'd covered my assets better I still could have won it though, but Guilliman kind of breaks the chapter master nerf. Seems like a pretty thematic Secondary, but its a little too easy to achieve, in my opinion. Like if I don't force any morale tests, that's free points? As far as secondaries go, I was pretty happy with mine, and scoring consistently. I just got shot off the board real quick. I'll definitely try that MSU list I sent you against him next time, lots of D2 weapons in there, and better ways to control the board. Yeah, not having our weaponry buffed is hurting us. Seeing how everything that composes a marine army has at least 2W, that's why I recommend psilencers and convergence focused lists. Perhaps it might be worth considering something unexpected. Recently, I had a lot of luck with the Land Raider Banisher - D2 psycannons, and S6 -2 D2 flamers. Throw in some purifiers in there, or a 5m terminator squad, and you are laughing. The other angle is to put everything in one basket - Run 3 x GMNDK's (or 2, realistically), some sniper-noughts and 3 x 5 bare-bones terminators. Throw in 2 x Purgation Squads with a chaplain for re-roll damage/increase AP by 1 and you have a pretty big conundrum on the opponent's hands. Try this against him (remember to give the GMNDK's sanctuary, and the other one Heed the Prognosticars!) ++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) [65 PL, 12CP, 1,148pts] ++ + Configuration + Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment CP + HQ + Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [11 PL, 235pts]: Dreadfist, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Sanctuary Techmarine [5 PL, 75pts]: 6: Lore Master, Aetheric Conduit, Boltgun, Ethereal Manipulation, Power axe, Warlord, Warp Shaping . Servo Arms: Flamer, Plasma cutter + Troops + Strike Squad [7 PL, 100pts]: Gate of Infinity . 4x Grey Knight (Sword): 4x Nemesis Force Sword, 4x Storm Bolter . Grey Knight Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Halberd Strike Squad [7 PL, 100pts]: Gate of Infinity . 4x Grey Knight (Sword): 4x Nemesis Force Sword, 4x Storm Bolter . Grey Knight Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Halberd + Elites + Apothecary [5 PL, 80pts]: Armoured Resilience . Nemesis Force Sword Paladin Squad [30 PL, 558pts]: Hammerhand . Paladin (Daemon Hammer): Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter . 2x Paladin (Halberd): 2x Nemesis Force Halberd, 2x Storm Bolter . Paladin (Psycannon): Psycannon (Terminator) . . Nemesis Force Halberd . Paladin (Psycannon): Psycannon (Terminator) . . Nemesis Force Halberd . Paladin (Psycannon): Psycannon (Terminator) . . Nemesis Force Halberd . Paladin (Psycannon): Psycannon (Terminator) . . Nemesis Force Halberd . 2x Paladin (Warding Stave): 2x Nemesis Warding Stave, 2x Storm Bolter . Paragon: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Daemon Hammer: Nemesis Daemon Hammer ++ Spearhead Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) [50 PL, -3CP, 849pts] ++ + Configuration + Detachment CP [-3CP] + HQ + Chaplain [6 PL, 113pts]: 5. Recitation of Projection, 6. Invocation of Focus, Hammerhand, Storm Bolter Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [11 PL, 235pts]: Dreadfist, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Sanctuary + Heavy Support + Land Raider Banisher [19 PL, 285pts]: 2x Heavy Incinerator, Storm bolter, Twin psycannon Purgation Squad [7 PL, 108pts]: Astral Aim . 4x Purgator (Psilencer): 4x Psilencer . Purgator Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Halberd Purgation Squad [7 PL, 108pts]: Astral Aim . 4x Purgator (Psilencer): 4x Psilencer . Purgator Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Halberd ++ Total: [115 PL, 9CP, 1,997pts] ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted December 15, 2020 Author Share Posted December 15, 2020 Yeah I might give something like that a go. I'm currently working on getting the following painted (someone's going to have to tell me how to do the spoiler thing...) +++ Grey Knights Mech (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [108 PL, 11CP, 1,995pts] +++ ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) ++ + Configuration + Battle Size: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) Detachment CP + Stratagems + Armoury of Titan: 1 Additional Relic + HQ + Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Dreadfist, Edict Imperator, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: 6: Lore Master, Dreadfist, Gate of Infinity, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Sanctic Shard, Sanctuary, Warlord Librarian: Artisan Nullifier Matrix, Empyrean Domination, Warp Shaping . Nemesis Force Sword + Troops + Strike Squad: Gate of Infinity . 4x Grey Knight (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter . Grey Knight Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Sword Strike Squad: Gate of Infinity . 4x Grey Knight (Halberd): 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter . Grey Knight Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Sword Terminator Squad . Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Force Halberd . 9x Terminator (Halberd): 9x Nemesis Force Halberd, 9x Storm Bolter + Fast Attack + Interceptor Squad: Astral Aim . 4x Interceptor (Falchions): 8x Nemesis Falchion, 4x Storm Bolter . Interceptor Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Falchions: 2x Nemesis Falchion Interceptor Squad: Astral Aim . 4x Interceptor (Falchions): 8x Nemesis Falchion, 4x Storm Bolter . Interceptor Justicar: Storm Bolter . . Nemesis Falchions: 2x Nemesis Falchion + Heavy Support + Land Raider: Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Twin Lascannon Land Raider: Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Twin Lascannon Created with BattleScribe ( While it doesn't max on Convergence at all, I feel like it will be a really tough nut to crack, what with the double Raiders and Dreadknights. Those Dreadknights still pack some pretty good guns at taking out T4 2W marines, and can soak up a lot of firepower, while the Land Raiders' Lascannons are actually not bad for dealing with stuff like Gravis and bikes, plus the Heavy Bolters are nifty. I feel like its got sufficient psychic utility, both GMDK can make it up the board pretty quickly, and between Gate, Edict and Astral Aim, can probably shoot and remain relatively hidden on turn 1, while the Raiders should manage to stay out of effective range against similar, mid-ranged armies. The Terminators aren't as survivable as the Paladins, but that's still a big ol' obsec unit that I can Dynamic Insertion into his deployment and let rip with amped up Storm Bolter shots. The Interceptors and Strikes provide objective grabbers that I'd probably keep back for a turn or two, until I can effectively place them on objectives/concentrate some Smites against a valuable target. 2D mortals kill Marines too. Plus, it really feels like a 1st Brotherhood Strike Force to me (I see the non-WL GMDK as a Brother-Captain, why wouldn't the 1st's Bro Cap march to war in a Dreadknight??), which is 100% my jam. Call me old school, but Land Raiders used to be the biggest, most badass tanks around, before Baneblades and Knights and the likes made their way to standard games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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