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Death Rider


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Greetings all,

Always loved the pseudo German trench warfare dudes. Was able to snag this guy a while back and finally got around to painting him up.

As always, least in my case, taking photos has revealed some glaring eye sores that I need to go back and correct.

Anywho, really enjoyed his mini. First time painting a DKoK as well as the first time painting a horse. Next time I’ll stick to a non white horse. Hahaha. CC always welcome.


Edited by Raziel-TX
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librisrouge-thank you and yes, it is great to see everyone's take on the greatest trench warriors.


Jud Cottrell-thanks for the kind words.  I'm not sure about an actual force as I don't really play 40k anymore but I really enjoy the models.  I do have 10 "at-ease" Kriegers inbound so the plan is to knock those out and probably another handful of death riders (they are some of the coolest models around).  


Bjorn Firewalker-thanks buddy.


Slave to Darkness-thanks for the welcome.


Phatsquirre1-thanks!  I have a bit of experience with the lenses thanks to my Dark Angels.  I really struggled with the color palette associated with the DKOK.  Hopefully when I start on the riflemen I'll be able to refine that a bit.  

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