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Best HQs for this tactic?


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You have two combat squads of hellblasters armed with assault plasma incinerators. You have two Impulsors. Your plan is to rush them up the middle of the board, shoot the hell out of your opponent, then charge and enjoy that chapter tactic on the charge.


So which HQs do you run with this? A primaris lieutenant with one and a primaris captain with the other? Or do you stick a primaris chaplain in there instead of one of the previous?


I'm thinking a chaplain + lieutenant? The captain lets you overcharge though?


Also do you feel this tactic would be viable?



Edited by Helias Tancred
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How about this:


1 - Primaris Captain with Relic Shield, Burning Blade, and "Imperiums Sword" and "Gift of Foresight" WL Traits (he is here for reroll 1s aura and powerful melee counter punch)


2 - Primaris Librarian (upgraded to Chief Librarian with WL Trait for +1 to cast) with Null Zone, Psychic Fortress, and Might of Heroes powers and Quake Bolts relic (Psychic Fortress for 5++ bubble on both Hellblaster squads, Quake Bolts to let the Hellblasters hit on 2+s when they charge, Might of Heroes to power up the Captain even more if required, and Null Zone as insurance if you are up against an opponent with good Invul saves).


With all the buffs on, including Assault Doctrine, the Captain would have 9 x S9 AP-6 Dmg2 attacks on the charge, with +1 to Wound as well (and the option to reroll 1 to wound and 1 to hit per turn). He would also be T5 6W with a 2+/4++ and a 4+++ against MWs, with 1 free reroll of Saving Throws per turn, so very tanky.


The Hellblasters could put out 30 Plasma shots, rerolling 1s to Hit, then charge with 41 x S4 AP-1 Dmg1 attacks, all with +1 to wound. They would also have 20W at T4 with a 3+/5++ save between the two squads.


If the Librarian does get Null Zone off and is within 6" of the enemy, then all those AP-4 plasma and AP-5 Burning Blade attacks would go right through almost any enemy armor.


Finally, if you are willing, have a JP Sanguinary Priest follow the two Impulsors... he can heal your units, revive dead Helblasters, give everyone a 6+++ FNP, and put up to two units into Assault Doctrine early, using the "Chalice Overflowing" Stratagem.

Edited by L30n1d4s
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I have had lots of fun playing plasma and I would say always go for the Captain. The other 2 are nice to have but the Captain is essential if you want to get the most mileage out of your plasma.


I run Inceptors with plasma but Hellblasters in Transports would work just as well.


Not sure you want to be charging those Hellblasters into melee though. They are not really cut out for it and can't shoot in there either. Since you are buying them for their guns, you don't want to waste them. Instead, I would get a melee unit with Jump Packs to follow the Hellblasters to deliver a follow up.


Turn 1: Impulsors scoot up, your Hellblasters disembark and shoot. You melee unit(s) follow up just behind the Impulsors.

Turn 2: Your Hellblasters fire again. Your Jump squads leap over the Hellblasters and charge whatever you like. You can also charge the Impulsors first to eat any dangerous overwatch.

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Do they even need impulsors? They can move 6" and shoot 24", for an effective 30", or advance+shoot for 31+D6" range. You might do better spending the impulsor points to bump both units to have more models, then just walk them up. Null zone or RG tactics might help.
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Librarian dreadnought would be a useful addition here. You can use the stratagem to grant reroll 1s to hit or wound depending on what you need. With a captain nearby you could have plasma that rerolls 1 to hit and wound, and if the captain needs to go elsewhere or dies, the librarian dreadnought can still give the mandatory reroll 1s
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Do they even need impulsors? They can move 6" and shoot 24", for an effective 30", or advance+shoot for 31+D6" range. You might do better spending the impulsor points to bump both units to have more models, then just walk them up. Null zone or RG tactics might help.

if they're already embarked its an extra 8 to 10 inches threat. Its big enough to block charges and LOS.


Chief Apothecary and/or Bladeguard Captain would be a good as tag along. Librarian and chaplains aren't as good embarked. They lose a turn with the exception of CO strat.

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i'm not particularly sure why you want throw a shooty unit into close combat to the point of selecting HQs to support that tactic...


They will shoot up units from midfield for a turn or two, and if they're around third turn they can shoot and charge, or resist a charge with the Red Thirst trait and the right HQs with them. If they weren't Blood Angels I wouldn't try it or consider it.


I actually used them that way today in a game against Black Templars and they did pretty well.

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Swap impulsors for an ancient for shoot when die, then a selfless healer chief priest to rez a model from both units each turn. Add captain to taste to reroll 1's. 


If your models are killed by your opponent, they might get to shoot again, then you can bring them back afterwards. 

Edited by Xenith
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