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Hi all!  I'm new to the forum (and new to wargaming in general).  I'm looking to get into 30k, and this definitely seems to be the place to learn everything I need for that.  


I have a bit of experience playing Age of Sigmar, but 40k/30k definitely feels like a different beast, so I'm looking to learn as much as I can and eventually find a group once all the issues with... everything finish up.


Happy to be here, and thanks for having me!

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Welcome!  Whatever game and army you decide, be sure to post in the respective forum - all of us here are share the same obsession/hobby and would be interested in your questions and comments, as well as any pictures of your growing force.


The 30K group in particular appears to be particularly welcoming - I don't play 30K, but when I have posted there with questions about that game, its lore or its units, they have always been very welcoming and helpful.

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