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How much of the Imperium knows about Death Company?


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How much of the Imperium, specifically the militant arms, know about Death Company? 


There are enough BA contingents and Successors out there using DC in some capacity that it's impossible for them to hide the fact. And Deathwatch materials make it clear that that org is pretty aware of the Red Thirst/Black Rage, but don't speak of it and Deathwatch marines of BA/Successor lineage take care of their own behind closed doors when it crops up.


The Inquisition definitely knows about it in some capacity.


Joint commanders and Chapter Masters from other parentage who have worked alongside/commanded BA/Successors in any capacity surely have some idea. 


Where my head is wandering is whether a Deathwatch commander, or some allied commander ever dials up the local BA commander and is like "yo, can you throw me some of those dudes in black you have? Got a problem I want sorted." Or if it's pretty much BA just keep DC locked away and only let loose when no other eyes are watching, or out of desperation, or if masses of BA fall to the Rage all at once (like the whole Angel's Blade campaign during the Fall of Cadia thing). 

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I've read so much that trying to recall some stuff is a blur but other chapters have fought along side blood angels who had death company.


The only story where they're semi viewed by others i recall is 3rd battle for Armageddon involving the fall of Captain Tycho at hades hive


Other times its written about marines looking at the aftermath of the death company, which a few friendly guardsmen got caught in the blender. While chaplains and sang priests are trying to collect as much blood and Geneseed from the odd black clad marines..some of which looked like they were killed via marine power weapons.


One was a Curious RunePriest pondering on why a black rhino was rushing up from behind to push forward alone...he basically got brain banged when he decided to tune into the marines inside who were restrained inside and foaming at the mouth. He got knocked because he was about to go full psycho


I'm pretty sure there are records within most 1st and second founding chapters regarding death company interactions. I can't see any of them knowing the real details and reasons that lead them to that point. I dont think they'd ask. Some exceptions would be Deathwatch. But beyond sharing techniques on fighting they learned. They are never to talk about what they did

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I think most of the imperium is clueless, with those that have any idea at all about death company knowing that something crazy is going on, but not knowing what that is.


Like they know that there are BA dressed different that behave more dangerously, but they don’t know the how or th why, just not to get in the way.


A very select few might even know enough to suspect them of heresy.


Of those select few, there are some that know while they walk a fine line, it’s on the good side.

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Most people in the imperium don't know anything. The average guardsman doesn't know any more than the population they're recruited from and will never meet a space marine. There are tens of thousands of planets and less than a hundred Blood Angels successor chapters. If there were 80 chapters each with 100 death company that would only be 8000 and that's probably a massive over-estimate.


So it would be pretty hard to deliberately broadcast the existance of the DC, doing nothing would be enough to keep them obscure.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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There's often not many DC running about in any particular battlefield anyway. Marines are often deployed in small groups, and even larger groups its not that common for VA to go off the deep end, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to keep up their numbers or have any veterans of any great age.

The BA are held up as one of the most loved and best legions, old mate sanguinious is all but worshipped as a God by billions. Outside of the chapter I'd say the list of those aware of the DC is very short, and of those the ones that are aware of what causes the DC to go bat:cuss crazy.... well they would be a very small number indeed. As others have mentioned, most forces won't even see marines fighting even when they are deployed to the same battlefield as them as they are elite shocktroops that hit the hardest fighting then move onto the next without pause. In by crazy change another non chapter person ever saw a DC deployed the chances they would survive fight thats capable of tipping a BA into the black rage... well it wouldn't be high I'd say. Plus as we know its pretty rare fir a DC to live through a battle, so it would be a weird aberration of a black clad marine corpse, which would be a highest priority to be recovered by the chapter anyway.


Anywho, long story short I rekon the DC is very much under the radar.

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