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BT Balanced 2k

Brother Kraskor

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Well-met brothers,


I seek your counsel on a (hopefully) balanced 2k list of Black Templars.



Battalion Detachment w/ Warlord (3CP refunded) (Black Templars) - 3 HQ, 3 Troops, 5 Elite, 1 Flyer, 1 Transport



Marshal in Gravis Armour - 115pts

- Warlord (Frontline Commander, Crusader's Helm)


Reclusiarch Grimaldus - 95pts

- Litany of Divine Protection, Fervent Acclamation, Litany of Hate


The Emperor's Champion - 85pts



10 Intercessors - 210pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


10 Intercessors - 210pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


10 Assault Intercessors - 200pts

- Power Fist



Impulsor - 125pts

- Shield Dome



5 Bladeguard Veterans - 175pts


Judiciar - 85pts


5 Relic Terminators - 195pts

- Combi-bolters & Chainfists


Redemptor Dreadnought - 180pts

- Macro Plasma Incinerator

- Onslaught Gatling Cannon


Primaris Apothecary - 95pts

- Chief Apothecary

- Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer) -1CP



Stormhawk Interceptor - 230pts

- Las-Talon, Typhoon Missile Launcher


2,000pts, 11CP remaining



Scheme of Manoeuvre


- Central Thrust: A central mini Black Tide moving up the board to hold the midfield, with the Assault Intercessors flanked by the Autorifle Intercessors. The Assault Intercessors will screen the Fighting Company Command structure: the Marshal, Grimaldus, Emperor's Champion, and Apothecary. Should move relatively swiftly by Advancing with Frontline Commander and Righteous Zeal. Grimaldus will boost the range of the various Auras (Marshal, Apothecary, and Grimaldus himself) and put 5+++ on the Assault Intercessors. Also in amongst this central thrust will go the Redemptor (crucial to keep within range of the Marshal to overcharge the Plasma). 


- Flanking: Impulsor loaded up with Bladeguard and Judiciar. Making use of Devout Push for a big threat range, Judiciar ensuring the Bladeguard strike first, a nasty combo!


- Deep Striking: The Terminators will get early control of objectives or directly threaten the enemy backfield. All equipped with Chainfists so they can clobber tanks, and the Combi-Bolters add to the already significant anti-infantry shooting output.


- Tank-Hunting: The Interceptor is geared up for tank-hunting, but can still capably deal with flyers. 



Any thoughts brothers?

Edited by Brother Tyler
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And now, alternatively, a completely unbalanced Black Tide list!


Battalion Detachment - 3 HQ, 4 Troops, 5 Elites, 2 Heavy Support



High Marshal Helbrecht - 155pts

- Warlord


Reclusiarch Grimaldus - 95pts

- Fervent Acclamation, Psalm of Remorseless Persecution


The Emperor's Champion - 85pts



10 Assault Intercessors - 200pts

- Power Fist


10 Assault Intercessors - 200pts

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist



5 Bladeguard Veterans - 175pts


5 Bladeguard Veterans - 175pts


5 Bladeguard Veterans - 175pts


Bladeguard Ancient - 105pts

- Chapter Ancient

- Hero of the Chapter (Steadfast Example) -1CP


Primaris Apothecary - 95pts

- Chief Apothecary

- Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer) -1CP

Crusader's Helm



4 Eradicators - 160pts


4 Eradicators - 160pts



2000pts, 10CP




Scheme of Manoeuvre


It's fairly straightforward, not at all subtle but I hope quite deadly. Characters all clustered together with a unit of Bladeguard front and sides, and both units of Eradicators behind. Assault Intercessors on the flanks of this central unit, and regular Intercessors capably holding objectives and lending fire support.


Grimaldus will use Fervent Acclamation to boost the range of all these auras to hopefully cover the entire Tide, at the very least the central thrust of Bladeguard:


- Re-roll 1s to Hit (Helbrecht)

- +1S in combat (Helbrecht)

- +1 to Advance/Charge (Helbrecht)

- Exploding 6s in combat (Grimaldus)

- Re-roll 1s to wound (Grimaldus' second litany)

- Bladeguard +1 to hit (Ancient)

- Last Stand on 4+ (Ancient)

- Leadership buff (how does this work with Grimaldus + Ancient. Do units use Grimaldus' modified Ld of 10, or his original Ld of 9?)

- ObSec (Ancient)

- 6+++ FNP (Apothecary)



This great big ball of slaughter is screening the Eradicators, who will happily blow up enemy armour, and who enjoy a big boost to durability with the Chief Apothecary getting them up/back to health each turn. Grimaldus can Deny, and the Emperor's Champion can help the Bladeguard with any tricky characters or monsters. Although at S6, hitting on 2s and re-rolling 1s, and re-rolling 1s to wound they are going to hurt pretty much anything. 


It feels so wrong yet so right.

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Talking to myself here but that's ok, I think I'm working stuff out as I go.


Here is a (I think) better balanced list.



Primaris Marshal - 95pts

- Master-crafted Power Sword

- Master-crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle (Witchseeker Bolts)

- Warlord (Frontline Commander)


Terminator Chaplain - 95pts

- Canticle of Hate


The Emperor's Champion - 85pts



10 Assault Intercessors - 200pts

- Power Fist


10 Assault Intercessors - 200pts

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist



Impulsor - 125pts

- Shield Dome



5 Bladeguard Veterans - 175pts


Judiciar - 85pts


5 Relic Terminators - 195pts

- Chainfists & Combi-Bolters


Redemptor Dreadnought - 180pts

- Macro Plasma Incinerator

- Onslaught Gatling Cannon


Redemptor Dreadnought - 180pts

- Macro Plasma Incinerator

- Onslaught Gatling Cannon


Contemptor Dreadnought - 150pts

- Kheres Assault Cannon, Dreadnought CCW



1985pts, 12CP



Scheme of Manoeuvre


- Terminators & Chaplain will deep strike and wreck a key enemy vehicle. He will pop Commanding Oratory to add 2" to their charge, getting a 7 on 2D6 with a re-roll is pretty likely so they are going to make it most days. Fury of the First will ensure they kill their target, and afterwards they can continue to harass.


- Badeguard and Judiciar in the Impulsor, big turn 1 charge via Devout Push as we know and love, afterwards they also remain a tough unit that nobody will want to charge because of the Judiciar.


- Assault Intercessors screen the Marshal and Champion, who are also accompanied by the Redemptors. Big central thrust unit, with the Marshal cheekily sniping Pyskers on the move. One unit of Assault Intercessors can be 'released' as necessary to perform a long charge with The Emperor's Will.


- Regular Intercessors hold objectives, with the Contemptor available to support if needed.

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Do you have any inceptors?  You have plenty of balanced weaponry but maybe light on the type to crack elite/harder targets with efficiency.  I think if you were to drop the terminators...maybe even the Judiciar you could include a 5 man plasma inceptor squad.  Or perhaps you can swap the third dread cleanly for a squad of 3.  Their standard shooting without overcharge can do great damage.  Then you can overcharge if you really, really want a hard target to die at their expense.  Also, I'd say fit some rocket pods on those Redemptors, they seem a lot better without the -1 penalty to non-fly targets now!  Looks fun and thematic.


An additional thought, since you don't seem opposed to first born, you could drop the terminators for some Vanguard Veterans.  That, along if you were to have 3 inceptors, would add some mobility and extra threat saturation!


Edit: Additional idea

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Inceptors - don't have any but I like that idea! I'm loathe to drop the Judiciar as that hampers the Bladeguard Devout Push combo. But dropping the Contemptor is good! And yes no-brainer on the rocket pods for the Redemptors, I hadn't spotted that change.


And if I swing them past the Marshal I can more happily overcharge. Are they better deep struck? If I was playing against this list I'd go after them early doors as a relatively squishy but high-damage threat, deep strike means that if opponent goes first they will at least be at full strength for my turn 1.

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Yeah, keep the Judiciar for that.  I think the prime targets for a swap out would be the terminators and/or contemptor.  The plasma inceptors are fast enough to zip around and behind terrain to strike as they have a decent range of 18" on top of their movement.  You can deep strike if you feel you need to keep the opponent playing defensively to defend against them while you have the rest of the madmen in black charging into their faces.  Either works and depends on what you're facing. 


If you dropped both (giving 345 points) and if you were to include a 5 man inceptor squad, that'd let you reinclude your apothecary for the walking blob. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Theorycrafting some more, given it's all we can do at the moment with Nurgle's Rot. 


This time 1500pts, built round a very simple forward thrust hammer, anvil, and sword. 



Marshal in Terminator Armour - 110pts

- Relic Blade

- Combi-plasma

- Warlord (Frontline Commander)


Chaplain in Terminator Armour - 115pts

- Master of Sanctity

- Litany of Divine Protection, Fires of Devotion

- Ancient Breviary


Primaris Castellan ("The Emperor's Champion") - 75pts

- Master-crafted power sword ("The Black Sword")



5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 110pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist



10 Assault Terminators - 430pts

- Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields


Primaris Apothecary - 95pts

- Chief Apothecary

- Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer)



10 Hellblasters - 330pts

- Assault Plasma Incinerators





11CP available



List concept is very simple. Intercessors hold objectives and lay down anti-infantry fire. Terminators advance up the board, with Hellblasters right behind them laying down punishing plasma fire, whole group will Advance to seize the centre ground with a big turn 1 advance (thanks to BT re-roll and Warlord trait). 


Chappy provides 5+++ initially to Hellblasters and then Litany of Hate when Termies reach combat. Re-rolls of 1s to hit and wound from the command structure, and Apothecary getting people up as needed. 


Not much finesse but I'd hope a tricky threat.



Edit: Also a version of the list at 1,000pts, where it becomes quite slanted!


Marshal in Terminator Armour - 110pts

- Relic Blade

- Combi-plasma

- Warlord (Frontline Commander)

- Crusader's Helm


Primaris Castellan ("The Emperor's Champion") - 75pts

- Master-crafted power sword ("The Black Sword")



5 Assault Terminators - 215pts

- Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields


5 Assault Terminators - 215pts

- Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields


Primaris Apothecary - 95pts

- Chief Apothecary

- Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer)



9 Hellblasters - 297pts

- Assault Plasma Incinerators





2CP available

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been thinking some more and come back with something different, 2k points:


Battalion Detachment, Relic of the Chapter




Captain in Terminator Armour - 110pts

- Relic Blade, Combi-Melta

- Warlord (Frontline Commander)


Chaplain in Terminator Armour - 125pts

- Master of Sanctity

- Ancient Breviary

- Litany of Divine Protection, Fires of Devoiton

- Combi-Melta


Lieutenant - 120pts

- Thunder Hammer, Combi-Melta

- Jump Pack




10 Intercessors - 210pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


10 Intercessors - 210pts

- Auto Bolt Rifles

- Power Fist


5 Intercessors - 100pts

- Stalker Bolt Rifles




10 Assault Terminators - 430pts

- Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields


Company Ancient - 105pts

- Chapter Ancient

- Hero of the Chapter (Steadfast Example)

- Combi-Melta


Primaris Apothecary - 95pts

- Chief Apothecary

- Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer)

- Crusader's Helm


Fast Attack


5 Inceptors - 275pts

- Plasma Exterminators


4 Inceptors - 220pts

- Plasma Exterminators


2000pts, 9CP



- Stalker Intercessors hold rear objective, tough to shift from cover


- Auto Intercessors move up either flank, lots of anti-screen dakka, seize objectives


- Assault Terminators will Advance into the centre. They will wreck in combat (extra attack and 5+++ from Chaplain, hitting on 2+ with Fury of First and Chapter Ancient, re-rolling 1s to hit and wound with thunder hammers, Assault doctrine all game from Crusader's helm)


- Plasma Inceptors will fly along just behind the Terminators, serious dakka threat, 6+++ from Apothecary and getting to shoot even when killed (Ancient). Also re-rolling 1s to hit (crucial) and wound (nice to have)


- Character bubble will sit just behind the Terminators and ahead of the Inceptors to provide bubbles and buffs as necessary. Amongst the group are also four combi-meltas so they can happily tank-hunt from a central position too. They also make the entire blob Obsec (Ancient). The Lieutenant can also fly out and smash something as a surprise if needed.

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