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New FAQ up


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New FAQs released. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/07/the-warhammer-40000-update-new-points-scoring-and-faqs/


Big one from the Space Marine codex,

"Whenever a rule allows a unit to gain the bonus of a

particular doctrine even though it is not active for the rest of your

army (e.g. the Adaptive Strategy Stratagem, page 104), then whilst

that rule applies to that unit, that unit will also gain the benefit

from any such detachment ability."


So Sanguinary Priests do give the extra attack. 

Edited by BluejayJunior
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I tend to lean pessimistic until faq/errata.


So, the chalice isn't specifically updated in the BA errata. It's a general space marine errata. But, I think this will resolve the dispute. I love the idea of a sanguinary priest giving out the additional AP and attack to a unit, or 2 with chalice overflowing on turn 2. Vanguard vets are coming for you. It's going to hurt.


Forlorn fury - well there's my pessimism being right. Really though, using this only once is helpful enough. Get one squad in or out of trouble is a big help. This prevents the one guy who'd have otherwise rushed 5 units of death co in for an auto win (or loss).


Death company... man I'm an attorney by trade. I'm supposed to be good at reading rules. I guess not. But, I'm very happy to see an errata on that to clarify it.


I'm not necessarily sold on the blade of Sanguinius objective, but this helps. 


I was actually avoiding the death visions slay the warmaster just because I figured it'd cause a fight. I guess it's fine. I see value in death co characters, but haven't fit them in a list yet. 

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Yea definitely lighter on clarification then I would have liked, but it does clear some key items:


Blade of Sanguinius secondary objective:

Enemies that accept the challenge, but are in Strategic Reserve or Reinforcements and are destroyed as a result of not being set up fulfill the full conditions of this OBJ. So easy 15pts if your opponent tries to be too cheeky.



Forlorn Fury Stratagem:

Can only be used once.

- from a RAW perspective, but who didn't see this one coming? 


Death Company Intercessors:

still wonky wargear



Librarian Dreads:

CANNOT take Relics/Special Issue Wargear, even when using Artisan of War or other WLTs




Can't HI-from-SPAAAAAACE if you're not actually in space. So he's already on the board, you cannot use "Miraculous Savior". No further info on how this may interact with Upon Wings of Fire



Angel's Sacrifice Stratagem:

Forces enemy models to attach the character, not units. The specific example they gave is "if a unit of 10 models is near the BA character that uses this ability, and only one model is in Engagement Range how many models in that unit must fight the BA Character? One."



To Slay the Warmaster:

The enemy character still gets their full attacks and you just give up your own BA Characters attacks to use this.

Yea......this will be rarely used if ever. 


Edited by Indefragable
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Interceptors, eradicators, and outriders up by 5 pts.


I've really been thinking of  using the plasma inceptors in a squad of 5 with a captain. I like that +1 to hit strat out of reserves. But ...It's already an expensive unit. Eradicators are still good (though I'm a fan of attack bikes myself). Outriders didn't seem all that game breaking to me.

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And, I will be happy to buy all those mario karts on Ebay.


I also figured it might be worth looking around a bit at the other more general erratas. My first impression:


It seems the roll off goes first (no longer a choice to pass it off). Forlorn fury helps me either for me either way. 


Scoring at the end of the turn on turn 5 (instead of the command phase) for the player going second is a big deal. Plan those last turns carefully. Don't let me get those attack bikes moved in to position at the last minute. You know I'm popping out of cover to grab points. I'd say this is a big boost for fast armies generally, but even muppets like the astra miitarum (i'm joking) have extraordinary movement capability--leman russ's and infantry can really get out there with orders, especially on the 9th ed smaller table. I'm interested to see what people take out of this, a lot of different viewpoints might see this differently. I'd say for me, I need to be even more careful not to get bogged down in some giant deathstar slugfest while some 50pt unit captures a point at the close of turn 5. Using pile in and consolidate to your advantage is one part of careful movement--not getting out of position when it matters is another.


Embark had a clarification... it's how I was reading it already. No abilities or strats while embarked. 


Bring it down might be something to reconsider as you plan your army and face opponents. I suppose it depends on army construction. Vehicles 10 or less wounds are only giving up 1VP (librarian dreadnought 8, drop pod 8, rhino 10). Vehicles at 11-19 are giving up 2VP, which used to be 3VP (Impulsor 11, repulsor 16, land raider 16). Now only when you have 20+ wounds like a knight do you give up 3VP. 


Abhor the witch is down to 3VP for killing a psyker character, and 2VP for killing a psyker unit (down from 5 and 3 respectively). I suppose we could entertain more psykers in a list with less concern over this being used against us. Conversely, if you don't use mephiston or a librarian dread (what's wrong with you) this objective is available to you, but you'll get less mileage for sure. 

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Being forced to go first is a big blow for me. It hurts assault armies most, but with proper terrain use it won't be so bad. But the change to second player scoring in the final turn just makes it worse.


Going second on the other hand will be even better than before


The change to bring it down is too much. It's rendered it almost useless. Only things like top tier DG run enough vehicles to score 15 against them and you'd have to table them to do it.


Blade of Sanguinius is now more viable but still tricky to ensure against a savvy oppo

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This is absurd, there still exists a logical argument that Blood Chalice won't give +1 attack because it doesn't apply until you are making the attack, so "whilst that rule applies to that unit" falls into the same trap. There is a much better argument that the Blood Chalice rule applies to the unit starting in the command phase and lingers until your next command phase, so you do get a +1 attack from charging. It sure would have been nice of GW to explicitly write this in the BA FAQ as I'm sure they got plenty of emails about it. 

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This is absurd, there still exists a logical argument that Blood Chalice won't give +1 attack because it doesn't apply until you are making the attack, so "whilst that rule applies to that unit" falls into the same trap. There is a much better argument that the Blood Chalice rule applies to the unit starting in the command phase and lingers until your next command phase, so you do get a +1 attack from charging. It sure would have been nice of GW to explicitly write this in the BA FAQ as I'm sure they got plenty of emails about it.

Brother - just cus there is an argument doesn’t mean it’s good or even persuasive. Their faq is clear - it is triggered. Full stop.

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Is there a clarification to the question of giving a character a Warlord trait making them count as a warlord for Heirs of Azkaellon?


I've remained sceptical of it myself but you never know with GW.

Not needed. It already says the character only counts as warlord for the purpose of thatt trait

Yeah, I already thought as much, but I have seen plenty of people saying it needs FAQing.

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Invader ATV revival is now gone, as per main SM codex errata.

It was a bit silly and a bit too good. ATVs can still be healed,just not res'ed so it is not a total washout.



Yes, units of 3 with transhuman and a priest nearby will still present a huge problem for most. 

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This is absurd, there still exists a logical argument that Blood Chalice won't give +1 attack because it doesn't apply until you are making the attack, so "whilst that rule applies to that unit" falls into the same trap. There is a much better argument that the Blood Chalice rule applies to the unit starting in the command phase and lingers until your next command phase, so you do get a +1 attack from charging. It sure would have been nice of GW to explicitly write this in the BA FAQ as I'm sure they got plenty of emails about it.

Oh good God I wrote too soon. Dude let it go and move on. Its triggered as it was always ALWAYS intended to be. We have better things to do with our attention than flogging what is now a very dead horse.

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