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history of Vostroyan temp orders


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Context, I have been digging a bit regarding the Vostroyan models. I used to have a couple of platoons 15 years ago that I sold off over time. By now I have invested quite heavily into the hobby again and the old nostalgic feeling of having my old IG army keeps playing in the back of my head.

I did notice around a year ago that GW offered to produce steel legion models on demand for a week. I did some digging and found out they did a similar thing with vostroyans around 23 december in 2018.

My question is if people can remember other dates where GW was offering Vostroyans to be produced on demand so I get a rough idea if there is a rough guideline, like 1x every 2-3 years where they open up the options to the players. Aside of the 2018 date I can not find any other dates through google. Does anyone know other dates? Or do I have to dread its a once in 10 years offer?

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Indeed, sadly Made to Order has kind of fallen off the radar now which is a shame as it is a fantastic idea. This means it is all the worse for models that have already had a run - their chances of coming again must be very slim :( As an ad hoc thing anyone's guess is what may come next but as noted it isn't much of a feature now so the sensible thing is to assume the boat is missed.


Fortunately if you're set on getting some Vostroyans back they're not too rare second hand, but the standard caveat of second hand applies in being sure you make only deals you're happy with. Who knows, maybe something really crazy will happen and GW will release new Guard kits in the nearish future? Stranger things have happened...


Whatever you decide let us know :tu:

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If you trawl ebay regularly enough you cash find some reasonable deals on those old metal minis that's how I ended up with my chunk of unpainted Mordians


It's unclear if it when they'll do another made to order run but wouldn't hurt to email and ask? At the very least they can pass on the interest :tu:

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Ebay is asking absurd prices for the Vostroyans. I don't mind throwing some cash around but an average of 130 dollars for 10 models excluding shipment cost is pure robbery in my eyes. So the only alternative is looking for a decent recaster. If GW doesn't sell the models anymore then there is no moral objection buying the models from a recaster as 2nd handed models don't make GW flip any profit either.  

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If you trawl ebay regularly enough you cash find some reasonable deals on those old metal minis that's how I ended up with my chunk of unpainted Mordians


It's unclear if it when they'll do another made to order run but wouldn't hurt to email and ask? At the very least they can pass on the interest :thumbsup:

I built up a valhallan collection over a few years and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it at current prices.


But the way to avoid being robbed on ebay is patience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grognards are indeed nice candidates for Vostroyans and I have seen quite a few conversions for Vostroyans using them as a base. Some people changed the rifles, but honestly having built some grognards myself, their rifles are already very nice and would ensure a Vostroyan look if you choose the relevant heads.
Likely cheaper than a recaster and quite good quality sculpts.
Wargames Atlantic makes bulk discounts, so a large army can be quite cheap to build.

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