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Hello everyone!

I have been a long time lurker on this and other forums, and with more free time I wanted to explore having a project log.

My current project is Armageddon Steel Legion guardsmen. I have just started this project and am very exited. I have been playing 40k off and on for around 10 years, playing most armies but always coming back to Imperial Guard. I have a rather large Cadian force with 150+ infantry supported with some artillery. I have always like different sculpts for the guard and I wanted to expand my force with a contingent of a different faction. I have several Chimeras with my Cadians and Armoured Fist style guard in late 8th and early 9th edition has been my favourite play style. Although I recently expanded the Cadians to try all/mostly infantry guard, I thought that having a small force to use the Chimeras while my Cadians stay as all infantry would be an interesting idea. This would give me a couple distinct styles of guard models and also playstyles which for the moderate amount I play 40k would be fun and fluffy at the same time.

I really enjoy painting, and while my Cadian paint scheme was rather quick to paint, I wanted the Steel Legion to take longer, mainly because I wanted to try some new painting techniques. The first is a type of blending on the trench coat, where I use glazes, with a little wet blending to try and have blended highlights. I've never tried this before but videos on Youtube helped a lot. Secondly, I wanted to try ageing and wearing the leather which is all over these older Steel Legion sculpts, whereas for my Cadians I kept things clean. I based them quite simply on an Armageddon Ash Waste themed base which I think brings out the detail in the old metal minis.

Here is the first fire-team,

I hope that these pictures actually are visible! Photography is certainly something I want to improve upon!

Comments and criticism is appreciated, have a great day.

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Nice, I recently ran into the warp (attic) location of my armagheddon steel legion models and couldn't help noticing what nice sculpts they were.


You're doing them justice with the paint job.

I might have to restart my steel legion. :yes:


I saw that they can still be ordered from GW  :ph34r.:

Hello everyone,

Thanks for all of your responses!

Very nice start. I would love to see a comparison of your Cadians

The scheme is based off of Codex Cityfight 122nd Cadian. It is very quick to paint with each model taking around an hour or so. Later on I'll probably post a pic of the entire Cadian force beside the Steel Legion once they get sizable.


Looking good - great start. I’m a sucker for the steel legion models. What’s your recipe for the coats?

The coats are spray Zandri Dust - Zamesi Desert -a wash of Seraphim Sepia in the recesses - then a glaze blending technique with 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 ratios of Zamesi Desert and Screaming Skull on the prominent folds.

What everyone else has said. The only comment I have is the goggles. A little more blue would help contrast them a bit more compared when they are on the helmets.

Good idea, I will try that. Have anyone had any experience with Soulstone Blue GW Technical paint?

Here is the next Steel Legion Trooper

And the next up. I really find that using a painting handle helps a lot to not chip the paint off the metal minis with steadying while painting.


As always comments and criticism is appreciated!

Edited by Steel Legion Guy
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Been a couple weeks since my last post, I really do want to try to keep an upload a week, I think that will really help me keep moving on this project.

Thank you all for your responses, some have asked for a whole army pic of the Cadian 122nd so here it is!


Pictured here based off the 4th Edition Guard Codex is the fully painted, based and decaled force!

- In the centre, a Command Platoon with 2 priests, 2 flamer special weapon squads, 2 mortar squads and an sentinel squadron, 10 Ratlings behind them.

- 3 Platoons each of a command squad, and 5 squads, 1 platoon is plasma gun + heavy bolter, 2 platoon with the chimeras is meltaguns and lascannons, and 3 platoon on the right is autocannons and grenade launchers.

- 2 Basilisks

- 1 Griffon (my personal favourite model, such a pain to build but so worth it)

- 1 Hydra

Here is a more detailed picture:


This I hope goes someway to show why I'm okay taking so long to paint the steel legion! Of the Cadians the last 80 or so minis have been painted since covid. This army is super fun to play games with as it can be an infantry horde backed up with some artillery, or a resilient armoured fist force with less squads all riding around in Chimeras.

Speaking of Steel Legion I've finished half a squad! Certainly one of my best pictures so far.


As always comments and criticisms are appreciated!

Damn thats a nice Cadian army. Brings back happy memories reading the original Cityfight book all those years ago. *Happy gasmask noises* Your Steel Legion are looking nice as well. 

Steel Legion are one of my favourite ranges - so it's great to see your work on them! Will follow with interest. 

2nd best after Krieg Id say, or tied 2nd with Valhalla. Either way I will have all 3 eventually. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Thanks for all of your comments.

Just a quick update today, this came in the mail!


Super excited, both of these guys are great sculpts. The Obi Wan looking guy on the right will be the Company Commander, with the Bolt Pistol guy on the left just a Platoon Commander.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Thanks for all of your comments.

Another quick update, I've been working on the last lasgunner of the squad, and their ride.


As always comments and criticism are appreciated!

Hello everyone,

Here is the 1st Chimera painted. I haven't quite decided what decals to use, so for now I'll call it done.



Does anyone know of any upgrade kits for the interior of a Chimera? I thought it would be cool to add some setting etc. seeing as Steel Legion are so famous for their use of Chimeras, having the hatch flip down and an interior for the dudes to pile out of would be cool

As always comments and criticism are appreciated!

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