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Im trying to get my head around the new codex as some of the writting is well...pretty terrible.



I take a Lord of Contagion and give him arch contaminator.

I then take a plague caster (because you are not allowed any other HQ really) and give him Ferric Blight.

Then take 10 BL terminators with combi-bolters


So you deepstrike the LoC and terminators in turn 2.

The LoC would have a 6" contagion aura on turn 2. Then you use Flash Out break to give him an extra 3" on his contagion & he would also get Ferric Blight. I think there is a psychic power that also increases his contagion ability by 3". So any enemy unit with 12" would be -1T.

Then you spend 4 CP to give your terminators +1 to hit, plague bolters, and the new VotLW. So that is 40 shots, hitting on 2s, re-rolling 1s, wounding most infantry on 2s and vehicles on 4s, re-rolling at AP-1? for an average of about 20 wounds vs T4 3+ save and 15 wounds on T6+ save.


Its about 600 points for the terminators, LoC and plaguecaster, and will cost 6CP (7 if you include the additional WLT)

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