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“Our lines have broken, the walls overrun! The capitol cannot fall, have the astropaths sing their song, get me the Tenebrae Gladio!” – last transmission of Arx Malander, former Imperial Governor of Galatian IX


“Three?! Is this some sort of joke? Three warriors are all the Tenebrae could spare?”

“Respectfully, three is more than plenty.” – recorded vox transmission between PDF command and Dark Swords Task Force Nonus





Demi-squad Anaximander, bonded of Task Force Nonus, pictured here shortly after hostilities were joined.

Combat drop: successful. Enemy casualties: total.

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Saw you post about chapter question but not an expert on the subject, Cool to see you go your own way, though with the red and sword motif cant help think the classic DA homage means DA successor.

Nice brown effect on the black and their posses really give that 'Astartes' deadly speed vibe

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Planetfall +1:

"Additional support requested, ammunition depleted. The damned Secessionists are like an endless tide! Request mission status upgraded to Magenta."

"Request acknowledged. Reinforcements inbound." - Vox conversation intercepted between demi-squad Anaximander and Fleet Assets.

ROanpdN.jpegUnknown Bonded Brother of Demi-squad Anaximander upon insertion to Galatian IX, Operation Time: Planetfall +1



Demi-squad Anaximander pictured in mid operation to secure Galtian Spaceport. Objective to land more Chapter assets, Operation Time: Planetfall +3




Saw you post about chapter question but not an expert on the subject, Cool to see you go your own way, though with the red and sword motif cant help think the classic DA homage means DA successor.

Nice brown effect on the black and their posses really give that 'Astartes' deadly speed vibe

Yeah, I decided that Heresy was too expensive, but I liked painting this color scheme too much so here we are. I'm not sure who they will be a successor of, stay tuned!


That matte black is great, the flash of red on the tilt shield really draws the eye, but still keeps the overall tone muted.


Thanks! They're third company, but they keep markings sparse. I'll flesh out more over time but suffice to say they are "reasonable" marines. Think a cross between Raptors and pre-Heresy Death Guard

Really nice job on that black, the chapter icon works really well set against it as well.  

Thank you sir! High praise from a luminary such as yourself. I've watched your logs for years!


Nicely done

Thank you!

Edited by ToyShip
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UnitedjpFxgus.jpgDemi-squad Anaximander, Full Deployment, Galatian IX Spaceport. Operation Time: Planetfall +4



Thanks for the comments guys! This is the first squad of a burgeoning project. My buddy and myself are working towards 500pt Crusade/Combat Patrol lists. Next up for Task Force Nonus: Demi-squad Hetor, a 5-man Assault Intercessor squad. After that, well that's a surprise. 

Edited by ToyShip
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I REALLY like these guys. The matte black, gives them such a unique look. They look, "no pleasure, all business". The little fluff blurb you've included really adds character as well. Great job!


Thanks! That is definitely the vibe I am going for. No nonsense, very little ornate trimmings. In a word utilitarian. I’m glad the fluff blurbs are working. I was starting to think about dropping them.


Definitely feeling a Heresy-era DA vibe with the colors. Primaris-only Successor maybe?


 It’s a thought, though I feel like it may be too on the nose. I’ve been toying with the idea that they are Ultramarines successors. The reasons why they have diverged from a “normal” Ultramarine style Chapter is what I intend to explore with some background.


Beautiful work, Toyship! Really like the look of these guys!


I really appreciate it Mol! I’ve finally gotten a scheme down that I fully enjoy painting while being quick and effective.



Well done, they look fantastic as a squad. What are you using for the black? Corvus Black?

Actually the only GW paints I’m using are the reds for the eyes and the beige of the purity seal! The armor is a black undercoat (I use Stynel Rez Black primer) with highlights sprayed from above and slightly to one side with an airbrush. The highlight color is NATO Black by Tamiya. Just a really dark gray. After that it’s a gloss coat, transfers, another gloss coat, then a brown oil wash. Once that drys I spray the matte coat, do the eyes and highlights on the metallics (I only do a few), and highlight the armor/do some scratches and battle damage with a #2 pencil. Then I do ANOTHER Matte coat to set the graphite. It’s a super simple scheme, I’m really glad it’s been so well received. I can’t wait to try it on some bigger models.
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