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It's an awesome release for Infinity... hang on, what do you mean 40k?

They are a little to plain for my liking, hopefully once decorated with some extra scrolls and skulls especially on the large empty surfaces they will fit in better with the SoB look.

In general I like them, and am exited to get my hands on them. But I personally don't like the gap between the tabard and the leg that is clearly visible. Maybe some bigger skirt, like the ones the sisters of ballte wear could have tied them together more visually.

I also wonder how it would look if the shoulders would be lowered on the level of the arms or the second pair of arms would be removed, so it could be something like a mini SOB dreadnought instead of a terminator exosuit.

According to Warhammer Community they're "just getting started" with Sisters in 2021. :biggrin.: Looks like that range relaunch was a real success! I wonder what else they'll have in store. Presumably another Troops choice of some sort? I'd also love to get a generic Living Saint kit a la Daemon Princes. 

I'm not the biggest fan of these for two reasons.


The first is that the sisters line is clean/simple armour, but lots of ornamentation and religious trappings. These are too clean, and the cloth looks a little stiff so it doesn't help offset the clean and mechanical nature. I really liked the glass version, and would like to see more halos, candles, trim, etc... thankfully, rather simple conversion/kitbash stuff.


The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.

  On 1/23/2021 at 4:17 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.

I mean, it is your own opinion and all, but I don’t think that was ever set in stone. If these were the same chassis design as PE’s I’d get it and fully agree. However these are a unique design, almost reminiscent of an an Imperial Knight

  On 1/23/2021 at 4:17 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.

Sometimes you just need to bring in heavier stuff to make the heretics repent in glorious close combat. =D

  On 1/23/2021 at 4:17 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.


That's why I like them. We've never had walkers that were still righteous enough to qualify for Order Traits and AoF.


Now at last we do. This filled a gap in the range.


Glad to see that Sisters players generally like- there were a lot of unbelievers in the Rumours threads.

Edited by ThePenitentOne
  On 1/23/2021 at 4:29 PM, sitnam said:


  On 1/23/2021 at 4:17 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.

I mean, it is your own opinion and all, but I don’t think that was ever set in stone. If these were the same chassis design as PE’s I’d get it and fully agree. However these are a unique design, almost reminiscent of an an Imperial Knight

Right, I'm just saying *to me* there's a weird dissonance. I did say that it was in my mind, and something I associated.



Once the models are blinged up with parchment, candles, and other stuff I think they'll fit in great. Do wish the cloth was less static though.

  On 1/23/2021 at 4:51 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:


  On 1/23/2021 at 4:29 PM, sitnam said:


  On 1/23/2021 at 4:17 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The second thing is just...walkers in the sisters range have always been something Ive associated with the punished and unredeemed. It feels incorrect in my mind to have sisters of battle manning walkers. Just a weird quirk of how I associate models in the range.

I mean, it is your own opinion and all, but I don’t think that was ever set in stone. If these were the same chassis design as PE’s I’d get it and fully agree. However these are a unique design, almost reminiscent of an an Imperial Knight
Right, I'm just saying *to me* there's a weird dissonance. I did say that it was in my mind, and something I associated.



Once the models are blinged up with parchment, candles, and other stuff I think they'll fit in great. Do wish the cloth was less static though.

For my own paint scheme I wish there was more cloth. I typically do all my armor in mettalics, with the color being the color portion. Not sure if these will quite pop the same with so little cloth

We should probably look at it from the perspective that the Bloody Rose totally needed a boost to make them a bit more competitive and get some mileage out of their order strategem because there just was not a real option to make use of it and their order trait at all.

Seems poorly proportioned; I doubt the pilot's flesh-and-blood legs will fit in the warsuit's, unless she either points her toes down as if she's wearing stiletto heels, or her feet were amputated. The pilot's flesh-and-blood hands (and the controls they grip) should be better protected; for comparison, see landmates in Shirow Masamune's classic manga Appleseed, which have a similar scale and control system, but which fully enclose the pilots' hands. The multi-meltas/missile launchers on the collarbones should be able to elevate, so the warsuit may engage targets attacking from above (rooftops, trees, flyers, etc.).
Overall, I think the Paragon is too small. It should be the size of a Sentinel (or Penitent Engine), and bear weapons too big for human hands to wield, e.g., reaper autocannons. Otherwise, why should I take it instead of a squad of multi-melta and/or heavy bolter-wielding Retributors, under an eviscerator chainsword-bearing Sister Superior's command?

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