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Weapons of the Dark Age


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Based on leaks, looks like this Strat is returning, albeit at 2CP (reasonable change for such an amazing ability).



If this indeed true, then 10 DA Hellblasters with Assault Plasma Incinerators are going to be amazing.


30 x S7 AP-4 Dmg3 shots will wreck basically any infantry/bikes, can bring down medium vehicles and Monsters, and can even deal lots of Dmg to big bosses like Mortarion.


On top of this, DA have the ability to mitigate their greatest weakness (i.e. low durability relative to their points cost) with Azrael's 4++, -1 to Hit from the Dark Shroud, and 6+++ FNP/Combat Revival from an Apothecary.... oh, and you can throw Transhuman Physiology in there as well).


Add in the BS2+ when they stand still (from DA Chapter Tactics) and the newly previewed ability to shoot into combat in the Tactical Doctrine and you have a really strong unit for its points cost, I think.

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That blob you just described would cost you just over 700 points, and doesn’t even come with ObSec. So just one single ObSec model would steal that objective away from you.


Also note that Azrael only gives you a 4++ against ranged attacks, so if you get engaged in melee by a hard-hitting unit, then you’ll be no better off. Transhuman might save you, but now your unit is costing you more than 2CP per turn.


The problem that has always been with castles is that it’s easy for your opponent to manoeuvre around you, so this means you’d need to keep on the move yourself. Having assault weapons mitigates this, but inevitably means that you’ll rarely benefit from the +1 to hit from the Chapter Tactic. (However, you will get Azrael’s full re-rolls).


Another thing to consider is that a 10-strong unit is going to trigger the Blast weapon rule, unlike a 5-strong MSU.


So while on paper it looks like a hard-hitting unit, I think the investment in both points and CP that you need to make significantly impacts its on-table efficiency. To pick up in the flavour of the week, how many Deathwing Terminators could you bring with 700points?

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Well, you dont have to bring Azrael, the Darkshroud, or an Apothecary, they are just options... options that buff other units as well, by the way, so it is not all eggs in one basket for Hellblasters.


If you just go Hellblasters and a Company Master alone, that is only about 430 points and, with the Strat for counting an not moving (so triggering the BS2+ when they move, as long as no Advance), they get the following when engaging enemy DW Knights:


30 x S7 AP-4 Dmg3 shots, 29-30 hits, 14-15 Wounds, 7-8 unsaved Wounds, 7-8 dead DW Knights.... that is between 329 and 376 points killed in one shooting phase!


Similarly, against a unit of the new DG Deathshroud Terminators, these Hellblasters average 29-39 hits, 19-29 wounds, 9-10 unsaved wounds, and about 5 dead Deathshrouds (or 250 points worth of models)... not too shabby!

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Do you have the link to the discord? Very curious.


It was shared by a normal member on Tabletop Titans discord. There were only a couple images leaked there, and the mods there had to step in to protect TTT. Review embargo isn't up yet, and they didn't want this normal user being seen as a representative of TTT. We should be seeing pretty much all this information in the morning as the various content creators are able to actually start talking about stuff.


I saved the couple of images I saw, so I could show them off, but the information has been shared already. I posted the stratagem info I saw and the image of some of the detachment rules. The only other thing I saw was the Interromancy powers that came from Reddit (but looks like the same source as the stratagem image)

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