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Hey Everyone,


Wondering if you can set this one straight for me;

One part of the DW psychic power Premorphic Resonance notes “if the unit starts the fight phase within engagement range of enemy models, it can fight first that phase”.


To me, it implies that this unit fights first, before anything including units that charged.


However the rare rules section of the core rule book outlines that the players alternate ‘fights first’ units starting with the active players turn and in the example above, a charging unit ‘fights first’.


Therefore, is it correct that if the enemy unit that charged the DW unit with this psychic blessing on it is activated first (following a charge) then the DW unit cannot fight beforehand?


Every time I see this power come up in battle reports on YouTube they seem to have a different view on how these interactions work.


Thanks all!

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Therefore, is it correct that if the enemy unit that charged the DW unit with this psychic blessing on it is activated first (following a charge) then the DW unit cannot fight beforehand?



Yes, I think that reading is correct.


On your opponents turn, they charge your unit with Premorphic Resonance.


You then get into the "rare rules section" where you both have units that should fight first - them because of charging and you because of Premorphic Resonance.


Because it is their turn, they choose the first unit to fight, then you choose.


Obviously this doesn't seem that useful, but it does matter if the opponent charges with more than one unit on their turn. In that case, you still get to fight second, after their first charger but before any subsequent chargers.


This gets more complicated when there are multiple fight first/last interactions, which might be why you see different outcomes in battle reports.

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