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I thought that I would log the progress of the first army I will be working on after several-year hiatus from the hobby.  I will be assembling and painting a small force of salamander firstborns, with more of a focus on simply enjoying the process instead of trying to field a tournament winning army.  That being said, progress will likely be slow, but I am excited nonetheless.  So without further ado, I present the progress that has happened so far: 


Tactical squad one.  Combi flamer on the sergeant and one marine with a flamer.

Tactical Squad One

These will be sergeants for future squads.  They will be leading, from left to right, a devastator squad, a tactical squad, and a tactical squad.


This is my warlord, a jump pack captain with a power fist.  Looks super fun to paint!  He was kitbashed from a GW boxed game I picked up for really cheap from the clearance section of a Barnes and noble.

Smash Captain



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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress has been made!  Captain and one tactical sergeant are both finished.  Some more tactical marines, a librarian, and a devastator squad are next in the works.  I'm thinking about an ironclad dreadnought afterwards, followed maybe by either a unit of vanguard vets or assault terminators.  I want something that can either deep strike or run up the board quickly and hit hard in melee.  Without further ado, here are the captain and sergeant:




Tactical Sergeant1

Tactical Sergeant2

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your encouragement!  a few devastator marines are in progress on the painting bench.  Also, I have kitbashed together a librarian.  I do think he's missing something but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.  Ideas are welcome.


Anyway, here are the WIP photos:






Nice work, really like the vibrant color.


For the Librarian I agree with Gederas a Psychic hood would be a good addition. Maybe a book or tome on his waist aswell?

And most first born librarians have two thick cables on their torso and one connecting the force sword. 

Thank you guys for the suggestions.  I think a hood would be good, but I neither have the proper head nor green stuff.  I didn't want to buy more bits from ebay for this conversion, so I scrounged around my bits box and added a few censers, purity seals, and a wicked looking skull from a box of skaven.  Hopefully it doesn't look too sorcerous:unsure.:.  I am much better at painting than converting.

Updated Librarian3

Updated Librarian2

Updated Librarian1


  • 3 months later...

Progress has been slow-going, but not impossible.  A devastator marine and sergeant as well as a couple tactical marines painted brings me up to about 500 points.  Here's a group shot.

500 Pt Group Shot


Also, I thought it was time to add some more "punch" to the force, so I think an ironclad dreadnought, as well as a couple more tactical marines are in order.

Ironclad Dreadnought WiP

  • 1 month later...

I've had some extra time available lately, so I went to work getting that ironclad dreadnought done.  Freehanding is not something I've done a lot of in the past so it's something I thought to add a lot of to this dreadnought.  Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you want to know how I painted or built something.

Ironclad 4

Ironclad 3

Ironclad 2

Ironclad 1

Good looking dreadnought, those Salamander flames are always a pleasure to look at.


As for the psychic hood conundrum, consider shoulder pads or comparable curved bits. My DG librarian has their cowl made from a Tartaros terminator's pauldron with some steel wire glued on. It's quite undemanding to do but sells the idea that this is a librarian.




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