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How has Grav worked for you in 9th vs 3+ opponents?


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The majority of my opponents are Black Templars, Death Guard, Black Legion, Night Lords, Astral Knights (IF founding), and Space Wolves. I have one friend who plays Eldar, and one of the above also plays a Necron army from time to time.


I keep looking at stats on Grav weapons, mainly the cannon and gun/combi. I'm adding 4 more devs with Grav Cannons+Amps, giving a tactical sergeant a combi-grav instead of his combi-flamer, and building two additional marines with grav-cannon/amp & grav gun. 


I think I'm going to get more mileage out of them for who most of my opponents are ...


I was wondering have any of you used a larger amount of Grav vs your 3+ opponents, and how did it turn out?





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Grav Cannons work well in Tactical squads as the range synergises quite well with the bolters. It has the RoF to deal with hordes. It is great vs Marines and it can put some damage on vehicles at a pinch. With 4 shots, it means you can afford to move the squad if you need as you will usually still get a couple of hits.


I am not sure I would spam it though. For a Dev squad, I would probably prefer to go for Multimeltas in a Pod. If your opponent is careless, drop in nuke a high-value target. Otherwise you will force them to dedicate units to screening which means less units to contest Objectives.


I am not impressed by the Grav gun or combi-Grav as I prefer plasma. Plasma has the same RoF and AP but higher strength and longer range. The only advantage of a Grav gun is that it kill 2W models without the risk of overcharging.


One thing I would suggest though is not to become too reliant on Grav or Plasma. Dreads and Deathguard now have the -1 Damage rule and that reduces the killing power of these weapons by 50%. As new defensive special rules are introduced, I think that maintaining some variety of weapons is a good idea. Take some plasma and Grav for sure but leave room for some dedicated anti-tank like multimetas or even the good old lascannon.

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Grav Cannons work well in Tactical squads as the range synergises quite well with the bolters. It has the RoF to deal with hordes. It is great vs Marines and it can put some damage on vehicles at a pinch. With 4 shots, it means you can afford to move the squad if you need as you will usually still get a couple of hits.


I am not sure I would spam it though. For a Dev squad, I would probably prefer to go for Multimeltas in a Pod. If your opponent is careless, drop in nuke a high-value target. Otherwise you will force them to dedicate units to screening which means less units to contest Objectives.


I am not impressed by the Grav gun or combi-Grav as I prefer plasma. Plasma has the same RoF and AP but higher strength and longer range. The only advantage of a Grav gun is that it kill 2W models without the risk of overcharging.


One thing I would suggest though is not to become too reliant on Grav or Plasma. Dreads and Deathguard now have the -1 Damage rule and that reduces the killing power of these weapons by 50%. As new defensive special rules are introduced, I think that maintaining some variety of weapons is a good idea. Take some plasma and Grav for sure but leave room for some dedicated anti-tank like multimetas or even the good old lascannon.


Good advice.


For tactical squads I have four; two as flamer (combi-flamer/flamer/heavy flamer), one as plasma (combi-plasma/plasma/hvy bolter), and one as melta (combi-melta/melta/multi-melta). I haven't used more than one tactical squad in a match in years lol. I now have a tactical squad sergeant with a combi-grav, a marine with a grav-gun, and one with a grav-cannon. For situations, and given who I play I plan to get some use out of. Flexibility :)


I've got a lot of devastator box bits, still working on getting some marine legs in order to make 4 devastator marines with grav cannons. I can field up to two full devastator squads (each with a Dev sergeant and 5 bolter marines), and I currently have 4 heavy flamers, 4 multi-meltas, 4 missile launchers, and 4 lascannons. Again, flexibility :). ... I don't have any plasma cannon devs, and I have one heavy bolter dev for the Strat.

I think melta load outs will probably be the best against my Deathguard friend.

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