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This little guy is a tester for a 2nd Legion Horus Heresy project..


I've toyed with this before, but I wasn't happy with my painting style and gave up. WIh the Salamanders ramping down, I'm starting to wonder what the next project would be...


This would be a real challenge and each marine would need to be unique and tell the story from their fall until the heresy.


The primarch and therefore theme of the Legion is likely based off the tarot of fortune: http://menducia.atspace.com/primarchs/X.html


His downfall related to his overly trusting nature and faith in humanity.


I'm really happy with the orange shades and it's a toss up between African and Polynesian themes for the marines - but I'm veering towards Polynesian influences and doubling down on the tattoos for individuality rather than my questionable greenstuff skills.


For the actual style of the Legion, it would be all out volkite, the 2nd Legion goes choooooooom



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Many thanks guys! I'm happy with the orange and its unique enough for me. I don't think it looks particularly IF'y in person, the orange is very much not yellow but my lamps slightly are!


Either way, three of the legions are black, so orange is definitely more different than most of the others!


I've been working on some more guys and I think I'll shift the decals away from the harp and towards a kraken. I've managed to find a UK supplier who has good and repeatable decals that I think will look the part and bring some ability to add extra markings across the marines. Until those arrive, working on the general marines, a rhino and a speeder. Still got a bit of work to do, particularly weathering and the weapons on the speeder.







I've been working through a considerable number of tactical vets, but took some time off to do some rhino's and pimp out the tracking on my land speeder.


Stay on target.





Next up is some fluff I think!



While I struggle to get inkscape to make some pretty fluff images, I've been working on more marines. I've mapped out the legions back story and it's fall, so this is incoming


With the 3rd party decals in hand, the Legion are starting to really develop. Krakens for the Emperor!





Orange marines! Love it! Lost legions are an excellent way to do something unique in 30k, makes a whole new angle to marine-marine combat.


From a 'historical' perspective, would mk4 have been available to them before getting wiped out?


Interested to hear more fluff on the legion, and what will hopefully be a take on their primarch, whatever you do with it.

@Pearson73 - Thanks. I'm not holding my breath about being a good choice, but it looks cool which is what matters!


@Syrakul - Yeah, I've got several Legion armies and it's good to have a bit more freedom yet stick to the setting and the ruleset. Not one for 40k, so having "Blackshields" works nicely!


As for Mark IV, this force is going to represent the few left from the Legion. A key element of the Legions fluff (which I've been working on making pretty) is that like many of the legions, they were torn between the primarch and the Emperor so these are the more rebellious members of the Legion.


One of the pillars of the Legion fluff is the primarch putting too much trust in others and it being misplaced.


These are still around at the time of the heresy, but are really insignificant in the scheme of things. Hopefully the fluff will clear it up! Speaking of fluff...


I've been working on my praetor/first captain. -




This chap is Captain Kalei, the first and last captain of the Wayfinders Legion.


Terran born, Kalei was commander of the 18th Company of the Wayfinders until the Ragdhan massacres. His rapid ascent through his legions ranks was a testament to his skill and will to survive where so many of his brothers died.


After the complete collapse of his gene-father's faith jn the imperial truths and the crusade, he would go on to lead the Legion in the primarchs place in a fruitless attempt to avoid a censure from the Emperor.


This action would save many of his brothers from their primarchs fate, even if it led to their exile..

Masters of void warfare, the Wayfarers fielded support Breachers extensively.


Chief Dagelo earned renown by his actions defending the Battleship Redoubtable, holding the bridge against a horde of Orks until his Legion sire arrived to retake the vessel.




I did a bit of a stock take and found tons of spare old bodies, arms, heads, pads and bodies. Using some old phalanx Warder shields and arms and some ebayed grey Knight legs, these mournival breachers were born. They're eventually going to have some support weapons as that should make Breachers a bit more viable. Probbaly volkite to start, maybe some plasmas with magnets


I'm going to go fairly heavy on weathering on these guys to detract from the overwhelming black shields.



Thanks kindly. Really happy with them so far. I think I'll be adding some more squid arms to their overall body and some of the older models. Really helps I think.


A hit of a double update here. For the painting viewing, my work in progress leviathan. He's a bit h'armless at the moment, but happy with him so far.



I've also been working on some fluff. This has been a bit of a pain as I lack illustrator nowadays and the Gravit designer I've used has been a challenge. Just changing spelling and grammar is quite the challenge! This follows the finding of the primarch and up to the Ragdhan Xenocides.





Edited by Mogsam

Extra markings will certainly add character and individuality. I like the background you've written so far, it's always interesting to read of more gentle-minded characters in the setting and of course gives hints as to why his legion may have fallen from grace. I like that their specialism is artifical environment and void warfare, could lead to some interesting tactics and units being deployed.

Really nice formatting! Couldn't get that quality myself. The whole history and niche youve devised is unique and ominous. The whole wolf and sheep aspect and friendship with russ is so spooky, I love it!


orange is my fav color but never had the guts to make an orange army (besides some detail aspects) so its really cool to see how all the elements work. I like the extra leather strips under the shoulderpads on the marines and you really get the symbol done well all over.

Thanks very much guys. I've gone back and reuploaded the "black book" pages, so hopefully that's fixed the links! I've also taken the opportunity to fix some of the more glaring errors in the document. Like misspelling three letter words! (it's my keyboard, promise!)


@pearson - that's something I'm interested in as well. The back story has to contain foreshadowing, showing why the Legion was doomed from the start, it was just a question of when. The key will be avoiding a good guy trope - Aolani is nicer than most, but no one is that good.


I've also taken the time from these comments to add some "tattoos" by cutting up the transfers. These add a bit of character to the models and most if not all marines have several squid arms on their armour somewhere.


For those here for the pictures, I've spend a fair amount of time today weathering marines. Unfortunately it's potato cam time as its been generally pretty miserable, but here is an update on the "Iron Krakens", aka the Power Maul possy.



Edited by Mogsam

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