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WIP sisters army


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So my goal for 2021 is at least 1 minute of warhammer hobby everyday. One day was literally pulling out the kit, deciding it was not time to decide on cannoness weapons, and putting it away. 

last two days has been based prep, etc. 


so I figured I might as well upload as I go along. 

Trial sister one



So here is my first test sister. Overall I like the colors however when I go through the process for the rest of the sisters I will do one notch higher on the colors since the purple and black contrast paint darken things a lot more than I expected. Definitely learned that I need to paint these models in more parts. Really happy with how the bases turned out so will begin to produce more of those. 

Tomorrow I will do the next round of trial sister, hopefully I will settle on a process. 

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Started working on my next ones and was consistently not happy with how they are coming out. Put them in the sonic cleaner and holy crap was it effective at taking off paint, 


I think going forward I am going to paint them in as many parts as feasible. It is just not fun trying to get the brush in all the little books and crannies. 

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Test paint 2-2

Test paint 2

new paint scheme after 3-4 days of unsuccessful testing. Still not sure how to get the cloak to do what I want to do, but I will get there.  Think I will just do the solid grey for now. 

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Squad 1 bodies

first squad of base work is done. Going to be a lot of details to fix as well as detail work in general to do. But they are now at the point where I feel like I can put them on bases. 

definitely glad I am doing all remaining sisters bodies in 3-4 parts going forward and really happy with the process I have figured out where I do all the base colors then do all the contrasts towards the end. I will probably try to work in more highlights pre-contrast as I like how it looks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Base coating

Base coated the girls in parts. Gonna give them the contrast wash before putting them together. So much quicker to do it this way. 

Multi meltas


multi melta conversions from heavy flamers.  If your work isn’t pretty? Throw a purity seal on it! Mechanicus approved


Celestians Head

celestian helmet scheme. Really like how this came out and really easy to do. 


and another batch of bases ready for the sisters. 
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