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New Chapter Founding

The Unseen

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Well, not so much new as a renaming.
Previously my chapter of choice was the Charnel Guard, but with devastation of Baal, their canonically completely wiped out and effectively been 'replaced' with Primaris reinforcements who lack any real cultural ties to the originals.
While headcanon is a possibility, I figured I'd just use this event, and the upcoming Crusade campaign I'm running to actually develop a successor of my own. And before this gets punted over to the Libre, was going to post the WIP names I've come up with, and get some opinions on them. (And to check and see if I've accidentally used a pre-existing name)
Saints/Knights of Sanguinius
Encarmine Knights
Sanguine Saints
Blood Hawks
Paladins of/of the Blood
Crimson Oracles
Color scheme is already decided, main color is dark red, (flesh tearer red to be precise), the Right shoulder pad and left knee are painted in bone, the Left shoulder pad and right knee are painted black. Chapter symbol is modified winged blood drop of the original IXth legion symbol over the black left shoulderpad.
What I already have for Lore, the short version.


Chapter homeworld is located near the Coronid Depths, in the Arborenal system, neighboring the Helioret sector, and was originally an outpost developed by the IXth Legion after the obliteration of the mad Craftworld Magc'Sithraal to further safeguard the region from crazed corsair remnants, and to study the nature of the world and its unique ecology the craftworld had been orbiting until its fiery destruction in the systems primary star, along with acting as a repository of the accumulated Aeldari lore the IXth legion had acquired in the course of the conflict, as such, the outpost's ranking officer was initially an Epistolary Librarian.
This outpost was nearly abandoned during the Horus Heresy, the small garrison of Blood Angels could not be dissuaded for leaving to rejoin the Angel when rumor spread that He had died upon the cursed ground of Signus, and the galaxy had gone mad with the betrayal of Horus. A small command staff, led by the ranking Libarian who was insistent the planet, and its libraries and mysteries not be abandoned, his Lexicanum acolyte, a Priest, a Warden, a Techmarine, and a single squad of veteran marines, with members drawn from the entire garrison by lot, as none would volunteer to remain with the fate of the Angel in doubt; along with a skeleton garrison of several thousand Chapter Serfs and a Mechanicus research division remained, while all warp-capable vessels set a course for Baal.
Blessedly, the outpost was unknown outside of the IXth, and the system itself was fairly isolated and lacking in industrial value, and so it skirted through the rest of the Heresy unnoticed and unobserved.
Years later, during the days of the Scouring, a vengeful fragment of the IX legion re-unites with the outpost during the course of hunting fleeing traitors attempting to use the Coronid Depths to hid, and discovers that the Librarian, in his Foresight, had not been idle. In the intervening years of the Heresy, the population of Chapter Serfs had been, through a robust breeding program and the assistance of the Mechanicum, dramatically increased, to the extent that the population was now closer to a far-flung colony of Baalite heritage than a purely military outpost.
With this stable population of Humanity having taken root, the gene-seed left in the care of the garrison had been put to good use. A single squad of legionaries had been left to safeguard the outpost, but on the IXths return, hundreds of initiate marines were ready and waiting; many of them unarmored and lacking war material, but not in resolve or in desire to take the fight to those who had turned against the Emperor. With this fresh infusion of warriors, the IXth legion was successful in purging the traitor remnants from the region, and was uniquely situated when the reforms laid down by Lord Guilliman were relayed to them, by no less than Azkaellon himself.
It was decided that the IXths crusade fragment and the outposts new blood would be combined to form an independent chapter, based upon the original garrisons fortress, and draw its recruits from the burgeoning population of Baalite colonists, to continue to safeguard the Deep.

I'm leaning towards Crimson Oracles or Paladins of Blood myself, though Saints of Sanguinius has a nice alliteration to it. Edited by The Unseen
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Charnel Guard are alive and well in the 42nd millenium, as per ADB's short story in a recent White Dwarf. I don't recall them being at the Devastation - the only chapter I recall being totally wiped was the Knights of Blood.


That said, new Chapters are always great! I'm not sure on the Saints/Oracles name, seems too...religious/mystic for astartes chapters

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Its mentioned once in the larger narrative when they list several chapters being completely wiped, and then there's an additional throwaway line in one of the recent BA novels (Though I can't remember which one currently, as I read like 4 of them in a week) where they talk about a new Charnel Guard recruit.

The oracles I liked because of our bloodlines respect for Librarians and those with Sanguinius' foresight, though I agree on the saint bit.


I haven't seen the white dwarf, but if the Charnel Guard are mentioned as having survived, its a soft retcon. Which is fine, the chapter is the baby of one of the writers.

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I think the Oracles are better. I personally am not too big on the saints one, because Saints doesn’t really flow well with other adjectives. It’s a more personal descriptive, at least in English. I would offer (if you want a more angelic/heavenly theme) something like “Ecclesia Angelorum” and have the heroes be called saints.


“I am Saint Aviel of the third intercessor squad of the second company.”


I was praying a psalm earlier and this reminded me of that (especially with the saints) because the line, “Laus eius in ecclesia sanctorum” which translated to, “His praise in the assembly of the saints.”

Edited by Arkangilos
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If anyone is curious, I've booted this over to its proper resting place in the Liber, Here.


Did end up going with the Crimson Oracles, as it seems to be by far the most popular, and gives me a nice bit of differentiation from both parent BA and other successors.


PS. Extra Credit for anyone who finds the not-so veiled reference to one of the best concept albums ever made by my favorite band of all time.

(Hint: Power Trio from Canada)

Edited by The Unseen
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