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Who’s putting multi-meltas as on their Eradicators?


Do you think the extra shot but with -1 to hit is worth the 10 points?


I’m assuming Eradicators are moving every turn. I tend to deep strike mine in next to my Captain using the teleportarium strat, often after declaring a data sheet that needs killing with the Tomb of Ectoclades.

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After the FAQ the multi-melta is only 5 more points (you pay 5 for the assault version, 10 for the MM), for about 30% more output (2 shots at 4+ vs 1 at 3+).


It's swingier, but you'll also get more benefit from rerolls with the extra shots.


As long as you don't plan on advancing too often, I say it's definitely worth it.

Base Eradicator costs 45 points, 50 for heavy and 55 for MM. Let's check the stats when firing at a T8 3+ target since this encompasses most races' MBTs. Let's also assume they are within 12" but moved (since they would be lucky to have enemy just drive into melta range :biggrin.: ).


Base 3.67 wounds or 0.081 wounds per point

Heavy 3.75 wounds or 0.075 wounds per point

MM 5.5 wounds or 0.1 wounds per point


So what does this tell us? It shows that Multimeltas are definitely worth the points of the upgrade as they are 20-25% more killy than melta-rifles for their points.


On the move, heavy melta rifles are only marginally better than regular ones (they are actually worse point-for-point). Also the Heavy variants cannot Advance and fire. Granted you are not likely to want to do this often since you lose the double-tap.


The multi-melta however is a solid upgrade over the regular melta rifle and you should take it, even if you expect the squad to be moving. The 4 shots more than makes up for the extra cost.


The armies that can make the best use of Heavy melta rifles are the ones that have abilities to ignore negative penalties for shooting. Space Wolf "Keen Senses" are a good example but I am sure there are others.

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