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Blood Angel army lists


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It’s hard to find blood Angel specific army list now with the forum changing, can we have a thread for lists pinned in the main blood Angel page ? So blood angels player can find and critique other blood angels list without having to go though all the other marine chapters.
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It’s hard to find blood Angel specific army list now with the forum changing, can we have a thread for lists pinned in the main blood Angel page ? 


Take another look :wink:


The BA army list subforum is at the top of the page, below the BA name, above the rest of the topics



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It’s hard to find blood Angel specific army list now with the forum changing, can we have a thread for lists pinned in the main blood Angel page ? So blood angels player can find and critique other blood angels list without having to go though all the other marine chapters.


I understand your concern completely. Fwiw the kinks following the merger are still being ironed out so bear with us, it will be sorted soon :tu:

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The moderators have been working on a guide to crafting topic titles that will be posted as a sticky.


In the short term, the simple expedient of include something to indicate the codex/codex supplement being used will work wonders. Members can change their own topic titles. So a discussion about an army list built using Codex Supplement: Blood Angels simply needs to have "BA" or "Blood Angels" in the title to make it clear (some people like to enclose those things in brackets, some don't). Alternately, if your list revolves around a key unit that is clearly from Codex Supplement: Blood Angels (and needs to be clear to other players, not just Blood Angels players), that unit's name will work, too. For example, an army list built around the Death Company merely needs to have "Death Company" in the title. When using a Successor Chapter, you can include that Chapter's full name instead of BA/Blood Angels. For example, "Flesh Tearers" makes it clear that the army list is built from Codex Supplement: Blood Angels and is further refined to the Flesh Tearers rules. Again, you can alternately use "Gabriel Seth" if he's a focal point of the army.


Normal tag rules apply (e.g., no abbreviations), but should have "army list" appended to them to narrow the search down to army lists for the Chapter (rather than including all of the other topics). So you should have Blood Angels army list or Flesh Tearers army list as one of your tags.


Those are just the basic easy things that you can do. Once the mods finalize the guide, it will be posted and pinned.

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Note that I've started a discussion in the Codex: Space Marines Army Lists sub-forum here so that we can synthesize a set of guidelines that works for everybody. Please take the discussion there. I've presented initial guidelines for now. With community input, the mods will finalize a set of guidelines that works for everybody and those guidelines will remained pinned at the top of that forum.


I've closed this discussion so that we can have a single discussion. Please post your input in that discussion. That input can be your own ideas on what can be done to make it easier to identify subject Chapters/rules, but feel free to provide respectful criticism of other ideas (i.e., if you think that an idea won't work, we want to know why it won't work).

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