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What company should Heavy Intercessors go in?


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Is there any new fluff that says the Gravis suits are reserved to the Deathwing? If so, then they would necessarily only be part of the Deathwing.


Conversely, wasn't there fluff already written that at least one Gravis armored Marine is a member of the Deathwing (an Aggressor)? So it seems that if there is fluff that would support their inclusion in the Deathwing, then they could be there.

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The correct answer is Stormwing, Dreadwing, and maybe Deathwing.

Buuut if you're one of those "I let the Deathwing take over my legion" types like Azrael, then because they're a variant on tac squads, they are in the line and reserve companies and thus not cool enough to be trusted in the 1st like Wrath said. If we get a 1st company Gravis vet unit, they'll probably get the Deathwing keyword like the Bladeguard did. Aggressors didn't because they're not given to veterans the way terminator plate is and I guess veteran intercession are like company vets.

Edited by Uberlord Gendo
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Is there any new fluff that says the Gravis suits are reserved to the Deathwing? If so, then they would necessarily only be part of the Deathwing.


Conversely, wasn't there fluff already written that at least one Gravis armored Marine is a member of the Deathwing (an Aggressor)? So it seems that if there is fluff that would support their inclusion in the Deathwing, then they could be there.

There are no Gravis in the Deathwing at this time that I know of in fluff, and definitely not in rules.


The only Primaris units in the Deathwing are the Bladeguard Veterans, the Bladeguard Ancient, Bladeguard Lieutenants, Repulsors and Redemptor Dreadnoughts.


So all Gravis should go in the standard battle and reserve companies.


The specific fluff you might be thinking of is White Dwarf from September 2019, which made no direct mention of the armament of the Primaris brother that was inducted into the Deathwing. The only things spoken about was that they deployed using Repulsors as their transport. I would think that this vague statement about armament reasonably can be concluded to be talking about the Bladeguard.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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Heavy intercessors are just normal intercessors that donned gravis amor for that battle, nothing more so they can basically be affected to any kind of company, that being said It's not impossible that 6th and 7th company have within their ranks specialized heavy intercessors squad 

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They don't really have an equivalent in the Firstborn range.

They do if you equate them more to 30k, terminator armour in that era wasn’t exclusively veteran and more used for Zone Mortalis or heavy shock/line breaker engagements, Heavy intercessors are pretty much the 40K equivalent


For me where they currently belong in battle companies makes a lot of sense tactically, gives the other companies a heavy line breaker option without having to use the DW

Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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they should go in a Gravis company. say the 5th for me.

A master in gravis armour

heavy intercessor as troops / battle line

Inceptors for fast attacks

Eradicators for support

agressors for elites.


in the primaris range, you could have normal primaris company, a phobos one and a gravis one.

the only thing missing now is the gravis lieutenant. next codex update!

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they should go in a Gravis company. say the 5th for me.

A master in gravis armour

heavy intercessor as troops / battle line

Inceptors for fast attacks

Eradicators for support

agressors for elites.


in the primaris range, you could have normal primaris company, a phobos one and a gravis one.

the only thing missing now is the gravis lieutenant. next codex update!

5th Company is Lazarus' company, and he's got an official model not in Gravis. Did you mean 4th or 3rd? :laugh.:


Also: Aggressors are Fire Support as well (check the Battlefield Role icon on the shoulders, not the in-Codex role)

Edited by Gederas
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they should go in a Gravis company. say the 5th for me.

A master in gravis armour

heavy intercessor as troops / battle line

Inceptors for fast attacks

Eradicators for support

agressors for elites.


in the primaris range, you could have normal primaris company, a phobos one and a gravis one.

the only thing missing now is the gravis lieutenant. next codex update!

Allright I missed a memo I think, we've got a gravis company?

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they should go in a Gravis company. say the 5th for me.

A master in gravis armour

heavy intercessor as troops / battle line

Inceptors for fast attacks

Eradicators for support

agressors for elites.


in the primaris range, you could have normal primaris company, a phobos one and a gravis one.

the only thing missing now is the gravis lieutenant. next codex update!


5th Company is Lazarus' company, and he's got an official model not in Gravis. Did you mean 4th or 3rd? :lol:


Also: Aggressors are Fire Support as well (check the Battlefield Role icon on the shoulders, not the in-Codex role)

I forget about Lazarus. I have to say i don't really like anything about him. His mini, his background. So yes the 4th.

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they should go in a Gravis company. say the 5th for me.

A master in gravis armour

heavy intercessor as troops / battle line

Inceptors for fast attacks

Eradicators for support

agressors for elites.


in the primaris range, you could have normal primaris company, a phobos one and a gravis one.

the only thing missing now is the gravis lieutenant. next codex update!

5th Company is Lazarus' company, and he's got an official model not in Gravis. Did you mean 4th or 3rd? :laugh.:


Also: Aggressors are Fire Support as well (check the Battlefield Role icon on the shoulders, not the in-Codex role)

I forget about Lazarus. I have to say i don't really like anything about him. His mini, his background. So yes the 4th.

I don't mind him, but my only complaint is that GW killed off poor Company Master Balthazar in a footnote :lol:

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