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Good 3D printable DA bits?


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So in the near future I'm going to get an opportunity to try printing some stuff on a very high quality resin 3D printer, and I'm looking to find some good DA bits to print. Does anybody know any particularity good DA bits that are free or very cheap to download? Just about anything goes, weapons, heads, backpacks jump packs, decorative bits, just whatever you've got. 

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I recently found these:








Unfortunately it’s all Primaris stuff, no First Born, but it looks pretty cool regardless. I especially love the lion head. Let me know what the quality is like if you do order some, and on the off chance I do, I’ll do the same in kind.


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Some more interesting shapeways stuff-





Two things I'm looking for on 3D printing (or bits in general) if anyone happens to know how to find/make-


1) Swords in the style of the recent forgeworld DA character/cenobium/DW companion style- specifically like what the DA terminator praetor has. Doubly interested if could be made in a flamberge/wave blade style


2) A "kit" that could be used to convert black knight bikes into the 30k legion outrider style (https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Legion-MKIV-Outrider-Squadron).


EDIT- my bad, misread initial post, thought was looking for things to buy, not print yourself. Agree there's lots on cults3D, search for dark angels or gloomy angels.

Edited by Galloway
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