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Well, work got me doing nightshifts, so I have finished my second stint of 3 weeks of night shifts, which has left me totally de-motivated to paint.


To be fair it is the lowest confidence wise I have been with the hobby for a long time


To top it off, my rig picked up a few cases of covid. Fortunately it looks like it was caught quickly so it didnt spread far.


I have had negative results on the past 3 tests, but I have to isolate at home for 10 days.


Not going to see my family for a month :sad.:


So I have set Russ and my other projects to one side for now.


I snuck into the garage and pulled out my part finished airbrushed models and decided to start putting the decals on, before I go forward with painting and oils.


The ideas behind my collection (head canon) Is that these are mixed elements of primaris and 30K units which have been brought together by the Wolves. Considered outsiders they have banded together to form one great company cleaving to the ideals of Russ, which the 40K wolves seem to have drifted away from.


So I will run a mix of first born and primaris














I went with the white wolf symbols on the infiltrators and recon marines, these are the old school decals and I really like them.


The White Wolves are from book 7 Inferno where there is an image of a Space wolf with a white wolf called Fimbulvitr, which is the symbol for the scout elements of the Wolves, those touched by Lokyar


The yellow is because I ran low on white wolves, I will either overpaint them white, or keep them yellow and say it is in place of gold to avoid all the blingy shininess. Not sure, what do you think?


I love the FW transfers, but really liking the old school decals, the only thing with the FW decals, is that the red is so dark.


I do not have enough old school decals for everything, so do I et more or do I mix and match them, or just go with the FW transfers?


Let me know what you think


Thanks for looking.


Edited by Dantay VI

Very nice work so far. 


For more RT era space woives transfers check out ebay, I've seen a few on there for a couple of quid each from time to time and think there are some on there at the moment.


I like the wolf heads on the outriders, they look really nice.

The helmeted Wolves look more like professional soldiers- ironically, that makes them look less like the tribal Fenrisians. Are the models of Terran-born Space Wolves who were put in stasis after the Heresy, for Cawl's Primaris Marine project?
  • 4 weeks later...

Jackalwolf, Burias and Doghouse.

Thank you guys. I went with the red RT era wolf decals on the majority of the models, so all the primaris have used them.


I used the FW decals on the Grey Slayers


502Somm. Lol, they are painted.

I sprayed them all black, then gave them a blast of abyssal blue.

Next medea com-art opaque white was used to give a pre highlight.

Next was anthracite grey in thin layers over the top. I have to admit, I had quite a few issues with it, so some models look quite gloopy, I was having real consistency issue with the airbrush. Then some com-art whit mixed into the grey to push the highlights in a few spots

Came in from underneath with incubi darkness to get in the shadows a bit.


With the decals added, I can look at blocking in aother areas and doing the oil washes ( I use water mixable oils, as it means no need for thinners which is great for my work and also for having a toddler in the house)


And not to be content with that,I have been fussing over some more first borns.. My heresy Wolves.

They have been sitting gathering dust, as other models bumped ahead of them in the queue. Mainly because, I knew wat I wanted to do with them, but I did not know how to go about doing it.

Finally I made a start. I like the cataphractii bits, but I hate the chainfist, it just looks stupid and puny, so went with 40K chainfists, or big chain weapons which can proxy as chainfists. I also did a mix of cataphractii and 40K claws, both to me look wicked cool. I also tried to balance out the leader so he can be 40K legal, so the unit is not totally chainfist and claw.

Still got lots to do, such as the fur pelts etc, but that will be next (maybe in a month or 2 depending on work)





















Lastly is the Praetor.

I really do not know what is going on with this, it has sat for ages and I am mystified as to what to make of him.

I ground out the cloak, so that it wasnta stupid thick chunk of resin.

I ground out the solid resin block from between his legs and in the process damaged the left leg. This will get fixed by making a cast of the armour biat and extending it, plus positioning a pelt to hide the damage.

I ground off the pelt over his shoulders, so this will get re-done.

Removed and replaced the head

I also rotated the arms, now I can't tell if he is trying to keep his balance to avoid falling over or has juscarried out a big lateral swing with his paragon blade to disembowel/ decapitate someone/thing.

But the biggest thing for me is the left hand and the axe... It just looks wrong, especially how he has it gripped so high up. I did originallyhave a knife in his hand blade pointing backwards, but used the knife for a moritat/ vigilator model.







I really need help, to work out what to do with him to make the model make sense (appear more in a natural/ fluid pose) or if I should just cut my losses and consign him to the bits bin. Please, any advice would be really appreciated.


Thanks for looking

Not sure how doable but if you turn the praetor head to his left, it could look like he's blocking with the axe, and turn sword arm so it's vertical and looks like he's following through with it

The sword arm is easy as it should be in the vertical, but I cut it and repositioned in the horizontal.


The head might be a different matter, will have to see.

  • 3 weeks later...

Those termies are growing on me over time


Thanks Triszin, there is quite a decent sculpt in there. The fact that the arms are 1 piece and so is the legs/ torso let it down a little bit.



Not sure how doable but if you turn the praetor head to his left, it could look like he's blocking with the axe, and turn sword arm so it's vertical and looks like he's following through with it


I could no get the head out, unless I want to totally destroy it, so left it as it is. 

I decided that I was not keen on the axe. How he is holding it and the odd angle of the handle were putting me off,

Originally he had a nice rune encrusted knife, but I took it and out it on another model.

So I took a reiver knife and used it instead. I also changed hte arm position and stole an elbow guard from a spare mark 3 marine arm that I had to fill the void


I didn't go full vertical on the sword, but went about 45 degrees which is good. Just trying to work out if I need to bring it down more to bring it more in line with the knife,.or adjust the knife to bring it more in line with the sword

Still got furs and pelts to do though


What do you think?




  • 4 weeks later...

Bio-stripped Russ & Hvarl.

Been a long time follower of Lil Legend on Patreon.


He is doing a masterclass on Russ & Magnus, so decided to restart my models and follow his class.

Once this is done the Lion will be next


This is just the start using the airbrush. Way brighter than I am used to but gonna trust in the process.


His patreon is well worth signing up for.


Also made up way too much paint so hit some leviathans and deimos predators




















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