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ATVs and Attack Bikes


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The more I look at the ATV model the more I tend to like it, over the old attack bikes. 

Here are my concerns. 

Friendly games : Who cares, you are both there to have fun and so it's not big deal

Competitive / Tourney Games: Is this going to be allowed? I figure I know the answer but thought I would ask.


Problem #2: The ATV is a larger model over the old attack bike. I've been considering putting it on a base. What size base? 100mm? I don't think the old attack bike model comes with a base? But I remember having them in my old Ravenwing army and I was pretty sure it was 100mm.

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Apologies if I'm missing something, but what is the "this" that you refer to when asking "Is this going to be allowed?" If you're thinking of the madness where an Apothecary could insta-revive an 8-wound ATV, then this has been FAQ'd:


*Page 103 – Combat Revival Change the second sentence of this Stratagem to read: ‘Select one Apothecary unit from your army and then select one friendly Infantry or Biker unit (excluding an Invader ATV Squad) that is not at its Starting Strength and is within 3" of that Apothecary.’


Regarding bases, my first question is why would you want to make the footprint of the unit larger? Given the smaller boards in 9th Ed, a few mm here and there on bases would make quite a bit of difference. Also, I'm not sure how tournament legal it would be to put them on bases. The same is true for Attack Bikes - I believe they come without a base too.

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Is this allowed I mean within the rules for touney play.


I don't think models of their size look right without a base. With tanks being an exception, I think everything should be on a base.

And even some of the hover tanks now have bases.

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I don't think there's a definitive answer to that, other than it depends from tournament to tournament.


ITC published a list of acceptable base sizes for each model for 8th Ed, but I haven't found an updated one for 9th that includes the ATV. One option would be to magnetise the base, so that it's easy to remove if not permitted by the tournament.

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Just so that it's a little more clear I want to use the ATV to count as an Attack bike. It's larger so that is probably a bad thing.

Magnetize the base is a great idea and I might do that. The more I look at the ATV the more I think it probably doesn't need a base but I really dislike the old attack bikes without a base. 

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In tournaments you probably can't use an ATV to pass as an attack bike because of WYSIWYG. If the attack bike didn't have a model things would be different but both of them have models so whithout some sort of conversion work I don't think tournaments will allow ATV to proxy as attack bikes.
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WHSIWYG is one of those awkward rules that isn't an official 40K rule. Obviously you can't turn up with a bunch of paper scraps with unit names written on them. On the other hand, most tournaments allow (and even encourage) reasonable conversions so long as it is clear to your opponent what you are fielding.


Personally I would have no problem with an opponent running an ATV and telling me it counts as an Attack Bike as long as all the ATVs in the army count as Attack bikes. It would start to confuse me if I got told these ATVs here count as Attack Bikes but this other bunch over here really are ATVs.


Buy both sets of models and check if your opponent is OK before you deploy?


If you don't have the budget to double up then think about your most common games. Do you have a bunch of friends you regularly play with who would normally be cool with such things? If that is the case, run the ATVs but just remember if you go to a tourney, construct a different list in case you actually need to run them as ATVs.


On the other hand, if you regularly run tournament and pick-up games, it might be better sticking to WYSIWYG. It is one of those awkward things in that there is no hard, fast answer. It will often depend on your opponent(s) and the tourney organisers.

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