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Preferred Stormraven loadout?

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I'm thinking of MM nose guns, assault cannon turret, and hurricane bolters, and the missiles, but I'm just curious what you guys prefer.


This is my first flier, and my army as is currently is a little light on AT, but my primary opponents are going to be dark Eldar and necrons.

The Eldar have yet to bring any heavy armor, necrons are new from indomitus but i expect a monolith to show up eventually.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Eldar don't have heavy armour per se, and Necron armour doesn't care much about strength in most cases because of quantum shielding. I might suggest a missile launcher nose, but honestly that's probably not needed. I would say the plasma cannon beats out the assault cannon for most cases. The extra damage, strength and ap all make it very tasty, especially with the blast keyword. Hurricane bolters are pretty much an auto take.


Any ideas on what you're cramming into the birdy? My choice is usually some assault centurions nowadays. Thank you Geedubs for letting us play with the other marines. It's expensive, but some real fun to drop three cents and a dread on your enemies doorstep.

Edited by BloodyB
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Eldar don't have heavy armour per se, and Necron armour doesn't care much about strength in most cases because of quantum shielding. I might suggest a missile launcher nose, but honestly that's probably not needed. I would say the plasma cannon beats out the assault cannon for most cases. The extra damage, strength and ap all make it very tasty, especially with the blast keyword. Hurricane bolters are pretty much an auto take.


Any ideas on what you're cramming into the birdy? My choice is usually some assault centurions nowadays. Thank you Geedubs for letting us play with the other marines. It's expensive, but some real fun to drop three cents and a dread on your enemies doorstep.

Honestly no clue.

GF revealed she was planning to get me a Star Wars Lego set for my upcoming b-day. I told her the u-wing would be the set of my choice, but if I'm going to put together a big ship that's going to take up space I'd rather have the Stormraven.


So...ya, not really sure what I might put in it at this point. Honestly I'd have to review the data sheet to see what can even ride it.


I love the assault cannons, I'm taking them mostly due to rule of cool.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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I would go Assault Cannon turret personally. Plasma really needs to overcharge to be worthwhile which carries the risk of overheats. On infantry or Dreads, you can have a captain nearby for rerolls but that does not apply to vehicles. Put assault cannons on your vehicles and put your plasma elsewhere such as Inceptors or Hellblasters.


Multimeltas on the nose are very good and the fast moving aircraft will get you in close range quickly. The hurricane bolters also do their best work up close.


Just be warned that it will probably go down in flames most games as it is too dangerous for your opponent to let it live but it will do a lot of damage before it does and it will draw a lot of fire away from the rest of your army.

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I would go Assault Cannon turret personally. Plasma really needs to overcharge to be worthwhile which carries the risk of overheats. On infantry or Dreads, you can have a captain nearby for rerolls but that does not apply to vehicles.

The stormraven has the same plasma as a dread, damage 2 base. As heavy 2d3, blast let's it perform fine against most infantry, and way better against non MSU MEQ or any vehicle. The overcharge problem is offset somewhat by the 1 mortal wound, rather than death. Not great, but far from unbearable. The assault cannon is great anti infantry, 12 shots is hard on anything, but the superior ap, strength and damage of the heavy plasma cannon puts it ahead for me.


Even better against death guard, as overcharge is D3, something badly needed in most armies.

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When primed, all of the weapons fit snugly into the sockets so if you dont glue them you should be able to plug and play at will.


In terms of coolness, I'd go multimeltas (badass, and really great this edition) and plasma. Beyond Inceptors, BA lack a way to bring high ap ranged D2 to the table. The typhoon is massively overpriced as GW overestimated the effect the blast rule would have on the game - you get as many shots with a hurricane bolter at close range as a typhoon does shooting frags at a 11 model unit. 

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I would probably do assault cannons, bolters, and multi-meltas in a TAC build. The assault cannons will do a ton of work against horde armies and will hurt MEQs and DG as well with S6 and volume of fire. The plasma cannons are good, but I think you get more bang for your buck out of the assault cannons against most lists.
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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.


I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.


I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

unfortunately I rarely find the risk of an overheat to be worth the reward overcharging gives.
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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.

I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

unfortunately I rarely find the risk of an overheat to be worth the reward overcharging gives.

On a stormraven it's just 1 mortal wound. Unpleasant, but not that bad. If it causes too many problems take a techmarine aboard. The assault cannon looks coolest, but it does nothing a Land Raider Crusader can't.

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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.

I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

unfortunately I rarely find the risk of an overheat to be worth the reward overcharging gives.
On a stormraven it's just 1 mortal wound. Unpleasant, but not that bad. If it causes too many problems take a techmarine aboard. The assault cannon looks coolest, but it does nothing a Land Raider Crusader can't.
crusaders can transport dreads now?


But like I said earlier this will largely end up just sitting on a shelf for the most part as a display piece. Was just interested in what everyone else was doing with theirs.

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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.

I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

unfortunately I rarely find the risk of an overheat to be worth the reward overcharging gives.
On a stormraven it's just 1 mortal wound. Unpleasant, but not that bad. If it causes too many problems take a techmarine aboard. The assault cannon looks coolest, but it does nothing a Land Raider Crusader can't.
crusaders can transport dreads now?

But like I said earlier this will largely end up just sitting on a shelf for the most part as a display piece. Was just interested in what everyone else was doing with theirs.

Missed where you specified the display part. Sorry.


But if you're taking a dread, take a drop pod. And a master of the forge. So happy BA can take those now. Anyway, if display is your primary purpose, take what you think looks coolest. In that case I would still take plasma, but only because I love the glowey effect. The assault cannon was the option I put on my first raven way back in 5th. Are you considering magnetising? I just noticed this was the only thread regarding loadings that doesn't mention magnets. That needed fixing.

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Actually BloodyB has made a decent case for Plasma. When overcharging, it is slightly superior to a twin lascannon vs tanks and poses a serious threat to Elite infantry. Against hordes it gets 6 shots (thanks to Blast) and will wound them on a 2+ which is not too shabby.

I guess it depends what else you have in your list.

unfortunately I rarely find the risk of an overheat to be worth the reward overcharging gives.
On a stormraven it's just 1 mortal wound. Unpleasant, but not that bad. If it causes too many problems take a techmarine aboard. The assault cannon looks coolest, but it does nothing a Land Raider Crusader can't.
crusaders can transport dreads now?

But like I said earlier this will largely end up just sitting on a shelf for the most part as a display piece. Was just interested in what everyone else was doing with theirs.

Missed where you specified the display part. Sorry.


But if you're taking a dread, take a drop pod. And a master of the forge. So happy BA can take those now. Anyway, if display is your primary purpose, take what you think looks coolest. In that case I would still take plasma, but only because I love the glowey effect. The assault cannon was the option I put on my first raven way back in 5th. Are you considering magnetising? I just noticed this was the only thread regarding loadings that doesn't mention magnets. That needed fixing.

Never magnetized before, so probably not.


And guess I wasn't clear about the likelihood of use in games for the model looking back.


Ya it's either this or a Lego u-wing. Either way it'll likely sit around the house taking up space, at least with an SR I can add it to games occasionally.

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Just  a note: Techmarine onboard will not help with the SR's survivability - he needs to disembark before Stormraven moves and won't be able to keep up with it  (unless SR moves into hover mode, which basically means it's dead in the opponent's turn) to perform repairs (at the end of the movement phase).


Dear, drat and double drat. It would appear my master plan is foiled. My own fault for not reading the rules properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I think Storm Raven I think of Mil Mi-24 Hind.  That means it needs a good balance of engaging heavily armored targets from range (TL Typhoon), light armored targets from short range (TL Assault Cannon) dropping off troops safely (Hurricane Bolter sponsons).


Does it make sense in game terms?  Is it cost effective?  I don't have a clue, but it is thematially appropriate and looks cool.

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When I think Storm Raven I think of Mil Mi-24 Hind. That means it needs a good balance of engaging heavily armored targets from range (TL Typhoon), light armored targets from short range (TL Assault Cannon) dropping off troops safely (Hurricane Bolter sponsons).


Does it make sense in game terms? Is it cost effective? I don't have a clue, but it is thematially appropriate and looks cool.

That's a really good analogue I never thought about. Hard to find good comparisons like that for 40k vehicles lol
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When I think Storm Raven I think of Mil Mi-24 Hind. That means it needs a good balance of engaging heavily armored targets from range (TL Typhoon), light armored targets from short range (TL Assault Cannon) dropping off troops safely (Hurricane Bolter sponsons).


Does it make sense in game terms? Is it cost effective? I don't have a clue, but it is thematially appropriate and looks cool.

That's a really good analogue I never thought about. Hard to find good comparisons like that for 40k vehicles lol


The Hind (Mi-24) is a very special kind of chopper that does not have anything similar in the whole western arsenal, it is a fruit of Soviet era thinking (which is quite a bit similar to 40K Imperium to be honest).  I really love that chopper..

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When I think Storm Raven I think of Mil Mi-24 Hind. That means it needs a good balance of engaging heavily armored targets from range (TL Typhoon), light armored targets from short range (TL Assault Cannon) dropping off troops safely (Hurricane Bolter sponsons).


Does it make sense in game terms? Is it cost effective? I don't have a clue, but it is thematially appropriate and looks cool.

That's a really good analogue I never thought about. Hard to find good comparisons like that for 40k vehicles lol

The Hind (Mi-24) is a very special kind of chopper that does not have anything similar in the whole western arsenal, it is a fruit of Soviet era thinking (which is quite a bit similar to 40K Imperium to be honest). I really love that chopper..
im hoping the turret weapons can be swappable without being magnetized. But otherwise ya, I'm settling for nose missiles, hurricane bolter, and ass cannons.


A good blend of anti-tank and anti-hoard that way.

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im hoping the turret weapons can be swappable without being magnetized. But otherwise ya, I'm settling for nose missiles, hurricane bolter, and ass cannons.


A good blend of anti-tank and anti-hoard that way.

Good for you, let us know how it works for you too.


To be fair I don't even know that the TL Multi Melta is a better anti armor weapon for the Storm Raven than the TL Typhoon ML. Why? Well, because it gets you in range of a lot of nasty things and the Storm raven is not, despite memes, a flying Land Raider..

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im hoping the turret weapons can be swappable without being magnetized. But otherwise ya, I'm settling for nose missiles, hurricane bolter, and ass cannons.


A good blend of anti-tank and anti-hoard that way.

Good for you, let us know how it works for you too.


To be fair I don't even know that the TL Multi Melta is a better anti armor weapon for the Storm Raven than the TL Typhoon ML. Why? Well, because it gets you in range of a lot of nasty things and the Storm raven is not, despite memes, a flying Land Raider..

might play a game against my IG with it just to see how it does.


Looking forward to airborne dreadnoughts

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