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Land speeder vengeance vs attack bikes


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As title suggests, I'm weighing the two. 2 attack bikes with multi meltas have the same average number of shots (4), both carrying heavy weapons on fast platforms. As I see it:


Pros: longer range, higher potential damage output (6 shots * 3 damage each), heavy bolter/assault cannon, fly

Cons: 10 pts more expensive than

2 mm attack bikes:

Pros: obsec if attached to regular bike squad,higher average damage (3.5 per wound vs 2 or 3)

Cons: lower strength (when supercharged)


Did I miss anything? What would you run?

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This is similar to the old comparisson between attack bikes and regular landspeeders. 


Attack bikes have their wounds spread out, so they are less vulnerable to high damage attacks. Although, of course, having 4W each, high damage attacks IS what you are going to see coming your way, same as with the Landspeeder. The landspeeder has a higher toughness, to balance this out. So, although he is easier to one-shot-kill than the bikes, he has more resilience in that sense.


Mobility-wise, since neither unit looses ballistic skill when moving, they are both very mobile platforms. But the LSV can fly. So, that's a plus. It IS harder to hide, though. That's a con.


In terms of damage output, they can be quite balanced, yes. But once you go into taking 3 bikes on the squad (which, I know, breaks the cost balance between both units as presented), the attack bikes do hit harder. 


In terms of maintenance, you can heal the bikes with an Apothecary, true. But you can also repair the LSV with a Techmarine. The edge the apothecary has, is in that he can bring BACK a bike, which is not something you can do with the LSV.


Now, where the attack bikes truly get the advantage is in the fact that they are core. Getting rerrolls is way too powerful of an edge. The landspeeder gets the advantage in the fact that it can use WotDA to fire at a flat D4 per shot, which is a better damage average at a longer range than the bikes.

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