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WOTDA + D4 plasma


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Does anyone know per chance of a vehicle that when overcharged does straight 4 points of damage? Because with WOTDA that would become 5, as it's tied into the Dark Angel keyword, rather than core. Could be a pretty interesting idea, although I wager the unit itself would take up at least 25% of a 2k list.

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The Warhound Plasma Blastgun is D4 regular and d5 on overcharge, while the Warlord Sunfury Plasma Anialator is D5 regular and D8 overcharged.


However, as far as I am aware there are no Space Marine plasma weapons that are D4 or above. They are normally D1 or D2 with overcharge being D2 or D3. Why are you looking or such high damage plasma? At that point just use Melta or Lazcannon based weapons.

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At first it's more of a consistency thing. Think about it - meltas and lascannons have a D6 profile which you could probably re-roll with the right faction. Keyword being the correct faction.


Then there is a fluff angle - the 30k Dreadwing angle to be more precise. I'm in the process of designing 6 lists (ideally competitive ones), that focus on the 30k DA iterations. So plasma to me screams Dreadwing. Then I remembered a stat sheet that had D4 plasma and I thought to myself, it could be a fun idea to try out. So this thread was my attempt at getting someone with more experience that I am to recall the unit so I can bring the plan to fruition. 

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