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Dark Talon trick with stasis bomb


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Anyone ever use hover mode and stasis bomb combo to charge in melee to protect the Dark Talon?


If you are in range of a small unit you can move the Dark talon 20'' (23'' first turn) and drop the stasis bomb before charging with the Dark Talon. The ennemy unit will not be able to fall back and your Dark talon will be protect from shooting the next ennemy turn. If no one charge the Dark talon, you can fight before the ennemy unit and use swift strike to fall back before the ennemy can strike back.


If you are able to do it first turn, it's an extra 20-23'' in the ennemy turn and can be a good way to move the DT from on side of the board to the other.


You need to move over the ennemy unit in the movement phase for this trick to work so it's hard to do in first turn without spending CP for The hunt but if you can lock a strong shooting unit in combat, it may be worth the CP to do it in first turn. Unit like Attack bike, Inceptor and Eradicator are example of unit that are no threat in melee for the DT but them losing 1 turn of shooting let you focus on other threat and buy you time to take care of them later in the game.

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This would be good but.... Iirc, you can't charge with Aircraft. Which the Dark Talon is.

Looking at the Rule book we are both wrong...


Aircraft can charge if they are in Hover mode because they lose Airborne (the rule saying they can't charge) but...


p.213 say: If, when a unit is selected to move in the Movement phase, the only enemy models that are within Engagement Range of it are AIRCRAFT, then it can still make a Normal Move or Advance (i.e. it does not have to fall Back or Remain Stationary).


This mean the trick can still work IF you are able to charge with another non aircraft unit. You will be able to have the DT within engagement range, the DT can't be target in the shooting phase and if you have an ennemyunit within engagement range, the ennemy unit will not be able to fall back because of the stasis bomb and can't do a normal move/advance because it's within engagement range of nnon aircraft unit.

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It's a pretty niche ability to be honest.  Helpful to get something that isn't going to kill or be killed by the target unit locked in combat.  Say for an example a 3 man bike squad that have obsec who are, after the charge, within 3" of an objective against a non-obsec opponent and are now "pretty safe".  I think on balance I'll be using it for the extra MW, kinda like a free Smite, on top of the Rift Cannon against something juicy that sports an inv. save.

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